Aitkhozhayeva Yevgeniya Zhamalkhanovna
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"
Email: y.aitkhozhayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Associate professor, department of Cybersecurity, Data Processing and Information Storage Satbayev University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Informatization (IAIN). Scientific supervisor of initiative scientific projects and executor of grant scientific projects. One of the leading scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of computing and information security, a teacher with over 40 years of experience.
She began her professional career in 1969 as an engineer in the Laboratory of Computing Engineering at the Kazakh Research Institute of Energy. In the years 1971-1974 while studying in graduate school, she worked as a Researcher at the Department of Computer Engineering St. Petersburg State Electro Technical Institute (Technical University "LETI"). She began her teaching activity in 1975 as an assistant, then as a senior teacher, associate professor at Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. Since 1994, associate professor, professor of Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satbayev (Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I.Satbayev). The academic title of Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission was awarded in 1981, in 1998 the academic title of “Professor of KazNTU” was awarded. Since 2016, he has been working as an associate professor at KazNRTU after K.I. Satbayev, since 2019 - Satbayev University.
Additional Information.
1. Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific proceedings, including 14 tutorials, 4 textbooks. Participates in research projects, holds patents of the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan, copyright certificates of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publications in journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
2. Aitkhozhayeva Ye. Zh. is a member of the working group on the development of educational trajectories of Satbayev University in the field of cybersecurity.
3. Noted for repeated awards, awards and commendations, including the leadership of student research, certificates of honor of the Agency of Informatization and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Satbayev University.
She was awarded the honorary badge of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR “For excellent success in work”, the honorary badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the honorary badge of Satbayev “ҚазҰТУ ардагері”, the medal “Айрықша еңбегі үшін“, anniversary medal “120 years since the birth of K.I. Satbayev“, the medal "For contribution to the development of science and education Satbayev University".
1) 1964 - 1969 гг. - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, specialty - Electronic Computing Machines. Qualification - Electrical Engineer.
2)1971-1974 гг.- St. Petersburg State Electro Technical Institute (Technical University "LETI"), full-time postgraduate study, specialty - Computer Engineering.
3) In 1974 she defended her thesis on " Development and research of design methods for control automata based on sets of algorithms ". Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scientific projects
Information security, database design and protection, cryptographic systems hardware
Aitkhozhayeva Ye. Zh. participated in the following research projects:
1.« Research, harmonization, modification and registration of a group of standards for biometric support for information security» (2015 год);
2. «Research and development of credential access control technology for relational database servers» (2015-2018 годы);
3. «Analysis and development of the structures of the main operating blocks of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms» (2015-2018 годы);
4. «Development of high-speed hardware structures of cryptoprocessors» (2019 год);
5. «Virtualization Security» (2019 год).
1.Tynymbayev S., Aitkhozhayeva Y.Zh., Tananova D., Adilbekkyzy S. (2020). Modular reduction with step-by-step using of several bits of the reducible number. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Vol. 25, No. 2, February 2022, pp. 1087-1093
2. Тынымбаев С.Т., Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Мамырбаев О.Ж., Козбакова А.Х. Делительное устройство с формированием двух разрядов частного за шаг. Патент РК №35478 от 28.01.2022, опубликовано бюллетень №4 от 28.01.2022, МПК G06F7/72 G06F7/52.
3.Айтхожаева Е. Ж., Тынымбаев С.Т. Мукашева А.К., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Әділбекқызы С. (2021). Быстродействующее устройство приведения чисел по модулю с использованием кратных модуля. Вестник КазНИТУ, №3 (143). - Алматы: Satbayev University, 2021. – с. 175–184.
4.Тынымбаев С.Т., Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Мамырбаев О.Ж., Козбакова А.Х. Устройство деления чисел с формированием трех разрядов частного за шаг. Патент РК№35442 от 31.12.2021, опубликовано бюллетень №52 от 31.12.2021, МПК G06F7/72 G06F7/52.
5. Aitkhozhayeva Y.Zh., Tynymbayev S., Adilbekkyzy S., Skabylov A., Ibraimov M. (2020) Design and research of the behavioral model for the modular reduction device. Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2020, Vol.17, No.1 (33). – Karaganda: E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publish House, 2020. - pp.151-156.
6. Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Тынымбаев С.Т., Бердибаев Р.Ш., Әділбеккызы С. (2020). Устройство для приведения чисел по модулю. Патент РК №34684 от 13.11.2020, опубликовано бюллетень №45 от 13.11.2020, МПК G06F7/72 G06F7/52.
7. Tynymbayev S., Berdibayev R.Sh., T. Omar T., Aitkhozhayeva Ye. Zh, A. Shaikulova A., Adilbekkyzy S. (2019). High-speed devices for modular reduction with minimal hardware costs. Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1697555.
8. Tynymbayev S., Gnatyuk S.A., Aitkhozhayeva Ye. Zh., Berdibayev R.Sh., Namazbayev T.A., Okhrimenko T. (2019). Development of Modular Reduction Based on the Divider by Blocking Negative Remainders for Critical Cryptographic Application. 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON). Part Number CFP19K03-ART. - Lviv, Ukraine, Luly 2-6, 2019. - p.809-812.
9. Тынымбаев С.Т., Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Мамырбаев О.Ж., Әділбеккызы С. (2019). Устройство для приведения чисел по модулю. Патент РК №33812 от 11.02.2019, опубликовано бюллетень №31 от 02.08.2019, МПК G06F/72 (2006.01) G06F/52 (2006/01).
10. Aitkhozhayeva Y. Zh., Tynymbayev S., Seilova N. A., Tereikovska L.A., Imanbayev A. Zh. (2019). Method and device for modulus reduction. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №2 (378). - Алматы: Наука, 2019. - с.220-225.
11. Aitkhozhayeva Y.Zh., Ziro A. A., Zhaibergenova Zh. A., Baltabay A. G. (2018). Penetration testing. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №6 (376). - Алматы: Наука, 2018. - с.39-44.
12. Korchenko A., Tereykovcky I., Aytkhozhaevа E., Seilova N., Kosyuk Y., Wójcik W., Komada P., Sikora J. (2018). Efficiency evaluating method for the devices with infrasound impact on the computer equipment functioning. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications. - Germany: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018. - Vol 64, No 2 (2018).- P.189-196.
13. Tereykovska L., Tereykovskiy I., Aytkhozhaeva E., Tynymbayev S., Imanbayev A. (2017). Encoding of neural network model exit signal, that is devoted for distinction of graphical images in biometric authenticate systems. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, №6 (426), 2017. – Алматы: Наука, 2017. - с.217-224.
14. Aytkhozhaeva E.Zh., Seilova N.A. (2017). Information security of the electronic society and the internet of things. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, №6 (426), 2017. – Алматы: Наука, 2017. - с.264-271.
15. Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Тынымбаев С.Т. (2016). Формирователь остатка по произвольному модулю от числа. Патент РК №30983 от 19.02.2016, опубликовано бюллетень №3 от 15.03.2016, МПК G06F.
16. Айтхожаева Е.Ж. (2016). Основы систем баз данных /Учебник. - Алматы: КазНИТУ им.К.И.Сатпаева, 2016. – 279 с.
17. Айтхожаева Е.Ж., Тынымбаев С.Т. (2014). Аспекты аппаратного приведения по модулю в асимметричной криптографии. Журнал Вестник НАН РК, №5 (2014). - Алматы: Наука, 2014. - с.88-93.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Research and development of a methodology for ensuring information security of the financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A method for predicting cyberattacks on critical information-communication infrastructure based on big data processing.