Aizhulov Daniar Ersenovich
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Software Engineering
Email: d.aizhulov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2020 - lecturer,Department of Software engineering, Satbayev University
2015-2017 - research associate, Research Institute of mathematics and mechanics
2010-2019 - instructor, Kazinformtelecom Telecommunications Academy
2012-2019 - technical director, LLP "Prime Technologies"
2011-2012 - research associate, KBTU
2009-2011 - SOFTWARE developer, LLP "Skytek Systems "
2008-2009 - web developer, LLP "Eclom Pro"
2007-2008 - instructor, Kazakh-Indian Information technology center (KazNU)
2015-2018 - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Almaty - doctorate,PhD
2008-2009 - University of Glasgow, Glasgow,UK - master's degree in software engineering
2004-2008 - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Almaty - bachelor's degree in Computer science
Scientific projects
geostatistics, mineral extraction, reactive transport, CFDPublications
1. Aizhulov, D. Quantitative model of the formation mechanism of the rollfront uranium deposits / D. Aizhulov, N. Shayakhmetov, A. Kaltayev // Eurasian chemico-technological journal. – 2018. – № 3. – C. 213-221. (Scopus, SJR 0.157)
2. Kurmanseiit, M. Three Dimensional Modeling of Enhanced Oil Recovery with Surfactants and Displacement by Polymers Based on Streamline Simulations / M. Kurmanseiit, N. Shayakhmetov, A. Kuljabekov, D. Aizhulov, T. Imankulov // ECMOR XV - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. – Barcelona, 2018 SCOPUS.
3. Шаяхметов, Н. М. Исследование оптимальности режимов гексогональной схемы вскрытия при добыче минерала методом подземного скважинного выщелачивания / Н. М. Шаяхметов, М. Б. Құрмансейіт, Д. Е. Айжулов // Комплексное использование минерального сырья. – Алматы: Изд-во ИМИО, 2019. – №2. – С. 76-82.
4. Айжулов, Д. Е.Цифровая методика оконтуривания рудного тела пластово инфильтрационных месторождений на основе линий тока / Д.Е. Айжулов, А. Калтаев // В трудах международной конференции: рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях Индустрии 4.0. – Алматы, 2019. – С. 465 - 467
5. Shayakhmetov, N. Modeling of the mineral leaching process by in-situ leaching method / N. Shayakhmetov, M. Kurmanseiit, D. Aizhulov // Bulletin of Kazakh National Pedagogical Univeristy. – 2018. – № 3. – C. 309-315.
6. Aizhulov, D.E. Stochastic modelling of uranium roll-front deposits based on streamline simulation / D.E. Aizhulov, A. Kaltayev // International symposium on uranium raw material for the nuclear fuel cycle: exploration, mining, production, supply and demand, economics and environmental issues (URAM-2018). – Vienna: IAEA (МАГАТЭ), 2018. – С. 17-20.
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