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Akhmadiyeva Nazym Kanatovna

Akhmadiyeva Nazym Kanatovna



Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation

Email: n.akhmadiyeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Nazym Akhmadiyeva has been working at the Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment JSC since 2013, from 07.2013 to 11.2014 in the laboratory of titanium and Rare refractory metals, from 12.2014 to the present in the laboratory of alumina and aluminum.

From November to December 2015 and from September to October 2016, she twice completed a foreign scientific internship on the extraction of rare earth elements from Turkish red sludge at Suleiman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.

From November 2012 to March 2013, she completed a foreign scientific internship on molybdenum extraction research at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

In 2016, from November 14-24, 67 training courses were held by Professor Ata Utku Akcil (S.Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey) on the topic: "General metallurgy, waste treatment. The most important raw materials are of economic importance for the EU" in English at KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev.

At the International Conference, she made an oral presentation at the "Wasteless processing of red mud by hydrogarnet technology" "Bauxite residue valorization and best practices conference" Leuven, Belgium (October 5-7, 2015).

In March 2013 , she attended guest lectures by Professors F.Hartman (Calgary, Canada) and V. Ireland (Adelaide, Australia) on the topic "Project management based on international project management standards"


In 2011 graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University (KazNTU) named after K.I.Satpayev with a degree in Metallurgy (bachelor's degree).

In 2013 graduated from the Kazakh National Research Technical University (KazNRTU) named after K.I.Satpayev with a degree in Metallurgy (Master's degree).

In 2017 graduated from doctoral studies at the NJSC "KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev" specialty 6D070900 -"Metallurgy". At the moment she is a Ddoctor (PhD) of Philosophy in specialty 6D070900 - "Metallurgy".

Scientific projects

Development of innovative technology for selective isolation of secondary non-ferrous metals - copper, nickel and zinc during the regeneration of copper electrofining solutions.


1. S.V.Gladyshev, S.A.Omarova, B.K.Kenzhaliev, R.A.Abdulvaliev, S.B. Dyusenova, A.I.Manapova, L.M.Imangalieva, N.K.Akhmadieva. A method for processing poor chromite-containing ores, patent No. 33465, Issue No. 8. Publ. 22.02.2019. A. Akcil, N.K. Akhmadiyeva, R.A. Abdulvaliyev, Abhilash & Pratima Meshram. Overview On Extraction and Separation of Rare Earth Elements from Red Mud: Focus on Scandium // Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2018. V. 39(3). – pp. 145-151. (IF – 1,219, 69th percentile) DOI:10.1080/08827508.2017.1288116.

2. Gladyshev S.V., Akcil A., Abdulvaliyev R.A., Tastanov E.A., Beisembekova K.O., Akhmadiyeva N.K., Deveci H.  . Gallium and vanadium extraction from red mud of Turkish alumina refinery plant: Hydrogarnet process//Hydrometallurgy. – 2015. - V 157. - Pp. 72-71. 93 Percentile.

3. Abdulvaliev R.A., Gladyshev S.V., Akhmadieva N.K., Imangalieva L.M. Extraction of REE from red sludge by the method of reducing melting // Ore enrichment, - 2019. - No. 3. – pp. 49-54. (46th percentile).

4. Akhmadiyeva N.K., Abdulvaliyev R.A., Akchil A., Gladyshev S.V. Red mud of alumina production as a potential source for the production of rare earth elements // KIMS. Almaty. No. 2016. No. 4 –P.98-104. DOI 10.31643/2018/166445 RK Patent No. 29849. Method of processing aluminum-carbonate gallium-containing sediment /

5. Tastanov E.A., Abdulvaliev R.A., Sadyralieva U.Zh., Gladyshev S.V., Beisembekova K.O., Imangalieva L.M., publ. 15.05. 2015, Bul. No. 5. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 33499. Method of processing red sludge /

6. Kenzhaliev B.K., Akhmadieva N.K., Abdulvaliev R.A., Gladyshev S.V., Omarova S.A., Manapova A.I., Zinovieva L.V., publ. 07.03.2019 Bulletin No. 10. Abdulvaliev R.A., Akhmadieva N.K., Gladyshev S.V., Imangalieva L.M., Manapova A.I. Restorative melting of modified red sludge // Complex use of mineral raw materials. - 2018. - № 3. - Pp.15-20. KazBC (2017) – 0.204.

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