Akhmediyarova Ainur Tanatarovna
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Software Engineering
Email: a.akhmediyarova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2002-2012 - Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Assistant, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Computing Machinery and Information Systems
2012-2021 - "Institute of Information and Computing Technologies" KN MES RK, Senior Researcher
1995-1999 - Almaty State University named after Abai, Mathematics and Informatics, Bachelor's Degree
1999-2001 - Almaty State University named after Abai, Mathematics, Master
2012-2015 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Information Systems, PhD
Scientific projects
2018-2020 AR05133699 - Research and development of innovative information and telecommunication technologies using modern cyber-technical means for the intelligent transport system of the city
2021-until now - AP08856170 "Inertial neural networks with unpredictable fluctuations"
Articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals:
A. Akhmediyarova, Waldemar Wójcik, O. Mamyrbayev, D. Kassymova, I. Utepbergenov. Problem of placement of the minimal number of cameras at a given transport network. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol. 93, Iss. 6, 2017, p. 137-140, Poland ISSN 0033-2097, SJR_2016 (SCOPUS)
A. Akhmediyarova, D. Kassymova, A. Utegenova, I. T. Utepbergenov. Development and research of the algorithm for determining the maximum flow at distribution in the network. Open Computer Science, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, 2016, p. 213-218, Poland ISSN 2299-1093 (SCOPUS, percentile - 41)
Valery Skliarov, Iouliia Skliarova, Irbulat Utepbergenov, Ainur Akhmediyarova. Hardware Accelerators for Information Processing in High-Performance Computing Systems. Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Volume 15, Number 1, February 2019, p. 321-335 (SCOPUS, percentile -36)
Tashev, A., Kuandykova, J., Kassymova, D. Akhmediyarova, A. Detection and elimination of discrepancies in big data at transport applying statistical methods. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. - 2020.- Vol.98. 09. - P.1435-1445. (SCOPUS, percentile -37)
Aizat, K., Mohamed, O., Orken, M., Akhmediyarova, A., Zhumazhanov, B. Identification and authentication of user voice using DNN features and i-vector. Cogent Engineering, 2020, 7 (1), P.1-21. (SCOPUS, percentile - 76)
Articles in publications recommended by the Education Control Committee and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Akhmediyarova A.T., Bizhanova A.S., Kasymova D.T. On the problem of controlling traffic lights at intersections. Bulletin of KazATK them. M. Tynyshpayev, No. 1, Almaty, 2016 p.74-77
Akhmediyarova A.T., Utepbergenov I.T., Kasymova D.T. On the problem of modeling a regular city using a Petri net. Bulletin of KazATK them. M. Tynyshpayev, No. 1, Almaty, 2016 p.77-81
Kalimoldaev M.N., Utepbergenov I.T., Akhmediyarova A.T. About one problem of transport routing in a metropolis. Bulletin of KazNTU named after K. Satpayev. No. 1, Almaty, 2016 p. 409-414
Utepbergenov I.T., Popkov V.K., Akhmediyarova A.T. Application of the theory of S-hypernets for modeling systems of network structure. Bulletin of KazNTU named after K. Satpayev. No. 2, Almaty, 2016 pp. 63-69
Kasymova D.T., Utepbergenov I.T., Yeskendirova D.M., Akhmediyarova A.T. An approach to identifying and eliminating semantic inconsistencies in Big Data. Bulletin of KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev, No. 2, Almaty, 2017 pp. 200-206
Mamyrbaev O. Zh., Akhmediyarova A.T. Petri zhelisimen kalalyk zhol kuligi kozgalysyn modeldeu. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Physics and mathematics series, No. 6, Almaty, 2017
Akhmediyarova A.T., Kuandykova D.R., Kasymova D.T. Optimization and analysis of the theory of motion in the "green wave" mode. Bulletin of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev, No. 4, Almaty, 2018, p.186-191
Akhmediyarova A.T., Olzhabaeva A.B., Kasymova D.T. Development of methods for identifying persons using lists on samples. Bulletin of KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev, No. 1, Almaty, 2019, p. 177-185
Utepbergenov I.T., Akhmediyarova A.T., Kuandykova D.R., Kasymova D.T. Conceptual approaches to data warehouse modeling. KazNRTU Bulletin, No. 2, Almaty, 2019 pp. 271-280
Khomonenko A.D., Kasymova D.T., Kuandykova D.R., Akhmediyarova A.T. The problems of resolving inconsistencies in big data. KazNRTU Bulletin, No. 2, Almaty, 2019 p. 418-424
O. Zh.Mamyrbayev, M. Othman, A.S. Kydyrbekova, A. Akhmediyarova, N.O. Mekebayev. Voice verification using i-vectors and neural networks with limited training data. Bulletin of NAS RK, No. 2, Almaty, 2019. pp. 36-43
O. Zh.Mamyrbaev, A.S. Kydyrbekova, A. Akhmediyarova, M. Turdalyuly, N.O. Mekebaev. A systematic review and analysis of the features of voice identification. Bulletin of KBTU, No. 2, Almaty, 2019 p. 120-133
Yavorsky V.V., Akhmediyarova A., Utepbergenov I.T., Mamyrbayev O.Zh. Models of analysis of distribution of passenger traffics in routed transport systems. Izvestiya NAS RK, No. 6 (438), Almaty, 2019. pp. 268-275
Kasymova D.T., Akhmediyarova A.T., Shayakhmetova A.S., Tұrdalyuly M. lken derekterde kezdesetin kaishylyқtardy anyқtau men zhoyuғa қoldanylatyn adisterge taldau. KazNRTU Bulletin, No. 2, Almaty, 2020 p. 487-495
O. Mamyrbayev, A. Kydyrbekova, A. Akhmediyarova, N. O. Mekebayev, B. Zhumazhanov. Biometric human authentication system through speech using deep neural networks (DNN). Bulletin of NAS RK, No. 5, Almaty, 2020 p. 6-15
D.T. Kasymova, A.T. Akhmediyarova, M.R. Akhmedzhanov. Kayshylyқty derekterdі anyyқtau I am using үshin statisticians disterdі salystyru to wife Grubbs criterionin oldanu. KazNRTU Bulletin, No. 6, Almaty, 2020 p.547-554
O. Mamyrbaev, A.T. Akhmediyarova, A. Kydyrbekova, N. Mekebaev, M. Turdalyuly. Voice identification based on i-vector and deep neural networks using short utterances. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 3 (77), Almaty, 2020, p.82-90.
Akhmediyarova A.T., Kuandykova D.R., Kasymova D.T., Kuandykov B.E., Musabek E.M. Genetic approach to the design and optimization of the transport network. VKTU Bulletin, No. 4, Almaty, 2020 p. 60-66
Akhmediyarova A.T., Kasymova D.T. Metaheuristic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. Bulletin of KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev, No. 4 (115), Almaty, 2020, p.262-269
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Intelligent systems, Big Data