Akhmetov Daniyar Akbulatovich
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Email: d.a.akhmetov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1) dec. 1999-May 2003. Specialist, chief specialist Fin.department, Shymkent
2) sept. 2003-Sep. 2005. Deputy.Chairman of the Board of KazATK JSC, Almaty
3) sept. 2005-Apr. 2007. Vice-President of JSC Yrysty-AEVRZ, Almaty
4) sept. 2007-Dec. 2008. Deputy.Director of the Institute of Advanced Training of KazATK JSC, Almaty
5) dec. 2008-Sep. 2011. Director of SANT LLP-new technologies, Almaty
6) sept. 2011-Dec. 2015. Acting Professor of D.Kunaev GUTIP, Almaty
7) dec. 2015-Nov. 2021. General Director of NIISTROMPROEKT LLP, Almaty
8) Nov. 2021-Aug. 2022. Associate Professor-Associate Professor COURSE, Almaty
9) Aug 2022 - Aug 2024. Head of the Department of Construction and Building Materials, T.K. Basenov Institute of Architecture and Construction, Satbayev University.
10) Aug 2024 - present. Satbayev University, position of professor of the Department of Construction and Building Materials.
1) 1998 - M.Auezov SKSU, Specialty: civil engineer-technologist (production of building materials, products and structures)
2) 2002 - Korkyt-ata KSU, Specialty: economist-accountant Master's degree
3) 2000 - M.Auezov SKSU, Master of Construction (specialization: production of building products and structures)
Scientific projects
№AR 08857436 "Comprehensive assessment of the physical, mechanical and operational characteristics of fibro-reinforced self-compacting concrete, improvement of operational durability and lii by mathematical modeling".Publications
1. D. Akhmetov, A. Aniskin, Y. Utepov, Y. Root, and G. Kozina, “Determination of optimal fibre reinforcement parameters for self-compacting concretes,” Tehnicki Vjesnik, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1982–1989, 2020, doi: 10.17559/TV-20200630163212.
2. Y. Utepov, D. Akhmetov, and I. Akhmatshaeva, “Effect of fine fillers from industrial waste and various chemical additives on the placeability of self-compacting concrete,” Computers and Concrete, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 59–65, 2020, doi: 10.12989/cac.2020.25.1.059.
3. D. Akhmetov et al., “Effect of low-modulus polypropylene fiber on physical and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete,” Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 16, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cscm.2021.e00814.
4. A. Zhagifarov, A. Talal, D. Akhmetov, N. Suzev, and I. Kolesnikova, “EFFECTIVENESS OF ROAD SLABS PRODUCED USING MICROSILICA AND FIBER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT,” International Journal of GEOMATE, vol. 28, no. 126, pp. 16–24, 2025, doi: 10.21660/2025.126.4335.
5. I. Abdraimov, B. Kopzhassarov, I. Kolesnikova, D. A. Akhmetov, I. Madiyarova, and Y. Utepov, “Frost-Resistant Rapid Hardening Concretes,” Materials, vol. 16, no. 8, 2023, doi: 10.3390/ma16083191.
6. A. M. Zhagifarov, D. A. Akhmetov, D. K. Suleyev, Z. O. Zhumadilova, M. M. Begentayev, and Y. V. Pukharenko, “Investigation of Hydrophysical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Modified Self-Compacting Concretes,” Materials, vol. 17, no. 11, 2024, doi: 10.3390/ma17112605.
7.I. Abdraimov, A. Talal, B. Kopzhassarov, M. Kuttybai, D. Akhmetov, and R. Tynybekov, “STRENGTH AND DURABILITY EFFECT OF SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT WITH MICRO-SILICA AND VOLUME FIBER,” International Journal of GEOMATE, vol. 27, no. 119, pp. 26–33, 2024, doi: 10.21660/2024.119.4334.
8. M. Saduakasov et al., “STRUCTURAL THERMAL INSULATING FOAM CONCRETE PROPERTIES FOR FOUNDATION INSULATION,” International Journal of GEOMATE, vol. 28, no. 126, pp. 25–32, 2025, doi: 10.21660/2025.126.4545.
9. D. A. Akhmetov et al., “The Effect of Low-Modulus Plastic Fiber on the Physical and Technical Characteristics of Modified Heavy Concretes Based on Polycarboxylates and Microsilica,” Materials, vol. 15, no. 7, 2022, doi: 10.3390/ma15072648.
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