Akhymbayeva Bibinur Serikovna
Associate Professor
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: b.akhymbayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Akhymbayeva Bibinur Serikovna, born in 1989, in 2006, after graduating from KGI No. 46, she entered KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayeva. In 2010, she graduated with honors from KazNTU. K.I. Satpayeva, majoring in “Development and operation of oil and gas wells” - bachelor. In 2012 she completed her master's degree at the Institute of Mining D.A. Kunaev with a degree in Oil and Gas Engineering and a bachelor’s degree at KazNU named after. Al-Farabi, majoring in Finance. In 2015, she completed her doctoral studies at JSC KBTU with a specialty in Oil and Gas Engineering, defended her doctoral dissertation, and received a PhD degree. At the same time, since 2009, she worked at PETRO KAZAKHSTAN as a process engineer, in 2010-2011 she worked at the NS of KazTransOil CJSC as a research assistant, and in 2012, after working as a chief manager at KBTU JSC, she became a lecturer. From 2015 to 2017 she worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Polymer Materials and Technologies. Since 2017, he has been working at Satbayev University as an assistant professor. In 2015 -2017 participated in grant funding No. 4410 “Justification of drilling technology with automatic fastening of borehole walls in difficult mining and geological conditions.” From 2017 to 2021, she was the responsible executor in the project for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities No. 460: “Development and implementation of a highly efficient gas-liquid impact-ejector complex for the development of mineral resources and testing of deposits for the purpose of processing mineral raw materials.” In 2020, she received grant funding for young scientists AP08053222 – 2020 -2022. – “Development of a hydraulic pulse generator to improve the efficiency of drilling wells in difficult mining and geological conditions.” In parallel, since 2021, he has been a leading researcher in the grant funding project AP09058452 “Development of a PVT model for predicting paraffin precipitation.” Has 26 scientific papers, including 16 in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science, 2 in an international scientific journal included in the Scopus information base, 1 in an international scientific journal, 4 in materials of international conferences, including including 2 in the materials of foreign conferences, 1 innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 29033 for an invention, 1 Eurasian patent No. 026911 for an invention, patent application No. E 21 B 4/14 was filed. It has the following scientometric indicators:
He is the chairman of the SMU IGNiGD, the chairman of the SMU Satbayev University, a member of the Academic Council of Satbayev University. Member of the State Attestation Committee for the defense of diploma projects of bachelors, masters of the Kazakh and Russian departments in the specialty “05070800-Oil and Gas Business”. Member of the competition committee of NIRS. He is the scientific supervisor of 3 master's students and 2 doctoral students. Has a certificate of knowledge of English at Upper-Intermediate level Currently he conducts lectures and practical classes for bachelors and masters, more than 80 students. In connection with the above, the Department of Petroleum Engineering and the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Engineering of KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayev for fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities and in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is asked to present for awarding Doctor PhD, Associate Professor Akhymbayeva Bibinur Serikovna “Gold Medal of KazNTU named after.K. I. Satpayev."
2006-2010-Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev Institute of Oil and Gas, specialty: Development and operation of oil and gas fields. Bachelor
2010-2012 Institute of Mining D.A. Kunaev, Oil and gas business.
2012-2015 Kazakhstan - British Technical University Faculty of Energy and the Oil and Gas Industry Specialty - 6D070800 "Oil and Gas Business"
Scientific projects
Project for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities No. 460: “Development and implementation of a highly efficient gas-liquid impact-ejector complex for the development of mineral resources and testing of deposits for the purpose of processing mineral raw materials,” leading researcher
GF for Young Scientists AP08053222 "Development of a hydraulic pulse generator to increase the efficiency of drilling wells in difficult mining and geological conditions", 2020-2022, project manager
PCF IRN BR21881822 "Development of technical solutions for optimizing geological and technical operations when drilling wells and oil production at the late stage of field exploitation", 2023-2025, scientific supervisor of the section AP09058452 “Development of a PVT model for predicting paraffin precipitation.”
1. Bibinur S. Akhymbayeva1, Daniyar G. Akhymbayev2, Dilda K. Nauryzbayeva3, Bulbul K. Mauletbekova2, «The process of crack propagation during rotary percussion drilling of hard rocks» , Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 4, September 2021, pp.392-416., http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v9i4.2295., The process of crack propagation during rotary percussion drilling of hard rocks | Akhymbayeva | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (ius.edu.ba)
2. Jamilyam A. Ismailova, Dinara N. Delikesheva, Bibinur S. Akhymbayeva, Alexandr Logvinenko & Kanat A. Narikov (2021), «Improvement of Sweep Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Reservoir» Smart Science, DOI: 10.1080/23080477.2021.1889259., Improvement of Sweep Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Reservoir: Smart Science: Vol 9, No 1 (tandfonline.com)
3. Ахымбаева Б.С., Нуранбаева Б.М., Кабдулов С.З., Тикебаев Т., «Технология гидроударного способа бурения для обеспечения прямолинейности ствола скважины», Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета, Том 15 выпуск 1, стр.8-10, март 2018г, ISSN 1998-6688, г.Алматы., vestnik 1-2018.cdr (kaznu.kz)
4. Akhymbayeva B., Yessenbayev N., «Design and implementation of new method of reservoir recovery enhancement with use of rotary – percussive drilling for opening of deposits with hard-extractable hydrocarbons and low – permeable properties», Petroleum Congress and Career Expo, Krakow, 22-24 April 2017. 1220-5634
5. Ахымбаева Б.С., «Некоторые вопросы трещинообразования при ударно-вращательном бурении», Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета №14 (31) стр.18-21, Алматы 2019г
6. Ахымбаева Б.С., «К вопросу оптимизации работы фонда добывающих скважин блоков 5,5а месторождения Узень», Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета № 18(30) с.5-10, Алматы 2019г. 1247-243А
7. Akhymbayeva B., Seitmaganbetov S. «Way of preservation wellbore's straightforward direction in the percussive-rotary drilling», Международная научно-практическая конференция, 11-13 November 2017, 389-481, Москва
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Development and introduction of gas-liquid percussion-ejector complex for drilling wells in complex mining and geological conditions with the purpose of exploration and development of useful fossil fuels for further mineral processing