Akmalaiuly Kenzhebek
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: k.akmalaiuly@satbayev.university
Professional biography
1976-1980 Engineer of Production and technical department Kyzyl-Orda plant of silicate-wall materials.
1980-1982 Researcher of the research sector, Almaty Institute of architecture and construction.
1982-1987 Leading engineer of the Department of financing and crediting of design and survey works, Kazstroybank.
1987-1991 graduate student.
1991-1998 Associate professor of Department of "Building materials", Kazakh leading academy of architecture and civil engineering
1991-2001 doctoral student.
2001-2005 supervisor of the laboratory of the concrete plant "Tengizchevroil" LLP.
2005-2006 Director of the concrete plant of JSC "Aksu".
2006-2016 Professor of the Department "Technology of building materials, products and structures", Kazakh National Research Technical University named after 1991-2001 doctoral Student.
2016-2018.12 Head of quality assurance of "Interinzh Almaty" LLP.
since 2019 - assosiate professor of the Department of "Construction and building materials," Institute of architecture and construction named after T.K. Basenov, Satbayev University.
Academician of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Winner of the grant "Best University teacher" in 2011 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1)1971-1976 Kazakh chemical-technical institute, specialty - "Chemical technology of binding materials", A-1 No. 192489, Shymkent, RK.
2)1987-1991 Kazakh leading academy of architecture and civil engineering, graduate student.
3)1991-2001 Almaty institute of architecture and сivil engineering, doctoral student.
Scientific projects
Lead Researcher – Project “Thermal insulation coatings based on finely dispersed mineral granular systems” within the framework of "Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2020-2022 with an implementation period of 27 months," supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2024-2026 – Scientific Consultant for the "Zhas Galym" project under AP22685758, “Zeolite-Containing Modified Concrete for Monolithic Construction,” supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
October 2023 – Lead Researcher in the project BR21882292, “Integrated Development of a Sustainable Construction Industry: Innovative Technologies, Production Optimization, Efficient Resource Utilization, and the Creation of a Technology Park,” supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. A. Tolegenova, G. Skripkiunas, L. Rishko, and K. Akmalaiuly, “Air‐Entraining Effect on Rheological Properties of Cement‐Based Mixtures,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2024, no. 1, p. 5018973, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.1155/2024/5018973.
2. Z. Kassymbekov, K. Akmalaiuly, and G. Kassymbekov, “Application of Hydrocyclones to Improve Membrane Technologies for Urban Wastewater Treatment,” J. Ecol. Eng., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 148–155, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.12911/22998993/134043.
3. A. Tolegenova, G. Skripkiunas, L. Rishko, and K. Akmalaiuly, “Both Plasticizing and Air-Entraining Effect on Cement-Based Material Porosity and Durability,” Materials, vol. 15, no. 13, p. 4382, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.3390/ma15134382.
4. K. Akmalaiuly, S. Auesbek, N. Sarsenbaev, B. Sarsenbaev, and E. Amanov, “Cement-based concretes with low water requirements,” E3S Web of Conf., vol. 401, p. 01065, 2023, doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/202340101065.
5. N. Berdikul and K. Akmalaiuly, “FINE-GRAINED CONCRETE USING MINERAL AND CHEMICAL ADDITIVES,” SGTS, vol. 4, no. 454, pp. 44–54, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.32014/2022.2518-170X.199.
6. J. Kh. Khamroyev, K. Akmalaiuly, and N. Fayzullayev, “MECHANICAL ACTIVATION OF NAVBAHORSK BENTONITE AND ITS TEXTURAL AND ADSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS,” SGTS, vol. 2, no. 452, pp. 104–116, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.32014/2022.2518-170X.163.
7. N. Fayzullayev, J. Kurbonov, N. Yusupova, K. A. Akmalaev, R. Kurbanova, and J. Kurbonov, “Mesoporous silica nanocatalyst used in the preparation of the retention substance bentonite-sorbents sorption of isotherms research,” E3S Web Conf., vol. 383, p. 04011, 2023, doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/202338304011.
8. A. K. Tolegenova, K. Akmalaiuly, and G. Skripkiunas, “STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF COMPLEX ADDITIVES MASTER RHEOBUILD 1000 AND MASTER AIR 200,” SGTS, vol. 6, no. 450, pp. 141–146, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.32014/2021.2518-170X.130.
9. K. Akmalaiuly, N. Berdikul, I. Pundienė, and J. Pranckevičienė, “The Effect of Mechanical Activation of Fly Ash on Cement-Based Materials Hydration and Hardened State Properties,” Materials, vol. 16, no. 8, p. 2959, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.3390/ma16082959.
10. F. Kh. Urakaev, K. A. Akmalaev, E. S. Orynbekov, B. D. Balgysheva, and D. N. Zharlykasimova, “The Use of Combustion Reactions for Processing Mineral Raw Materials: Metallothermy and Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (Review),” Metall Mater Trans B, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 58–66, Feb. 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11663-015-0455-2.
11. K. Akmalaiuly and A. Tolegenova, “Vegetable raw materials for the production of fibrous semi-finished products,” E3S Web Conf., vol. 497, p. 02003, 2024, doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/202449702003.
12. Skripkiunas, Gintautas, Tolegenova, Aigerim, Rishko, Lyudmyla, Akmalaiuly, Kenzhebek, Baltuškiene, Daiva, Durability and Cracking Defects in 3D-Printed Concrete, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2025, 8592029, 8 pages, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1155/adce/8592029
13. A.K. Tolegenova, K. Akmalaiuly, A. Zhagifarov, A. Yespayeva, Z. Altayeva, A. Alikhan, Y. Merkibayev, Sh. Kultayeva, I.D. Teshev, Investigation of physico-chemical properties Chankanai deposit zeolites for enhanced modified concrete production, Bulletin of Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction №4(94), с. 172-182. https://vestnik.mok.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/197/69
14. K.Akmalaiuly, A. Tolegenova, G. Koshkombayeva, Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Products, Труды Университета №3 (96) 2024 (Вестник КарГТУ), 211-216 с. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2024_3_211 http://tu.kstu.kz/archive/issue/103
15. Tolegenova A., K. Akmalaiuly, Z. Altayeva, A. Yespayeva, Y. Kuldeyev, Influence of plasticizing and air-entraining admixtures on concrete properties, Вестник КазГАСА 4 (90) 2023 г. https://vestnik.kazgasa.kz/frontend/web/uploads/personal-documents/1703950212_RbhbeL.pdf
16. Akmalaiuly K., Tolegenova А., COMPLEX CHEMICAL ADDITIVE FOR CONCRETE, Вестник КазНИТУ 2020 №5, 692-695 с. https://official.satbayev.university/download/document/16739/%D0%92%D0%95%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%9A-2020%20%E2%84%965.pdf
17. Tolegenova А.K., Akmalaiuly K., Skripkiunas G. STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF COMPLEX ADDITIVES MASTER RHEOBUILD 1000 AND MASTER AIR 200, № 6 (2021): Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук, c.141-146. https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-170X.130.
18. Berdikul N., Akmalaiuly K., Pundiene I. «INCREASING THE RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE TO SULFATE CORROSION». Bulletin of the National Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Chemical Sciences Volume 2, Number 451 (2022), 63-73 https://doi.org/10.32014/2022.2518-1491.103
19. N. I. Berdikul, M. K. Urazov, Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan, K. Akmalaiuly “RESEARCH OF PARAMETERS OF STRUCTURE OF JACQUARD FABRICS,” Bull. of Kaz. Lead. Ac. of Archit. and Const., vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 16–20, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.51488/1680-080X/2022.3-02.
20. N. I. Berdikul, K. Akmalaiuly, I. Pundiene “Investigation of the Strength of Fine-grained Concrete with a Plasticizing Additive,” TU, vol. 2, no. 95, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.52209/1609-1825_2024_2_231.
21. Imanaliyev, K., Amiraliyev, B., Akmalaiuly, K., Kuldeyev, E., Yunusaliyev, E., & Aymenov, Z. (2024). Research of technological parameters for producing thermal insulating arbolite based on developed slag alkali binders. Technobius, 4(3), 0065. https://doi.org/10.54355/tbus/4.3.2024.0065
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
1 | Investigation of physico-chemical properties Chankanai deposit zeolites for enhanced modified concrete production | Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының Хабаршысы | Сәулет және құрылыс саласы | 2024 |
2 | Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Products | Университет еңбектері | Құрылыс | 2024 |
3 | Influence of plasticizing and air-entraining admixtures on concrete properties | «Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының Хабаршысы» Халықаралық білім беру корпорациясының журналы | Сәулет және құрылыс саласы | 2023 |
4 | COMPLEX CHEMICAL ADDITIVE FOR CONCRETE | Вестник Казахского национального технического университета им. К.И. Сатпаева. | Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии | 2019 |
5 | STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF COMPLEX ADDITIVES MASTER RHEOBUILD 1000 AND MASTER AIR 200 | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2021 |
6 | Research of technological parameters for producing thermal insulating arbolite based on developed slag alkali binders | Technobius | Құрылыс, материалтану | 2024 |
7 | ӨНЕРКӘСІПТІК ҚАЛДЫҚТАР НЕГІЗІНДЕ ЖАҚСАРТЫЛҒАН ҚАСИЕТТЕРІ БАР ЖЫЛУ ОҚШАУЛАҒЫШ МАТЕРИАЛДЫҢ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛЫҚ ПАРАМЕТРЛЕРІН ӘЗІРЛЕУ | «Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының Хабаршысы» Халықаралық білім беру корпорациясының журналы | Сәулет және құрылыс саласы | 2022 |
8 | RESEARCH OF PARAMETERS OF STRUCTURE OF JACQUARD FABRICS | «Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының Хабаршысы» Халықаралық білім беру корпорациясының журналы | Сәулет және құрылыс саласы | 2022 |
9 | CORROSION RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE IN AGGRESSIVE MEDIA | Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының Хабаршысы | Сәулет және құрылыс саласы | 2024 |
10 | Investigation of the Strength of Fine-grained Concrete with a Plasticizing Additive | Университет еңбектері | Құрылыс | 2024 |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Development of the composition of monolithic concrete with the use of chemical additives2. Fine-grained concrete with a complex chemical additive.