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Alimzhanova Zhanna Muratbekovna

Alimzhanova Zhanna Muratbekovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"

Email: zhannamen@mail.333


Professional biography

1994-1999: Lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics, AUES.

1999-2001: Senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics, KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva.

2001-2006: Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, K.I. Satpayev KazNTU.

2013-2015: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Mathematics, AUES.

2015-2016: Senior Lecturer, K.I. Satpayev KazNTU.

2016-2024 Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

2019 - present: Professor of the Department of Cybersecurity, Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M. Yesbolatov.

2024- present: Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Modeling at K.I. Satpayev KazNTU.


1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Functional Analysis and Probability Theory, 1994

Scientific projects

Development of information security procedures for the Department of Internal Affairs: Head, 2025

Development of information procedures for the investigation of cybercrimes: Head, 2025


2019: "Monitoring the stability of the balancing labor regulator during storms"

2020: "Textbook, Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M.Esbolatov"

2022: "Assessment of the strength of cryptographic ciphers using ciphertext analysis"

2019: "On the effectiveness of Blended Learning technologies in Higher Education" (fourth quarter)

2022: "Artificial intelligence in Medicine: A real-time electronic stethoscope for detecting heart diseases" (First quarter)

2022: "Analysis of the characteristics of block ciphers for modes CBC and OFB when shifting input data" (IEEE, Scopus)

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