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Aliuly Abdurashid

Aliuly Abdurashid

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: a.aliuly@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Assistant at the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Modeling Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Satbayev University, master of technics and technology. Scientific executor of a number of grant scientific and technical projects.

From 03.2014 to 08.2015 a laboratory assistant at the ASE “Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics” (IMM) of the RSE “al-Farabi Kazakh National University”.

From 09.2015 to 12.2017 a junior researcher at the ASE “Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics” (IMM) of the RSE “al-Farabi Kazakh National University”.

From 06.2017 assistant at the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Modeling Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Satbayev University.

From 09.2021 Senior Lecturer of the Department "Mechanics", al-Farabi Kazakh National University.



2011 – 2015, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Bachelor in Mechanics.

2015 – 2017, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Master in Information Systems.

2018 – 2021, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, PhD doctoral.

Scientific projects

Executor in projects:

-  Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical research for 2015-2027 on the topic: «Investigation of the optimal operating modes and performance characteristics of a direct expansion solar heat pump in relation to a cold climate».

- Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical research for 2018-2020 on the topic: « Development of an autocascade solar heat pump in relation to high-potential heat supply of residential buildings in a continental climate ».

- Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical research for 2020-2022 on the topic: « Investigation of ways to improve the heat transfer characteristics of a vertical-type borehole ground heat exchanger to ensure high productivity of heat pumps». 


Selected publications:

List of publications in peer-reviewed foreign scientific publications with a non-zero impact factor:

1.Yerdesh, Y., Abdulina, Z., Aliuly, A., Belyayev, Y., Mohanraj, M., Kaltayev, A. Numerical simulation on solar collector and cascade heat pump combi water heating systems in Kazakhstan climates //Renewable Energy. - Jan. 2020, - Vol. 145, - P. 1222-1234.

2. Saktashova, G., Aliuly, A., Belyayev, Ye., Mohanraj, M., Singh, R.M. Numerical heat transfer simulation of solar-geothermal hybrid source heat pump in Kazakhstan climates //Bulgarian Chemical Communications Journal. - 2018. - Vol. 50, - P. 7-13.

3. Aliuly A., Mohanraj M., Belyayev Ye., Jayaraj S., Kaltayev A. Numerical modelling of photovoltaic thermal evaporator for heat pumps //Special Issue C of Bulgarian Chemical Communications Journal. - 2016. - Vol. 48. - Special Issue E - P.135-139.

List of received protection documents/patents:

4. Kaltaev Aidarkhan, Belyaev Yerzhan Kelecevic, Murugesan Mohanraj, Singh RAO, Bertrand. Hybrid solar-ground heat pump. Patent for invention, RSE "national Institute of intellectual property". - № 2. - 2019.

List of publications in domestic journals, including those recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

4 A. Azimbayev, A. Yerkinbek, A. Aliuly, Ye. Shakir, Ye. Belyayev, M. Mohanraj. Numerical modelling of solar PV thermal effects in solar water pumping. Proceedings of International Conference Exhibition on Thermal Analysis and Energy Systems (ICTAES 2018) / Energy Conversion in Solar Energy Systems. – 2018. – pp. 119 - 123.

5. O. A. Nurkasym, A. Aliuly, D. M. Baiseitov, E. K. Belyaev. Exergetic analysis of various types of solar collector systems in the climate of Kazakhstan. Bulletin Of Kaznitu, №2 (120), - 2017.

 6. G. J. Stasova, A. Lilly, E. K. Belyaev, A. Kaltaev. Numerical simulation of thermal characteristics of a solar-ground heat pump //The scientific journal "Bulletin KazNTU. Physical and mathematical Sciences" – №4 (128). – 2018. – pages 382-388. In the proceedings of foreign conferences:

7. A. Aliuly, D. Baiseitov, M. Mohanraj, Ye. Belyayev, S. Jayaraj, A. Kaltayev. PV thermal cooling numerical modeling with different working fluids. Proceedings of International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (ICRSE-2017), Coimbatore, India, April 12-13, 2017.

 8. Lily A. A., Belyaev E. K., Kun, A. Altaev collector-boulangerie absorberende glutaral process sandy trde, Pavlodar. //"Kazakhstan Ulttyk Respublikasynyn ingeneric akademiyasida Habercisi" magazines. Energy. - 2015. - No. 4.

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