Alpeisov Azamat Turusbekovish
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Transportation Engineering Direction
Email: a.alpeisov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Associate Professor of Satbayev University. Department of Industrial Engineering, Institute of Industrial Automation and Digitalization named after A. Burkitbaev.
Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.03.01 - “Technologies and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing”.
- 1990-1995y. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Faculty of Engineering, full-time, specialty 2805 - “Hoisting machines, construction and road machines, and equipment ”, mechanical engineer;
- 1995-1996. - Lecturer - trainee of the department "Hoisting-and-transport machines and hydraulics »Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev;
- 1996-1999 - Almaty Regional Sports and Technical Club DOSAAF, auto training teacher;
- 1999-2003 - Almaty Industrial College, teacher of special disciplines, head of department;
- 2003-2004 - Almaty Industrial and Pedagogical Academy, dean of the day faculty;
- 2004-2006 - Almaty Non-State Industrial College, Deputy Director of Academic Affairs;
- 2006 - Almaty Industrial College, head of the educational unit;
- 2006-2010 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Technology, Institute
Mechanical engineering;
- 2010-2012. - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev,
Associate Professor of the Department of Standardization, Certification and Engineering Technology A. Burkitbaev Institute of Industrial Engineering;
- 2012-2019 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev,
Head of the Department "Standardization, Certification and Engineering Technology"
Institute of Industrial Engineering named after A. Burkitbaev.
- 2019 up to now works as an associate professor at Satbayev University, Department of Industrial Engineering, A. Burkitbaev Institute of Industrial Automation and Digitalization.
Additional Information:
- Auditor for the quality management system of the Corporate Development Department
Satbayev University.
1) 1990-1995y. Kazakh National Technical University named after
K.I.Satpayev , Faculty of Engineering, full-time, specialty
2805 - “Hoisting machines, construction and road machines, and
equipment ".
Qualification: - mechanical engineer.
2) 1999-2000. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Faculty of Engineering, full-time, specialty "Engineering Technology." Academic degree: - Master of Engineering.
3) Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, defense of candidate dissertations in the specialty 05.03.01 - “Technologies and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing. " Academic degree: - Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Scientific projects
The main research areas: Engineering technology, engineering technology, tooling design, metal-cutting machines and tools, cutting theory, research on the design of centrifugal soil pumps, research on methods to increase the wear resistance of heavily loaded gear drives of ball mills, mechanical and physical-technical processing equipment and machinery, hoisting-and-transport machines , construction and road machinery, and equipment.
Working at Satbayev University Alpeisov A.T. took an active part in the following projects:
- topic No. 751.MON.GF.12.15. on the topic "Development of a new design of a centrifugal soil pump" (2012-2014) - a leading researcher.
- Theme No. 753.MON.GF.13.5 “Development of a new machine design with a powerful thermodynamic working body for conducting slot workings in the extraction of granite blocks” (2013-2015) - a leading researcher.
- topic number 757.MON.GF.15.EM.5. “Development of design and technological methods for increasing the wear resistance of heavily loaded gear drives of ball mills” (2015-2017) - Senior Researcher.
1. Alpeisov A.T., Wei Pugh Maung, Vlasov A.B. “Computer-aided design of technological processes using design and technological prototypes”, Collection of scientific papers, seminar “Modern technologies in mining engineering”, Moscow, MGU, 2013.
2.Povetkin V.V., Kerimzhanova M.F. Alpeisov A.T. Analysis of the wear of the main parts of soil pumps, Almaty: KBTU Bulletin, No. 1,2013,0.3 bp
3. Povetkin VV, Kerimzhanova MF, Alpeisov A.T. The effect of cavitation and hydroabrasive wear during the operation of soil pumps, Almaty: KBTU Bulletin, No. 1,2013,0.3 bp
4. Povetkin V.V., Alpeisov A.T., Bektibay B.Zh., Aymukhanbet B.A. The influence of acknowledgment and hydrobrasive wear during the operation of soil pumps, Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, “Industrial and innovative development of transport, transport equipment and mechanical engineering”, Almaty, 2013. 0.3 pp.
5. Bauyrzhan Aimukhanbet, Vitaly Povetkin, Auezhan Turdaliev, Azamat Alpeisov, Manshuk Kerimzhanova, Mukhtarbek Tatybayev. The Production Method of High Pressure Hydraulic Cylinders. Modern Applied Science; Vol. 9, No. 2; 2015. ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.
6. Shayakhmetov E.Ya., Temirtasov O.T., Mendebaev T., Alpeisov A.T. “Analysis of the constructions of the roller seals of conveyors operating in a dusty environment”, Bulletin of the State University. Shakarima, 2015., No. 1., S. 65-69.
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