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Amanzhol Tanirbergenov

Amanzhol Tanirbergenov

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology"

Email: a.tanirbergenov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

In 1979, he was transferred to Moscow state University. Lomonosov to the faculty of computational mathematics and Cybernetics. After graduating from the University, from 1982 to 1999 he worked in the system Of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1994, under the guidance of academician of NAS of RK S. Z. erzhanova and academician IA of Kazakhstan Smagulov sh. s. defended his thesis on the oil topic, "a Model study of formation conditions of salt dome" specialty 01.02.07 – mechanics of granular materials, soils and rocks. Since 2001. he worked as a senior teacher and then as an associate Professor at KazNTU. K. I. Satpaeva at the Department of oil and gas field development. In 2009, VAK was awarded the academic title of associate Professor of mineral development. Since 2017, he has been an associate Professor at the Department of oil Geology of igaz. He gave lectures to students in the disciplines of "Hydraulics", "water energy Use" and conducted laboratory classes for undergraduates in the discipline "Operational exploration of underground waters". Currently, I work at the Department of oil and gas Geology as an assistant Professor. I give lectures on hydrogeodynamics and engineering geodynamics in Kazakh and Russian.


Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosova, faculty of computational mathematics and Cybernetics, Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpayeva, faculty of petroleum

Scientific projects

I work in the field of mathematical modeling of the formation of salt domes in the earth's crust using numerical methods of calculation, a personal computer and high-level programming languages.


Baimukhametov А.А., Маrtynov N.I., Ramazanova M.A., Таnirbergenov А.G., Tanirbergenov B.A. Stress-strain state under  conditions of salt-dome tectonics// International scientific journal « Science and world ».- 2015.-№ 4(209).-vol.I.-Р. 21-27 (Global Impact Factor -0,325 Австралия).

Баймухаметов А.А., Мартынов Н.И., Танирбергенов А.Г. Компьютерное моделирование формирования глубинного соляного диапиризма// Известия НАН РК.-2015.-сер.физ.-мат.-№2(300).-С.36-40.

A. Baimukhametov,  A. Egorov, K. Koksalov, N. Маrtynov, M.  Baimukhametov Driving mechanisms of deep geodynamic processes// Short Talk with Poster presentation during ICTAM 2016, which will take place in Montréal, Canada from August 21-26, 2016.

Баймухаметов  А.А., Мартынов Н.И., Танирбергенов  А.Г., Рамазанова М.А. О некоторых приложениях математического моделирования формирования солянокупольных структур в нефтегазовом деле /Алматы, Вестник Каздорнии, №1-2 (53-54) , 2017г.

Баймухаметов  А.А., Мартынов Н.И., Танирбергенов  А.Г. Математическое моделирование формирования соляных куполов в земной коре / Монография, типография РГП «Ғылым  ордасы»,  с. 241, Алматы 2017г.

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