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Amirkhan Khoishiyev

Amirkhan Khoishiyev

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of Engineering Systems and Networks

Email: a.khoishiyev@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Khoyshiev Amirkhan Nurdinuly from 2002 to 2004 worked as a foreman at HydroEco LLP.

Since 2004, he began his scientific and pedagogical activity at the KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev as an assistant of the department "Engineering systems and networks". Since 2014, in the position of a senior teacher, since 2015, a lecturer at the Department of ISIS, since 2016 - Associate Professor at the Department of ESN.

From 2019-2020, he worked in a design and construction company.

Since 2020 he has been working at the Department of Engineering Systems and Networks as an Associate Professor.


1) 1995-1997-Kyzylorda Institute of agricultural production engineers, Kyzylorda

2)1997-2000s - Civil engineer of the Kazakh state Academy of architecture and construction, Almaty

Scientific projects

Participation in research projects: 1. The contractor will research on the topic: "Creating an innovative technology for wastewater treatment and utilization that takes into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan". 2. Performer of research on the topic: "Development of integrated treatment and utilization of sewage sludge, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


I.N. Dyusembaev, O.A. Isakov, A.Z. Abilov, I.M. Azimov, A.N. Khoishiev. Architecture and building Kazakhstan in the context of global integration. Proceedings international scientifically-practical conference. Almaty, KazNTU named after K.I. Satbayev, 2015. P.373  
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