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Amrenova Gulnara

Amrenova Gulnara

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Project Management

Physical Education

Email: g.amrenova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Satpayev University:

Associate Professor of the Department

01.09.2021 to date

Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture

01.02.2006 - 31.08.2021

Almaty Industrial and Pedagogical Academy:

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Physical Education

04.09.2001 - 01.02.2006

Almaty University of Technology

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety

17.09.2001 - 01.09.2002

Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture (Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism)

Lecturer of the Basketball and Handball Department

10.02.1992 - 01.03.1994

Translated by a senior lecturer of the same department

01.03.1994 - 30.03.1995

She was elected by competition for a 5-year term in her former position

30.03.1995 - 02.10.1995

Appointed Acting Head of the Basketball and Handball Department

02.10.1995 - 02.12.1996

Translated by a senior lecturer of the same department

02.12.1996 - 26.11.1997

She was elected by competition as a senior lecturer for a 5-year term of work of the same department

26.11.1997 - 21.05.1998

Appointed for a period of 1 year under the contract by the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education

21.05.1998 - 02.07.1999

She was elected by competition at the Academy Council for a 5-year term as Dean of the Faculty of FC

02.07.1999 - 28.10.1998

Appointed Head of the Department of Sports Games

17.03.2000 - 02.10.2000

She was transferred by the senior lecturer of the volleyball and basketball department

02.10.2000 - 27.09.2001


Accepted the position of scientific consultant

20.11.1991 - 20.01.1992


Enrolled as a graduate student

16.11.1988 - 16.11.1991

Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture

Teacher of the Volleyball and Basketball Department  

19.08.1983 - 21.10.1986

To be considered re-elected at the Council of the Coaching faculty to the previous position

21.10.1986 - 01.01.1987

Transferred to the position of a research intern

01.01.1987 - 01.11.1988


Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture, teacher, basketball coach
Article title Journal title Direction Year