Arailym K Kalymbet (Ibraimbek)
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department
Email: a.kalymbet@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Kalymbet (Ibraimbek – before marriage) Arailym, winner of the Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduated from KBTU in 2015 with honors with a degree in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances. In the same year she entered the KBTU Master's program, which she successfully graduated from. During the training in the magistracy Kalymbet A. mastered such modern research methods as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Infrared spectroscopy. During her studies at the university she was engaged in scientific work at the Institute of Chemical Sciences A.B. Bekturov in the laboratory of natural and synthetic medicinal substances and according to the results of studies published several works. In 2017, she successfully defended a master's thesis in English on the topic “Polyimide-based films for flexible solar cells”. She participated in the intellectual games ChemIntel, PharmFight, participated in the conferences Santo Academic Program, Kazakhstan in the XXI Century: Education, Science, Society, etc. In August 2017, Master Kalymbet A. was invited to Satbayev University for the position of tutor of Institute of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. In 2019, in May, she passed a competition for the position of lecturer at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. She has the certificate of IELTS 7.0.
2019 - present
Satbayev University Faculty, Institute of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Specialty: Innovative technologies and new inorganic materials
2015 - 2017
Kazakh - British Technical University, Faculty: School of Chemical Engineering
Specialty: Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
2011 - 2015
Kazakh - British Technical University, Faculty: School of Chemical Engineering;
Specialty: Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
Educational program "Innovative technologies and a new inorganic materials", 2nd year Doctoral student
Scientific projects
wastewater treatmentPublications
1. Ибраимбек А. Қ. ,Садырбаева Ф.М., Ахметова Г.С. Новые пиперидинсодержащие фторбензоаты – биологически активные вещества. Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «Ломоносов-2015» [Электронный ресурс] – М.: Макс Пресс. – 2015. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). ISBN 978-5-317-04946-1.
2. В. Д. Кравцова, А.Р. Бродский, К.Б. Умбетова, Р.М. Искаков, Ибраимбек А.Қ. Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based On Alicyclic Polyimide Films // «Вестник КазНИТУ» №4 (122),2017, июль-с. 608-615.
3. Ахметова Г.С., Ибраимбек А.К. , Садырбаева Ф.М. , Отеш А. , Ю В.К. , Пралиев К.Д., Ильин А.И., Леонова Н.В.,Сейлханов Т.М.,Идрисова Р. Фторбензоаты 1-(2-фенилэтил)-4-кетоксимпиперидина с противомикробной активностью // Известия научно-технического общества «КАХАК». Алматы, 2015 г., № 3 (50). ISSN-1682-0533. 4-9 стр.
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