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Arkabayeva Saule

Arkabayeva Saule

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Project Management

Physical Education

Email: s.arkabayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

KazNITU named after K. Satpayev 

Senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Master of Sports of the USSR 

09.01.2003 - to the present

ISS Company, MoscowAksai

Sports Coordinator

10.09.2001 - 01.11.2002

Paid shaping group of CSK A Almaty


19.10.1996 - 21.10.1999

MGP Karachaganakgazprom

children's factory No. 7, Aksai

 Physical education instructor

18.08.1993 - 01.08.1994

The State Conservatory,

Teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports .Almaty city

15.02.1993 - 16.08.1993

Department of Physical Culture and Sports Ministry

Education of the Kazakh SSR, Almaty

Main expert.

28.08.1992 - 13.02.1993

Secondary school No. 4, Aksai.

Physical Education teacher

15.08.1991 - 27.08.1992

Kazakh KSPU Club, Aksai


10.05.1989 - 14.05.1991

Regional Youth School.

Head teacher of the Youth Sports School "Spartak", Uralsk

26.11.1985 - 28.04.1989

Regional Youth School

Coach-teacher of gymnastics, Ust-Kamenogorsk

29.10.1984 - 30.10.1985

Republican secondary educational boarding school of sports profile,

Teacher of the sports department of gymnastics, Almaty

30.08.1982 - 12.08.1984


Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture,coach - teacher
Article title Journal title Direction Year