Arkinzhan Mametov
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: a.mametov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Born in 1951 in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan After graduating from the architectural faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1973, he began his career at the Kazgorstroyproekt State Pedagogical Institute as an architect. Since 1977, he has been working at the Kazgiprograd State Polytechnic Institute as a leading architect, chief architect of projects, head of the department of architectural and planning workshop No. 3. In 1984 he was transferred to work in the State Polytechnic Institute "Almaatygiprogor", in the architectural and planning workshop to develop a master plan for the city of Almaty. In 1986, by the decision of the Alma-Ata city executive committee, he was appointed chief architect of the project of the master plan of the city of Alma-Ata.
Since 1988 he has been working in the newly organized design institute "Almatygenplan", as head of the master plan workshop, and since 1990 - as deputy director for urban planning issues.
In 1991 he was appointed deputy chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Almaty Regional Administration.
Since 1995 he has been working as the head of the Almatygosgradkadastr Office at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Almaty. During this period, the creation of the pioneering system of the state urban planning cadastre of the city of Almaty begins.
In 1998, the development of a new master plan for the city of Almaty began, on which he worked as the chief architect of the project until 2000.
From 2001 to the present time he has been working as a director of the limited liability partnership "Design firm" GRADO "(Almaty).
Over the last period, he is the head of the development of draft master plans for large cities - regional centers: Petropavlovsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Aktau, Shymkent, Uralsk, master plans for the cities of Kentau, Fort-Shevchenko, Kuryk, Tekeli, Zharkent, Ridder, Alga, Shemonaikha , Shieli; planning projects of the suburban area of the city of Shymkent and the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk: more than 300 projects of master plans of regional centers, projects of detailed planning of cities and rural settlements of Aktobe, North Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Kyzylorda, East Kazakhstan, Turkestan, West Kazakhstan, Almaty, Akmola oblasts, Shymkent, Almaty, Nur-Sultan (project of the state urban planning cadastre).
In 2013, Mametov Arkinzhan Akhmetzhanovich was elected a professor, in 2017 - a corresponding member, and in 2018 a full member (academician), a member of the Academic Council of the International Academy of Architecture (branch in Moscow).
State awards, incentives, certificates, etc .:
- Jubilee medal "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001).
- Anniversary medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2011).
- Jubilee medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2016).
- Certificates of honor of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, Akim of the North Kazakhstan region, Akim of the East Kazakhstan region.
- For a great contribution to the development of architecture and urban planning A.A. Mametov awarded with the badge "Honorary Architect of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
1968-1973 - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after VI Lenin, Specialty - "Architecture".
Scientific projects
Field of activity: Urban planning. Development of general lanes of cities, settlements, districts. Development of projects for detailed planning of general plans.
Participation in scientific projects:
- He is the head of the development of draft master plans for large cities - regional centers: Petropavlovsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Aktau, Shymkent, Uralsk, master plans for the cities of Kentau, Fort-Shevchenko, Kuryk, Tekeli, Zharkent, Ridder, Alga, Shemonaikha, Shieli.
- He is the head of the development of planning projects for the suburban area of the city of Shymkent and the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
- More than 300 projects of master plans of regional centers, projects of detailed planning of cities and rural settlements of Aktobe, North Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Kyzylorda, East Kazakhstan, Turkestan, West Kazakhstan, Almaty, Akmola regions, Shymkent, Almaty, Nur-Sultan city (draft state urban planning cadastre).
- Over the years, he took part in the development of legislative acts: on the land tax, the land code, on architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a number of guidance documents in the field of construction (RDS, SNiP).
1. Some aspects of development of large cities of Kazakhstan on the example of Shymkent. And Abilov And Mamedov, W Pockets. Architecture. Construction. Design, No. 2, 2015. Pp. 20-25 2. The urban development of Kazakhstan in the context of global challenges. A. Zh. ABILOV, A. A. MAMEDOV, Y. H. AIBASOV. BULLETIN. ARCHITECT OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Zodchiy Publishing House (Saint Petersburg), No. 1, 2016. Pp. 15-18.№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |