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Ashimov Abdykappar Ashimovich

Ashimov Abdykappar Ashimovich

Doctor of technical sciences


Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Professional biography




1963-1964. Senior engineer of the problem laboratory of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (KazPTI)

1964-1965. Acting Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of KazPTI

1965-1989. Head of the Department of Automation of Metallurgical Processes, Technical Cybernetics of KazPTI

1966-1989. Scientific Director of Problems and Industry Laboratories of Automated Systems of KazPTI

1976-1985. Rector of KazPTI

1989-1991. Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, NAS RK

1991-1994. Director, Institute of Informatics and Management Problems, NAS RK

1994-1995. Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1997-present Head of the Laboratory of System Analysis and Management of the Institute of Information and Computer Technology (Institute of Informatics and Management Problems) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Department "Information Technologies" of K.I. Satpayev KazNITU, head of the scientific and technical program "Program for the development of methods of effective economic policy based on the theory of parametric regulation.


Chronology of participation in public and socio-political life

1969-1991. Member of the Commission on Adaptive Control Systems and Automation Design of Control Systems of the Scientific Council on the complex problem of "Cybernetics" at the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

1970-1991. Chairman of the Bureau of the Kazakh Territorial Group and member of the USSR National Committee for Automatic Control

1970-1989. Editor of the inter-university collection of scientific works in informatics, management and technical cybernetics

1971-1990. Member of the Interdepartmental Council on Computer Engineering and Automated Control Systems

1975-1985. Member of the section of technical cybernetics of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR

1975-1989. Member of the Republican Interagency Council on Coordination of Scientific Research in the Field of Natural and Social Sciences

1978-1985. Head of the Republican Council for Scientific Research Work of Students at the Ministry of Higher Education of the Kazakh SSR

1979-1985. Deputy of the City Council of People's Deputies of two convocations

1980-1994. Member of the Committee for State Prizes in Science and Technology

1980-1985. Member of the Bureau of Kalinin District Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan

1993 — to date. President of the International Academy of Informatization

2015 - to date. Member of the National Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK


Doctoral dissertations

Asaubaev, K.S. Development, research and implementation of the control systems with the dynamic frequency-pulse modulation for the continuous technological processes automation. Moscow, 1985.

Dzhaparov B.A. Operative coordinated management of active production systems (on the example of nonferrous metallurgy enterprises). Moscow, 1987.

Syzdykov D.J. Theoretical bases, algorithms and practical application of methods of the general parameter for identification of technical systems. Leningrad, 1987.

Sagyngaliev K.S. Parametric methods for optimization of the coordinated control of the organizational systems of the production type (on the example of the instrument and machine building enterprises). Moscow, 1989.

Tukeyev U.A. Development and research of models, methods, instrumental means of technology of the automated design of databases and program complexes of APCS. Alma-Ata, 1992.

Kaziev G.Z. Models and design methods of the modular information and control systems. Moscow, 1994.

Sokolova S.P. Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control systems with variable configuration. Almaty, 1994.

Shukaev D.N. Development, research and implementation of the automated control systems for the technological complexes with parallel structure. Almaty, 1994.

Basenby M.A. Models, methods of analysis and synthesis of extremely stable control systems. Almaty, 1998.

Baibatshaev M.Sh. Theoretical bases, methods, models and algorithms of designing of robotic systems for nonferrous metallurgy. Almaty, 2002


Candidate's theses

Narozhnaya, L.G. Investigation and optimization of the mine lead melting processes using the mathematical model. Moscow, 1967.

Balabai N.F. Research and optimization of sodium aluminate crystallization process by mathematical modeling. Alma-Ata, 1968.

Pesin B.N. Research of kinetics of free melting of lead concentrates by a method of mathematical modeling. Alma-Ata, 1970.

Afanas'ev, A.A. Research and development of the system for the automatic stabilization of the mine lead melting technological process. Moscow, 1971.

Syzdykov D.J. Investigation of some questions of continuous identification of dynamic objects. Riga, 1971.

V.P. Morozov. Development and research of discrete system of automatic control of one class of chemical-technological processes with application of control machine (on the example of sulphur gas oxidation process in contact apparatus). Moscow, 1972.

Kadyrbekov S.O. Investigation of continuous technological process of red mud sintering in a rotary kiln by mathematical modeling. Alma-Ata, 1974.

Kulunshakov I. Research and optimization of reflective copper melting. Alma-Ata, 1974.

Skormin V.A. Optimal control of reflective melting of copper concentrates. Moscow, 1974.

Nazarova G.M. Research of melting of ores and concentrates of nonferrous metals in mine furnaces by the method of mathematical modeling. Alma-Ata, 1975.

Sagyngaliyev, K.S. Operative-calendarendar planning of the continuous discrete production and sales of the finished product. Moscow, 1975.

Dzharbolov S.I. Development and research of the adaptive system of direct digital control of the continuous technological process (on the example of the zinc concentrates firing process in a fluidized bed). Kiev, 1977.

Serikbaev, V.B. Development and investigation of the automatic system for the direct digital control of the air-gas mode of the agglomeration process. Alma-Ata, 1977.

Sokolova S.P. Automatic control system for stabilization and withdrawal of the technological object from the emergency mode. Kiev, 1977.

Asaubaev, K.Sh. Development of methods for the statistical analysis of the automatic control systems with the dynamic frequency-pulse modulation. Moscow, 1978.

Kulzhabaev N. The principle of coordinated management of production-transport systems. Moscow, 1978.

Aisakova B.A. Optimization of the operative-calendarendar plans of production systems (on the example of the nonferrous metallurgy enterprises). Moscow, 1979.

Kaziev G.Z. Models and methods of synthesis of software and information support of the modular automated information and control systems. Moscow, 1979.

D.N. Shukaev Development and research of the automated subsystem of the coordinated control of the continuous technological complex (on an example of sulphuric acid production from the waste gases of nonferrous metallurgy). Moscow, 1979.

Yarmukhamedova Z.M. Development and research of automatic control system of zinc sulfate production process in the boiling layer apparatus. Moscow, 1980.

Dushimov, Yu.G. Development and research of the subsystem of the operative-calendarendar planning of the production program at creation of the ACS of the Balkhash copper plant. Moscow, 1981.

Foreign A.V. Development and Investigation of the Method of Parametric Identification of High-Solvability Objects. Alma-Ata, 1981.

B.H. Aitchanov Development of methods for the statistical analysis of the integrated frequency-pulse systems for the automatic control of the delayed objects. Alma-Ata, 1982.

Medetov M.M. Development and research of models and methods of coordinated planning of production systems. Alma-Ata, 1982.

Dzhusupov A.A. Development and research of properties of the multidimensional system of NTsU by the technological process of oxidation of sulfur dioxide in the contact apparatus. Alma-Ata, 1983.

Kairanov M.J. Development of models and methods for stochastic stability analysis of the automatic control systems with sigma-frequency-pulse modulation. Alma-Ata, 1983.

Toktabaev, S.M. Development of the method for the searchless parametric identification of the dynamic objects. Alma-Ata, 1983.

Shombinov E.K. Development of the method for identification of the nonlinear dynamic objects using the image recognition algorithms. Alma-Ata, 1983.

Arslanov M.Z. Development and research of the models and methods of the coordinated management of the two-level active production systems. Moscow, 1984.

Sirotyuk V.O. Development and research of models and methods of the coordinated control of the two-level active production systems. Moscow, 1984.

Kosnikov V.A. Development of models and methods for selection of optimal technological modes of dynamic objects (on the example of zinc sulfate dehydration process in a fluidized bed). Alma-Ata, 1986.

Mamirov A.U. Models and algorithms of planning optimization of the order of development of modules of the automated control systems software. Alma-Ata, 1986.

Shangitbaev, J.K. Development and research of the automated system for the operative coordinated panning and management of the organizational-technical system. Alma-Ata, 1986.

Sadvakasov E.S. Development and research of the models and methods of information exchange optimization in the modular data processing systems. Leningrad, 1987.

Dzhakipbaev A.A. Models and methods of optimum distribution and planning of a sequence of works in ACS by manufacture of program complexes. Alma-Ata, 1990.

B.A. Yerzhanov. Development and research of direct digital control system for the technological process of ore processing in heavy suspensions. Alma-Ata, 1990.

Balgabayeva, L.Sh. Construction of the multi-dimensional stochastic control system on the basis of the comparison method. Alma-Ata, 1992.

Yesbatyrov T.E. Development and research of control system for continuous technological complex of parallel technological operations. Alma-Ata, 1992.

Zhumagaliev B.I. Development, research and introduction of models and methods of the parametrical control in ACS. Alma-Ata, 1992.

Ayaganov E.T. Development of models and methods of construction of the multidimensional control system with changing configuration for the objects with delay. Almaty, 1993.

Volobueva, O.P. Development and research of the optimal adaptive automated control system for the process of transformation in the contact apparatus. Almaty, 1993.

Kitapbaev J.B. Models and methods of designing of mechanisms and systems of protection of databases against unauthorized access. Almaty, 1996.

Samigulina G.A. Research and parametric synthesis of stochastic binary control systems based on quasi splitting approach. Almaty, 1996.

Utepbergenova A.I. Methods of analysis and synthesis of control systems in a class of structurally stable mappings (on an example of an assembly accident). Almaty, 2002.


1954-1960. Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Metallurgical Faculty; specialty "Automation of metallurgical processes"        , Almaty.

1960-1963. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Graduate School, Moscow

1964 г. Defence of the dissertation in the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the theme "Investigation of mine smelting of oxidized nickel ores with a mathematical model" on specialty 05.254 - Automatic control and regulation in the field of production of ferrous and nonferrous metals.

1972 г. Defending a thesis at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on "Optimal management of smelting ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals in mine furnaces" on specialty 05.254 - Automatic control and regulation in the field of production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

1973 г. Approval of the academic title of professor in the department of "Technical Cybernetics";

1989 г. Election as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR

2003 г. Election as a full member of the National Academy of Sciences    of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Scientific projects

Some results of scientific-organizational and scientific activities  of Academician A. Ashimov.

1 In the development of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute:

1.1 The scientific-methodical and normative base of activity management of the Higher educational institution of training and carrying out of research works in the form of the Integrated Quality Management System of training of specialists (IQMS) within the framework of provisions of the modern approach of project (development) management is developed and introduced into practice. The introduction of this system in the university has led to a noticeable improvement in the quality of training of specialists. The results of development and implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System were widely covered on the pages of the journal "Higher School Bulletin" of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR.  

[Ashimov A.A., Kataev T.K., Systemic quality management, Herald of higher school, ¹ 9, 1981, pp. 21-26; Ashimov A.A., Kolesnikov V.A., NIRS - methodological support, Herald of higher school, ¹ 3, 1982, p. 21-26]. 38-41. etc.]

1.2 Efficient activity of departments of automation of metallurgical processes and technical cybernetics; problem and branch laboratories of automated control systems is organized and provided.;

1.3  Under the direct supervision and with active participation the construction of buildings was carried out: the main building, buildings of the oil faculty, military department and canteen of the Institute, the useful area of which amounted to more than 80% of the total area of the Institute..

1.4 As a result of its activities, the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, was repeatedly recognized as the winner of the socialist competition in the USSR and the Republic and was included among the leading higher education institutions of the USSR.

2 In development of higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2.1 With the active participation of A. Ashimov, the Almaty Architectural and Construction Institute and the Rudna Industrial Institute were organized.

3 In development of the system of scientific institutions of AS RK:

3.1 The Institute of Informatics and Management Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the RK was organized under the guidance and active participation of A. Ashimov.

4 In development of the system of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel:

4.1 Under the guidance and with active participation of A. Ashimov, a scientific-methodical and regulatory framework for certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in RK was developed and implemented, which allowed to significantly improve the quality of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification.

5 In development of students' research work within the framework of the Republican Council of Research and Development:

5.1 Together with the branch secretary of the Central Committee of LKSM of Kazakhstan the scientific-methodical base and the bases of the management of the Republican Council of Research and Development were created, which served as the basis for carrying out All-Union events on research and development in Alma-Ata on the basis of the Republican Council of Research and Development.

6 In the development of science in management, informatics and information technology:

6.1 Major scientific and practical achievements:

6.1.1 Theory of Coordinated Management of Active Production Systems (Published as a monograph "Coordinated Management of Active Production Systems, Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1986")..

6.1.2 Statistical Theory of Automatic Systems with Dynamic Frequency-Pulse Modulation (published as a monograph: "Statistical Theory     of Automatic Systems with Dynamic Frequency-Pulse Modulation", Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1988).

6.1.3 The Theory of Automatic Control Systems with Changing Configuration (Published as monographs: "Introduction to the Theory of Automatic Control Systems with Changing Configuration", Alma-Ata, Gylym Publishing House, 1993, "Introduction to the Theory of Automatic Control Systems with Changing Configuration for Lagged Objects", Almaty, Gylym Publishing House, 1995)..

6.1.4 Theory of Database Engineering (Published as monographs: "Optimal Modular Data Processing Systems", Alma-Ata, Science, 1981. (reviewed above in Journal Automation and Telemechanics); "Optimization of Data Structures in ACS", Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1988)..

6.1.5 Based on the theoretical results obtained, a number      of automated process and production control systems have been developed and implemented at Shymkent Lead Plant, Ust-Kamenogorsk Lead and Zinc Plant, Balkhash Mining and Metallurgical Plant, Zhezkazgan Mining and Metallurgical Plant and Aktubrentgen Production Association.

6.1.6 The "Theory of Parametric Regulation of Market Economy Development" is currently under development, the results of which are presented in the form of 5 reports at the panel session of the V-Astana Economic Forum "Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Forecasting and Regulation Instruments" (May 2012), 4 reports at the panel session of the VI-Astana Economic Forum "Macroeconomic Analysis, Parametric Regulation and Public Policy within Regional Economic Unions" (May 2013), 4 reports at the panel session of the VI-Astana Economic Forum "Macroeconomic Policy, Parametric Regulation and Public Policy within Regional Economic Unions" (May 2013).

6.2 The number of scientific works, monographs and certificates of authorship in the above         areas is more than 500, of which 22 are monographs and 15 are patents. The works published by him are tracked in one of the largest publishing houses in the world Elsevier, a single reference base Scopus,    search engines Scirus, Google Scholar, all-Russian mathematical portal and others. h index of academician of NAS RK A. Ashimov equals 12.

6.3 Awarded the "The Outstanding Paper" award by Kybernetes magazine for the best paper presented at the 15th International Congress on Cybernetics and Systems (WOSC 2011) in Nanjing, China.

6.4 Awarded the "Golden Award of Excellence in Economics"    certificate in recognition of outstanding innovative research presented at the 29th IIAS (The International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research & Cybernetics) conference held from 31 July to 4 August 2017. Baden-Baden, Germany.

7. Training of scientific personnel

7.1 Ten doctors and 44 candidates of science have been trained.

State awards and honorary titles:

Medal "For Valorous Labor", 1970.

Title "Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR", 1980.

Order of Friendship of Peoples, 1981.

Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, 1984.

Prize of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR in the field of science and technology, 1989.

Title "Honorary Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2002.

Order "Parasat", 2006.

Order "Barys" of II degree, 2012.

Қазақстан Republics Президентінің АЛҒЫСЫ, 2012.

Badge "For merits in development of a science in the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2017.

"Ғасыр ғұламасы, academician N.Ә. Nazarbayev - ҚР ҰҒА altyn medali", 2018.

Basic works:

1. "Automated control system of technological processes of production of sulphuric acid of exhaust gases" - M.: Metallurgy, 1977. -218 pp. (Co-auth.: V.P. Morozov and others).

2. "Optimal Modular Data Processing Systems" - Alma-Ata: Science, 1981. - 188 pp. (Co-auth.: V.V. Kulba, A.Mamikonov, etc.).

3. "Concerted management of active production systems" - M.: Nauka, 1986 - 247str. (Co-auth.: V.N. Burkov et al.)

4. "Handbook on the theory of automatic control" / Edited by A.A. Krasovsky. - M.: Nauka, 1987.- 711str. (Co-auth.: A.G. Alexandrov, V.N. Bukov, etc.).

5. "Optimization of data structures in ACS" - M.: Science, 1988.- 225 p. (Co-auth.: A.G. Mamikonov, V.V. Kulba and others).

6. "Elements of the Theory of Parametric Regulation" - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2009. - – 96 с. (Co-auth.: Yu.V. Borovsky, B.T. Sultanov etc.).

7. "Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy on the Basis of Parametric Regulation" - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2010. - – 284 с. (Co-auth.: B.T. Sultanov, J.M. Adilov, Yu. V. Borovsky, etc.).

8. "Macroeconomic Analysis and Parametric Regulation of the National Economy" - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2011. - – 324 с. (Co-authors: Yu.V. Borovskiy, B.T. Sultanov, J.M. Adilov, R.A. Alshanov, etc.).

9. «Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy Based on Parametric Control» - New York: Springer, 2011. - 265 p. (Соавт.: B.T. Sultanov, Zh.M. Adilov, Yu.V. Borovskiy и др.)

10. «Macroeconomic analysis and parametric control of a national economy» - New York: Springer, 2013. (Соавт.: B.T. Sultanov, Zh.M. Adilov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, R.A. Alshanov и др.)

11. «Parametric Control of Economic Growth Processes and Characteristics of Short-term Cycles» - Economic developments and emerging markets of the 21st century: global practices, strategies, and challenges / editors Gue Boscarino and Derek Notte. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013. P. 95-188. (Соавт.: Alshanov R.A., Borovskiy Yu.V., Sultanov B.T.)

12. "Macroeconomic Analysis and Parametric Regulation of the Regional Economic Union" - Moscow: URSS, 2018 - 512 pp. (Co-authors: Borovskiy Y.V., Novikov D.A., Sultanov B.T.)



on the theme "Theories of parametric regulation of macroeconomic systems" for 2017-2019


Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu. Solution of one Global Problem by Approach of the Parametric Control Theory. Advances in Systems Science and Application (2018) Vol.18, No.4, P. 64-73. (Scopus)

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Macroeconomic problems and approach of the parametric control theory. International Journal of Business And Management Study, Vol. 5 (2018), Issue 2. P. 41-46.

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Parametric Control in Macroeconomic Policy. AIP Conference Proceedings 2025, 040003 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5064887. Published by the American Institute of Physics (Scopus)

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Parametric control of the processes of making recommendations in economic policy. Book of abstracts. Tenth International Conf. on application of mathematics in technical and natural sciences. 20-25 June 2018, Albena, Bulgaria. P. 47-48.

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Macroeconomic problems and approach of the parametric control theory. Proc. of The Eighth Intl. Conf. On Advances In Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study - ESSHBS 2018. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA. P. 7-12.

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Parametric Control of the Diversification of Economic Growth by Stimulating Certain Industries. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research Vol. 95. Edited by Sang-Bing Tsai, Jerry Liu. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017. P. 44-48. (Web of Science)

Forrest J. Y.-L., Ying Y., Gong Z., Yang B., Liu Y., Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu. Estimating the State of Economy Through Observers. В книге: Forrest J. Y.-L., Ying Y., Gong Z. Currency Wars. Offense and Defense through Systemic Thinking. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. P. 109-127. (Scopus)

 Forrest J. Y.-L., Ying Y., Gong Z., Liu Y., Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu. Estimating the State of Economy Through Controllers . В книге: Forrest J. Y.-L., Ying Y., Gong Z. Currency Wars. Offense and Defense through Systemic Thinking. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. P. 129-147. (Scopus)

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Modeling of Economic Structural Adjustment Based on the Developed Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7 (2018), Issue 2. P. 75-86.

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Aidarkhanov D. Parametric control of the world economy based on a hybrid multi-country econometric model . Advances in analysis and decision-making in complex and uncertain systems. Volume V. Published by the international institute for advanced studies in systems research and cybernetics. Tecumseh, ON, Canada. 2017. P. 11-15.

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Modeling of Economic Structural Adjustment Based on the Developed Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model . SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research July 6-7, 2017, Osaka. Proceedings Volume 6 (2017) Issue 4 (July). Published by: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Parametric Control of the Diversification of Economic Growth by Stimulating Certain Industries . Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), vol. 95. International Conference on Education, Economics and Management Research (ICEEMR 2017). P. 44-48

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu., Aidarkhanov D. Evaluation of Measures to Combat Poverty on the basis of multi-country global hybrid econometric model . Science with and for Society - Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems. Book of Proceedings WOSC 2017-Rome 25-27 January, 2017

Ashimov A., Borovskiy Yu. Global problems and parametric control theory. Science with and for Society - Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems. Book of Proceedings WOSC 2017-Rome 25-27 January, 2017

A.A. Ashimov, A.S. Geida, I.V. Lysenko, R.M. Yusupov Functioning Efficiency and other Operational Properties of Systems: Problems and Method of Estimation. Works of SPIIRAN. Issue number 5(60), 2018. Pages 241-270. (Scopus)

Ashimov A.A., Borovskiy Yu.V., Novikov D.A., Sultanov B.T. Macroeconomic analysis and parametric regulation of regional economic union. Moscow: URSS, 2018

Ashimov A.,Borovskiy Yu., Onalbekov M. Modeling optimal policy on base of the large-scale DSGE model. Information Technologies, Management and Society. The 16th International Scientific Conference Information Technologies and Management. Riga: ISMA University, 2018. P. 101-104.

A.A. Ashimov, Y.V. Borovskiy, M.A. Onalbekov Macroeconomic Problems and Approach of Parametric Regulation Theory . Informatics and applied mathematics: Materials of III interd. scientific conf. Part 2. - Almaty, 2018. p. 285 – 298.

Ashimov A.A., Borovsky Yu.V., Onalbekov M.A. Macroeconomic analysis and parametric regulation on the basis of the global dynamic computable model of the general equilibrium. Informatics and applied mathematics: Proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference (27-30 September 2017). Ч. 1. - Almaty, 2017, p. 294-309.

A.A. Ashimov, Y.V. Borovsky Теория параметрического регулирования ‑Theory of Optimal Macroeconomic Policy Development. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Mathematical methods and information technologies of macroeconomic analysis and economic policy", dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the academician of NAS RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimov, 11-12 April 2017, Almaty. 14-20.

A. Ashimov A.A., Borovskiy Yu.V., Onalbekov M.A. Information technology of macroeconomic analysis and parametric regulation on the basis of global dynamic computable model of general equilibrium on the basis of Globe1 . Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Mathematical methods and information technologies of macroeconomic analysis and economic policy", dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the academician of NAS RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimov, 11-12 April 2017, Almaty. 21-31

Ashimov A.A., Borovsky Yu.V., Onalbekov M.A. Information technology of macroeconomic analysis and parametric regulation on the basis of global multi-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Mathematical methods and information technologies of macroeconomic analysis and economic policy", dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the academician of NAS RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimov, 11-12 April 2017, Almaty. 32-43

A.A. Ashimov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, D.T. Aidarkhanov Information technology of macroeconomic analysis and parametric regulation on the basis of global multi-country hybrid econometric model. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Mathematical methods and information technologies of macroeconomic analysis and economic policy", dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the academician of NAS RK Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimov, 11-12 April 2017, Almaty. 43-54

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