Assilbekov Bakhytzhan
Head of Laboratory
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: b.assilbekov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Head of Laboratory “Computational modelling and information technologies”, Satbayev University, January 2021 to the present, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Associate professor, Satbayev University, August 2020 to the present, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Researcher, Satbayev University, January 2018 to the present, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Head of Laboratory “Supercomputer technologies and software”,
Kazakh-British Technical University, March 2013 to May 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Deputy Head of Laboratory “Perspective materials and technologies”,
Kazakh-British Technical University, March 2010 to March 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Deputy Director of Scientific-Research Institute “Mathematics and Mechanics”,
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, October 2009 to April 2010, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Lecturer, Senior lecturer at the department of Mechanics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, September 2007 to July 2009, January-May 2014, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
June-Sept., 2017, July 2018 – Short term visiting, University of Pittsburgh, Swanson school of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, USA.
June/July, 2015, 2016 – Internship, High Performance Program, Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK.
2009 – PhD degree in fluid and gas mechanics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
March/April, 2009 – Internship, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia.
2006 – Bachelor degree in fluid and gas mechanics and applied mathematics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Scientific projects
Project Supervisor
2015-2017 – Development of software for process control of the beryllium ceramics forming with the structural phase transformations.
2013-2015 – CUDA and OpenCL parallel computing software for geological and hydrodynamic modeling of oil and gas fields;
2012-2014 – Fracture design and fluid flow modeling under reservoir condition;
2010-2013 – Information technology (mathematical model and software) development for thermal method of enhanced oil recovery with well radial channel assistance.
Project Executor
2015-2017 – Development and implementation of a national software suite for solving technological problems of oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan (senior research fellow);
2013-2014 – Acid treatment of near-well bore zone computer modeling (senior research fellow);
2012-2014 – Field development forecast and enhanced oil recovery method selection with assistance of geological and hydrodynamic model, example from Zhetybay (senior research fellow);
2009-2011 - Special scientific and technical programs implementation with national companies, addressed to future challenges that accompany their main activity solution (research fellow);
2008-2010 – Kazakhstan scientific projects implementation with assistance of foreign scientists, organizations, international programs and projects, including members of Kazakh expatriates (research fellow);
2008 – Theoretical basics of secondary oil recovery methods development (research fellow);
2008 – Implementation of hydrodynamic models and calculation methods of processes in suspensions with physical and chemical transformations (research fellow);
2009 – Implementation of mathematical models and software for hydraulic fracturing effectiveness analysis (research fellow);
2009-2011 – Study of stochastic models and calculation methods of multiphase flow of immiscible fluids in saturated reservoir (research fellow).
A. Books/tutorials
1.A.Zh. Kaltaev, B.E. Bekbauov, B.K. Assilbekov. Collection of fluid and gas mechanics calculations. Tutorial. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, 2012. – 139 p.
B. Journal articles, reports, thesis reports in conferences, congresses
1.Z.K.Sattinova, T.N.Bekenov, B.K.Assilbekov, G.I.Ramazanova, U.K.Zhapbasbayev, Zh.T.Nussupbek. Mathematical modeling of the rheological behavior of thermoplastic slurry in the molding process of beryllium ceramics. Ceramics International 48 (2022). pp. 31139-31147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.07.178. (88%, Q1, IF: 5.532).
2.Seitbekova, Y., Assilbekov, B., Kuljabekov, A., Beisembetov, I. A Prediction of Bike Flow in Bike Renting Systems with the Tensor Model and Deep Learning. Transportation Research Procedia, 2021, 58, pp. 270-276. (49%, SJR: 0.5).
3.K.A. Soltanbekova, B.K. Assilbekov, A.B. Zolotukhin, Zh.K. Akasheva, D.A. Bolysbek. Results of Laboratory Studies of Acid Treatment of Low-Permeability Rock Cores. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology. №5 (449). 2021. pp. 113-123. (47%, Q2, SJR: 0.39).
4.Akasheva, Z., Assilbekov, B., Kudaikulov, A., Bolysbek, D. Numerical calculation of the pressure drop and saturation of two-phase flow through porous medium. Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference 2020, CTC 2020, 2020. (Indexed in Scopus).
5.Akasheva, Z., Assilbekov, B., Kudaikulov, A., Beisembetov, I. Numerical calculation of relative phase permeabilities for two-phase flow in the channel. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019, 25, pp. 52-57. (38%, SJR: 0.36).
6.Zhapbasbayev, U., Ramazanova, G., Assilbekov, B., Sattinova, Z. Modeling of beryllia ceramics formation process. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017, 1839, pp. 547-558.
7.U.K. Zhapbasbayev, G.I. Ramazanova, B.K. Assilbekov, Z.K. Sattinova. Modeling of ceramic products molding process. Bulgarian Chemical Communications. Special Issue E: Vol. 48, 2016, pp. 396-403. (20%, Q4, SJR: 0.17).
8.К.А. Turegeldiyeva, U.К. Zhapbasbayev, B.К. Assilbekov, А.B. Zolotukhin. Matrix acidizing modeling of near-wellbore with reduced reservoir properties (Part 1). Oil Industry. №1. 2016. pp. 48-54. (20%, Q3, SJR: 0.28).
9.К.А. Turegeldiyeva, U.К. Zhapbasbayev, B.К. Assilbekov, А.B. Zolotukhin. Matrix acidizing modeling of near-wellbore with reduced reservoir properties (Part 2). Oil Industry. №4. 2016. pp. 108-110. (20%, Q3, SJR: 0.28).
10.T.T. Bekibayev, I.K. Beisembetov, B.K. Assilbekov, A.B. Zolotukhin, U.K. Zhapbasbayev, K.A. Turegeldieva. Study of the impact of reduced permeability due to near-wellbore damage on the optimal parameters of the matrix acidizing in carbonate rocks. SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference & Exhibition. SPE-177372-MS. 4-6 November 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan. (Indexed in Scopus).
11.Zhapbasbayev U.K., Ramazanova G.I., Sattinova Z.K., Assilbekov B.K., Shakhov S.A. Experimental and calculated data of the beryllium oxide slurry formation process // Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-12), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. 2016. pp. 159-172.
12.Bekibayev T., Yermakhanov N., Assylbekov B. Investigation of impact of near-wellbore damage caused by fines migration on optimal conditions of matrix acidizing and software development. Bulletin of KBTU. Almaty. Vol. 12. №1(32). 2015. pp. 1-10.
13.Bekibaev T.T., Assilbekov B.K., Zhapbasbayev U.K., Beisembetov I.K., Kenzhaliev B.K. High-performance computing in oil recovery simulation based on CUDA. 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Sao-Paulo. Brazil. 8-12 July, 2012. 17 p.
14.Bekibaev T.T., Assilbekov B.K., Zhapbasbayev U.K. Application of GPU in the development of 3D hydrodynamics simulators for oil recovery prediction. Quarterly Journal of Drilling, Oil and Gas. – Krakow. Poland. 2012. Vol. 29. № 1. pp. 75-88.
15.I.K. Beisembetov, B.K. Assilbekov, U.K. Zhapbasbayev, B.K. Kenzhaliev. Modelling of two phase filtration in fractures of hydraulic fracturing. Materials of XXI international scientific and technical conference “New Methods and Technologies in Petroleum Geology, Drilling, Geoengineering, Reservoir Engineering and Gas Engineering”. Journal of Mining Academy n.a. S.Stashica. (v. 27, №1-2, 2010). Zakopane. Poland. pp. 81-89.
16.I.K. Beisembetov, B.K. Assilbekov, U.K. Zhapbasbayev, B.K. Kenzhaliev. Oil displacement by water in radial channels. Al-Farabi KazNU. Special edition. Issue mathematics, mechanics and informatics. №3(66). 2010. pp. 175-181.
17.Assilbekov B.K. Simulation of two phase filtration in reservoir with high permeable channel. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics. Vol. 1. 2010. pp. 5.
18.B.K. Kenzhaliev, A.N. Berkinbaeva, G.Zh. Beisembaeva, B. Assilbekov, E.N. Suleimenov. Development of resource saving technology for gold recovery with intensifying additives. Proceedings of the XI International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology MPT-2010. Vol. II. 2010. pp. 986-993.
19.U. Zhapbasbayev, G. Ramazanova, B. Assilbekov, Z. Sattinova. The simulation of formation process of ceramics by a hot moulding method. Abstracts of the XI International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology MPT-2010. Vol. II. 2010. 331 p.
20.Assilbekov, B.K., Zhapbasbaev, U.K., Kalilanova K.A., and Zolotukhin A.B. Some problem in a two-phase fluid flow in highly permeable reservoir // Proceedings of 6th meeting of Russian-Kazakh workgroup in computing and information technologies. Almaty, 2009. pp. 81-91.
21.Assilbekov, B.K., Zhapbasbayev, U.K., Zolotukhin, A.B. Modeling of two phase fluid filtration in reservoir with high permeability collector // Quarterly Journal of Drilling, Oil and Gas. Krakow, Poland, 2009. – Vol. 26, № 1-2. pp. 69-79.
22.A.Kaltayev, Zh. Ualiev, B. Asilbekov, U. Riedel, J. Warnatz. Flame Propagation in a Closed Vessel with Obstacles. 31st Int. Symposium on Combustion, University of Heidelberg, Germany, August 6-11, 2006, Abstracts of work-in-progress, 620 p.
23.Kaltayev, Zh. Ualyiev, B. Asylbekov. Influences of Obstacles with Different Shapes and Various Locations to Flame Propagation in a closed Vessel. Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, Hiroshima, December 6-8, 2006.
24.Zhapbaspayev, U., Assilbekov, B., Zolotukhin, A. Modeling of two phase fluid filtration in reservoir with high permeability collector // Abstracts 20th Int. Conference Oil-Gas AGH, 2009, 27-29 May. – Krakow, Poland, 2009. 17 p.
25.Zhapbaspayev, U., Assilbekov, B. Some hydrodynamical effects during water coning in well-bore zone. Proceedings of the Int. Conference on “Computation and information technologies in science, technique and education”. Bulletin of Al-Farabi KazNU. Vol. 13. Almaty-Novosibirsk. 2008. pp. 77-82.
26.Assilbekov, B, Zhapbaspayev, U., Ogay E. Study on water coning during well production in oil saturated reservoir. Scientific-technical Journal «Oil and gas». Almaty. 2008. №5. pp. 49-58.
27.Assilbekov, B, Zhapbaspayev, U. Modeling of horizontal wells for reservoir production stimulation // Proceedings of VI Kazakhstan-Russian Int. scientific conferece. Astana, 11-12 October, 2007. Eurasian National University, pp. 38-39.
28.Assilbekov, B., Zhapbaspayev, U., Akhmedzhanov, T., Khairov, G. Thermal method of enhanced oil recovery using energy of disposed radioactive waste. Bulletin of KBTU. Almaty, 2007. №3.
29.U.K. Zhapbasbayev, Assilbekov B.K., S.Z. Kabdolov, G.B. Khairov. Modeling of Reservoir Process Using the Method of Radial Drilling. Archives of Mining Sciences, Vol. 52, Issue 2, 2007. Poland, Krakow, pp. 237-245.
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