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Assubayeva Saltanat

Assubayeva Saltanat

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

Email: s.assubayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Assubayeva Saltanat Kalykbayevna graduated from KazNTU in 1990, mining engineer, hydrogeologist. She began her career in 1999 at the Department of General Geology, Mineralogy and Petrography of GEI from the position of technician of the 1st category, in the second half she moved to the position of department’s engineer. From the beginning of her career, she constantly improved her qualifications, attended lectures of leading faculty members of the department, and worked as an assistant, teacher, and senior teacher. From 2005 to the present day he has been working as a responsible executor of grant and design work.

In 2021, she was awarded a certificate of honor from the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For her contribution to the development and active participation in the scientific life of the university, she received a certificate of honor from the Rector of Kazntu named after K.I.Satpayev (2021).


From 1985 to 1990 Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin, Geological Exploration Faculty, specialty: hydrogeology and engineering geology. Mining engineer hydrogeologist.

Since 2002 on 2006 Kazakh nautsionalny technical university of K.I. Satpayev Aspirantur, special: 250011-"Geology, search and investigation of fields of solid minerals, minerageniye"

Scientific projects

Since 2005 till today the responsible contractor of grant and design works:

- 2005-2007, Project: "To develop a dynamic model of endogenous ore-bearing sites of rare and colored products of Kazakhstan";

- 2008-2010, Program: "Development of new competitive mining and geological technologies to provide mineral and raw materials resources to hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors of industry," theme: "Development of mineral and raw materials resources of hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors of industry"Section: "Scientific justification of development and creation of own mineral and raw materials base of rare and rare earth elements in Kazakhstan";

- 2011-2014, Program: "Scientific justification of mineral reserves replenishment for industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2014," Project: "Resumption of assessment works of the Kundybai deposit (Kostanay region) and on the sites of Ak-Bulak and Talayryk, study of the material composition of ores, collection of technological samples";

- 2015-2017, Project: Study ore-controlling factors of endogenous rare-metal deposits of Kazakhstan in 3D format and assess their potential changes "

- 2016, Project: "Study of material composition and properties of tails of Zhezkazgan enrichment factories in order to assess their prospects for expansion of mineral raw materials base";

- 2018-2020, Project: Creation of digital geographic information system, thermodynamic and 3D models of endogenous and exogenous deposits of the Syrymbetovsky ore node and assessment of their potential resources for rare metals and rare lands.

Currently, the main contractor of the project: АР05133743 "Creation of a digital geographic information system, thermodynamic and 3D models of endogenous and exogenous deposits of the Syrymbeth ore node and assessment of their potential resources for rare metals and rare lands."


Murat Omirserikov, Kulyash Dyussembayeva, Lyudmila Isayeva, Maksat Kembayev, Saltanat Assubayeva (2015). Forms of occurrence of rare earth elements in the weathering crust of Kundybay deposit (North Kazakhstan). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM)

МШ Омирсериков, ЛД Исаева, СК Асубаева, МК Кембаев (2015). Изучение особенности литологического строения участка Талайрык. Наука в современном информационном обществе

Kulyash Sharanovna Dyussembayeva, Saltanat Kalykbaevna Assubayeva, Adilkhan Bekdildaevich Baibatsha, Aymkhan Turapbayevna Kassenova, Alma Anarbekovna Bekbotayeva (2014). Study oxidation zone of Naymanzhal gold deposit (central Kazakhstan) the purpose of it develop with methods of heap leaching. Life Science Journal

Kulyash Sharanovna Dyussembayeva, AB Baitatsha, Aymkhan Turapbayevna Kassenova, Saltanat Kalykbaevna Assubayeva (2014). Micro-and nanogold in the auriferous of weathering crusts of Martovskoye and Ravninnoye deposits (west Kazakhstan). Life Sci. J

Kulyash Dyussembayeva, Adilkhan Baibatsha, Aimkhan Kassenova, Erkhozha Mamanov, Saltanat Assubayeva (2014). Results of study the rare metal ore mineralization of the selected areas in Central Africa. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management. Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM)


Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Construction of a geological volumetric model of rare metal and copper deposits in Northern Kazakhstan