Baimatayeva Sholpan Muratkyzy
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"
Email: s.baimatayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Ph.D., author of more than 20 scientific papers, 1 monograph, 4 study guidesEducation
Kazakh National Technical University, system engineer
AIPET, Automation and management of technological processes and productions, PhD
Scientific projects
training system building modelsPublications
Burkova I.V., Yaskevich T.V., Baimataeva Sh.M. Improving the efficiency of the student testing process based on the methods of excessive coding and filtering // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. - SUSU: -2017. - No. 3. - S. 44-52.Yaskevich T.V., Baimataeva Sh.M. The use of disciplinary ties in the implementation of undergraduate study programs // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference .- Tomsk: 2018. - P. 117-118
Yaskevich T.V., Baimataeva Sh.M. Features of "noise" in open and closed testing // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. - Tomsk: 2018. - S.145-146
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