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Bakesheva Aigul Temerbekovna

Bakesheva Aigul Temerbekovna


Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Petroleum Engineering

Email: a.bakesheva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Bakesheva Aigul Temerbekovna - PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Satbayev University.

In the period from 2013 to 2016, she held the position of manager of the GazGraph department of KazTransGas JSC in Almaty. As part of her duties, she performed complex calculations to determine the hydraulic modes of high, medium and low pressure gas networks, carried out situational modeling and analysis of gas supply modes.

From 2014 to 2016 studied in the master's program in the specialty “Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities” at the NAO KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev. During her master's degree, she completed a foreign internship at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium). The master's thesis was focused on the topic of choosing technical diagnostic methods for main pipelines.

In 2016, she entered doctoral studies at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, NAO KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev and successfully completed her studies in the specialty “Oil and Gas Engineering” in 2019. As part of her doctoral studies, she completed a foreign internship at the Mining University (St. Petersburg, Russia), where she conducted experimental studies of natural gas reduction processes in the educational laboratory of the oil and gas faculty. The scientific dissertation was devoted to solving a critical problem in the gas supply industry - the development of a technique for eliminating gas leaks from microcracks in gas pipelines without stopping the pumping process.

From 2019 to 2022 Acted as a senior researcher and senior lecturer at the Petroleum Engineering Department of Satbayev University.

From 2023 to the present time. I work as an associate professor at the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Satbayev University.

Proficient in programming languages: Eclipse, AutoCad, MATLAB, as well as the Geodetic Information System "CityCom-GazGraph".

Publications, scientific works, inventions: author of more than 20 scientific publications, including in journals based on Web of Science and Scopus, monographs, holder of the RK patent No. 4427 “Device for in-pipe repair of gas pipelines”, author’s certificate for the computer program “PVT tool for predicting paraffin precipitation."


Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Certificate of Honor from the ALE “Kazakhstan Association of Oil, Gas and Energy Sector Organizations “Kazenergy”.


2016-2019 Satbaev University. Specialty: oil and gas business. Academic degree: Doctor PhD

Topic of the dissertation work: "Elimination of gas leakage from microcracks of the gas pipeline without the exit of gas pumping"

2014-2016 Kazakh National Technical University named after. K.I. Satpaeva. Specialty: oil and gas business. Academic degree: master

Topic of dissertation work: "The choice of technical diagnostics for main pipelines"

2008-2011 Kazakh National Technical University named after. K.I. Satpaeva. Specialty: oil and gas business. Academic degree: bachelor

2004-2008 Eurasian National University. LN Gumilyov, Astana Specialty: finance. Academic degree: bachelor

Scientific projects

Responsible executor of PCF BR21881822 “Development of technical solutions for optimization of geological and technical operations when drilling wells and oil production at a late stage of field exploitation”

Leading Researcher No. AP09058452 “Development of a PVT model for predicting paraffin deposition”


1.Bakesheva A.T., Fetisov V.G., Pshenin V. V. V. A refined algorithm for leak location in gas pipelines with determination of quantitative parameters, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. Volume 12, Number 12 (2019), pp. 2867-2869, ISSN 0974-3154, CiteScore - 0.70 Percentile - 48,

2. Bakesheva A.T. Irgiybaev T.I. Methods of liquidation of leakage in main gas pipelines, Bulletin of KazNRTU. No.3, 2019. Almaty. С.330-334. ISSN 1680-9211.

3. Bakesheva A.T. Irgiybaev T.I. Causes of crack-like defects formation on main gas pipelines and methods for their detection, Vestnik KazNRTU. No.4,2019. Almaty. С.465-470. ISSN 1680-9211

4. Bakesheva A.T. Device for in-line repair of gas pipelines, Patent RK №4427. Published 08.11.2019. Bulletin №45.

5.Samigullin G.H.Kadochnikova E.N. Estimation of reliability of main gas pipelines with crack-like defects, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Science.Research.Practice" GNII "Natsrazvitie". g.St.Petersburg, 2019. P.120-123 ISBN 978-5-9500836-9-3.UDK 621.396

6.Bakesheva A.T. Irgiybaev T.I. Belousov A.E. Determination of natural gas loss values based on physical simulation of leakages from the pipeline to the media with superatmospheric pressure using a volumetric-type expander, Scientific Journal "Izvestiya NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences", № 3, 2019. Almaty. - С.114-121. ISSN 2224-5278, CiteScore - 0.8 Percentile - - - 26,

7. G. Moldabayeva,M. Braun,M. Pokhilyuk,N. Buktukov A. Bakesheva. Digital modeling of increasing the efficiency of water insulation in the bottom-hole zone of a well with various injection agents. Scientific journal "Izvestiya NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences", № 4, 2023. Almaty. - С.145-156.

8. Bakesheva A.T. Economic efficiency of application of methods of in-line repair of main gas pipelines. Scientific-technical and production "Mining Journal of Kazakhstan".№10,2019. g.Almaty. С.28-31. ISSN 2227-4766.

9. Ismailova D. A., Abdukarimov A. K., Bakesheva A. T., Delikesheva D. N., Khusainova A. R. Copyright for computer program "PVT tool for predicting wax deposition". Certificate No. 38419 dated August 15, 2023.

10. Samigullin G.H., Belousov A.E., Bakesheva A.T. Application of detander devices for modeling of gas leaks from gas pipeline. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "High Technologies and Innovations in Science" GNII "Natsrazvitie". St. Petersburg, 2018. P.78-83 ISBN 978-5-6041003-2-5.UDK 519.857

11. Bakesheva A.T. Modern methods of external repair of main gas pipelines without stopping gas pumping. Proceedings of the International Satpayev readings "Scientific heritage of Shakhmardan Esenov". Almaty, KazNRTU K.I.Satbayev, 2017. С.237-239. ISBN 978-601-323-111-2.UDK 622.691.

12. Bakesheva A.T. Analysis of reliable operation of main gas pipelines. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Membership in the WTO: prospects for scientific research and international technology market". Vancouver, 2019. PP.406-410 ISBN 978-601-7496-26-5.UDK 339.9(063)

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storages