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Balgayev Doszhan

Balgayev Doszhan


Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment


Professional biography

Smart-Oil LLP

10.2011-12.2011 - apprentice mechanic for drilling equipment repair;

01.2012-07.2012 - Mechanic for repair of drilling equipment;

08. 2012-03.2016. - Leading engineer-mechanic for repair of drilling rigs.


- organization and technical maintenance of machines and mechanisms;

- registration of applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts;

- analysis and accounting of out-of-order spare parts and equipment;

- preparation of weekly and monthly reports on the work done;

- creation of schedule of planned and preliminary maintenance and rational use of equipment;

- ensuring compliance with labor safety rules and technical safety.

NAO "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaeva".

03.2016-08.2016 - engineering department "Machinery and equipment of oil and gas industry";

08.2016-08.2022 - lecturer, department "Technological machines and equipment".

From 09.2022 to now - senior lecturer of the department "Technological machines and equipment".


2005-2009 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaeva, 050724 - "Technological machines and equipment", Bachelor

2009-2011 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaeva, 6M0724 - "Technological machines and equipment", Master

2021-2024 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpaeva, 8D07110 - "Digital engineering of machines and equipment", Doctoral studies

Scientific projects

Participation in scientific projects

Participated in the scientific project for 2018-2020 on the topic GF No. 2018/АР05133906 "Creation of a new technology for collecting high-viscosity oil in warehouses and bottling areas using ultrasonic devices", in the framework of the state order under the budget subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research" in the position of responsible executor (senior scientific employee).

He was a senior researcher within the framework of the project for 2021-2023 on the topic - AP09261282 "Increasing the working resource of pumps of rod well pump installations for oil production" implemented within the framework of the state order for grant funding of scientists for the implementation of scientific and scientific-technical projects of the budget program 217 "Development of science".

From October 2023 to the present time, he is a researcher of the project №BR21882292-OT-23 "Integrated development of the sustainable construction industry: innovative technologies, optimization of production, effective use of resources and creation of a technological park".


1. Extension of operational life of ball valves in piston and plunger pumps. MIAB. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2021;(7):165-1750. Zaurbekov S.A., Akanova G.K., Balgayev D.Y., Zaurbekov K.S.

2. Hydrodynamic simulation of the steam-assisted gravity Drainage method for different reservoir thicknesses Using eclipse. NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 3, Number 459 (2023), 60–69. K.S. Zaurbekov, S.A. Zaurbekov, A.V. Sladkovsky, D.Y. Balgayev

3. Multifunctional valve for the arrangement of submersible downhole pumps in downhole oil production. NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES.ISSN 2224–5278. Volume 2. Number 464 (2024), 156–168. B.А. Myrzakhmetov, T.A. Kuandykov, B.K. Mauletbekova, D.Y. Balgayev, J.B. Nurkas

4. Обзор и анализ отказов скважинных штанговых насосных установок. “Горный журнал Казахстана” №3 (215) 2023г. с. 39-43.  ISSN 2227-4766. Исмаилова Д.А., Заурбеков С.А., Балгаев Д.Е., Заурбеков К.С. 

5. Расширение возможности применения гравитационного дренирования с закачкой пара (SAGD) и закачки пара с растворителем  (ES-SAGD). «Горный журнал Казахстана» №7 (219) 2023г., стр. 40-45. ISSN 2227-4766. Заурбеков С.А., Заурбеков К.С., Балгаев Д.Е.

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