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Beisekhan Shamsiya Galymkyzy

Beisekhan Shamsiya Galymkyzy

Master of pedagogical Sciences


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: s.beisekhan@satbayev.111

Professional biography

She has been working at Satbayev University since 2023. 

The qualification category “teacher-moderator” of the highest level of qualification was awarded in 2020.

2020-2021 - she worked at the school-lyceum 119 in Almaty as an English teacher. 


2016-2020, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, «Foreign language: two foreign languages», Bachelor of Education

2021-2023, Suleyman Demirel University, «Foreign language: two foreign languages», Master of Pedagogical Sciences 


Beisekhan Sh. (2022). Why teach English pronunciation to future English teachers? International scientific journal «Global science and innovations 2022: Central Asia», Series «Philological science» 3(17), p. 65-68.

Beisekhan Sh. (2023). EFL teachers’ attitudes toward English pronunciation teaching: A literature review. Proceeding of IX international scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists «Dialogue of generations and new milestones», p. 243-246.

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