Professional biography
2019 – present Kazakh National Technical University named after Satbayev
2011 October-December – Belgian nuclear centre, Belgium (Internship)
2010 қазан-желтоқсан – Internship IAEA, Poland
2010-2019 Institute of nuclear physics
2010-2013 Kazakh National Technical University named after Satbayev – PhD
2012-2013 University of Texas, USA (Bolashak program)
2008-2010 Kazakh National Technical University named after Satbayev – MS
2004-2008 Kazakh National Technical University named after Satbayev –Bachelor
Y.Y.Mamyrbayeva, M.A.Hobosyan, S.E.Kumekov, K.S.Martirosyan. Electrochemical Features of Combustion Synthesized Lithium Cobaltate as Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Battery/ Allerton Press, Inc., International Journal of SelfPropagating High Temperature Synthesis, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2014. P.1-8.
Y.Mamyrbaeva, M.A.Hobosyan, S.E.Kumekov, K.S.Martirosyan. Carbon combustion synthesis of Lithium cobaltate/ 2013 TechConnect World, National Innovation Summit and National SBIR Conferences. Washington, DC, USA. Vol.2, 2013. P.657-659. NSTI-Nanotech 2013, ISBN 978-1-4822-0584-8 Vol. 2, 2013.
Y.Y.Mamyrbayeva, R.E.Beissenov, M.A.Hobosyan, S.E.Kumekov, K.S.Martirosyan. Charge and discharge behaviour of Li-ion batteries at various temperatures containing LiCoO2 nanostructured cathode produced by CCSO/Eurasian ChemTech Journal, №13, 2013. P. 251-256.
Y.Y.Mamyrbayeva, M.A.Hobosyan, David Garza, K.S.Martirosyan. Electrochemical performance characterization of nanostructured LiCoO2/Bulletin of the American Physical Society Joint Fall 2013 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS, AAPT, and Zone 13 of the SPS Volume 58, Number 10, 2013. 1p.
Y.Y.Mamyrbayeva, M.A.Hobosyan, D.Garza, S.E.Kumekov, K.S.Martirosyan. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of nanostructured LiCoO2/ XII International Symposium on Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS), South Padre Island, TX, USA, 2013. P.135-136.
Y.Y.Mamyrbayeva, M.A.Hobosyan, S.E.Kumekov, K.S.Martirosyan. Synthesis of Nanostructured LiCoO2 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries/Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 10 № 2(20), 2013.C.32-36.
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
Development of nanostructural electrode materials for LI-ion batteries. Development of perspective materials for electrochemical power sources.