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Berkinbayeva Aknur Sabitovna

Berkinbayeva Aknur Sabitovna


Senior Lecturer

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department

Email: aknur.berkinbayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

In 2001 she graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev on speciality «3902 - chemical technology of inorganic substances» 

In 2001 - 2002 studied in the magistracy on a speciality «3950 - chemical technology of inorganic substances’ on department ‘Nuclear and chemical technology and explosives».

2005-2007 y worked KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev in the Institute of Oil and Gas in the department of  «Chemical technology of oil gas processing and polymers» as an engineer chemist, and in 2010-2011 in the department of «Chemical technology of inorganic substances»  as an assistant and 2011-2012 y as a teacher.2012-2016 y as a senior lecturer of the department of «Applied Chemistry».

2013 - 2016 studied in doctoral studies in the speciality «6D74000 - Nanomaterials and nanotechnology» KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev.

In 2014 she was an internship Technical University Freiberg Mining Academy (German Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, located in the German city of Freiberg: 2014 June - 2015 June).

In 2017, she defended her doctoral thesis in the dissertation council of Al-Farabi KazNU, speciality «6D074000 - Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologie»

In 2016-2024 worked at the University of Almaty Technological University at the department of «Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology» in the position of senior - lecturer.

Since 2024 I have been working at «Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev» (Satbayev University), at the department of «Chemical processes and industrial ecology » as a senior lecturer.

Scientific and pedagogical experience of 16 years.


1996 - 2001. - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev Speciality: chemical technology of inorganic substances. Engineer-chemical technologist.

2001-2002. - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.

Master's degree. Master of Chemical Sciences.

2013-2016. - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. Doctoral studies. Doctor PhD

Author of more than 35 scientific articles in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in foreign scientific publications, at international conferences and symposia. (including 1 author's certificate and 1 textbook).

Scientific projects

1. № AP05130436 Systems for processing of industrial and domestic wastes. Theme «Development of technology of complex processing of sludge of titanium production»2018 - 2020 JSC «Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment»

2. № 92024/Initiative-OT-23 Development and research of construction insulators based on vegetable raw materials and industrial wastes 2023 - 2025.


1.Damping Steels for Sheet Stacker Components During Sheet Rolling Металлург 63, 286–294 (2019). Scopus  B. Utepov, E. P. Pototskii, V. S. Shevtsova, E. N. Kattabekov, R. Zh. Abuova, and A. S. Berkinbaeva

2.“The current state of the Rheum wittrockii Lundstr. (Polygonaceae juss.) population in the northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan) American Scientific Publishers DOI: Web of Science  N. A. Saparbaeva, M. O. Aytzhanova, A. Zh. Bozhbanov, I. B. Dzhakupova, G. S. Sultangazieva, A. S. Berkinbaeva

3.Correction to: «Damping Steels for Sheet Stacker Components During Sheet Rolling» (Metallurgist, Vol. 63, Nos. 11-12, March, 2020 0026-0894/20/1112-1255 © 2020 LC V. S. Shevtsova, E. N. Kattabekov, R. Zh. Abuova ,  A. S. Berkinbaeva

4.Методы очистки производственных сточных вод от загрязняющих веществ. Вестник КазГАСА, 2019 № 3(73) 308-315б ISSN 1680-080X, Беркинбаева А.С.  Султангазиева Г.С

5.Preparation of superconducting magnesium diboride based on magnesium-thermal boron oxide. Actual Questions  and Innovations in Science Conference Proceedings. Balıkesir, Turkey, October 9, 2019 AQIS II 150-152 Berkinbayeva A.S., Alipbaev A.N. Mussina Z.M.

6.Исследования физико-механических характеристик битумно-резиновых композиционных вяжущих актуальные проблемы НАУКИ И ТЕХНИКИ 17-24ст Сборник научных статей по материалам VI - Международной научно-практической конференции 5 октября 2022 г Беркинбаева А.С, Канаева М.Б.

7. «Повышение эффективности обращения с отходами производства и потребления» IV Международный конкурс исследовательских работ молодых ученых «Теоретические и прикладные исследования» (High-level research 2021/2022) 165-173с. Беркинбаева А.С.,Тагаева А.Ж

8.Environmental impact assessment and natural-climatic, geoecological characteristics of uranium mining enterprises of Karatau LLP Engineering Journal of Satbayev University Volume 145 (2023), Issue 6, A.S.Berkinbayeva. B. Sabitkyzy, K.M. Sembek

9. Creation of a new intermetallic nanomaterial with improved properties. XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Natural Sciences", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan K.I. Satpaeva April 12, 2024 Berkinbayeva A.S., Abilkasova S.O.

10. Ways to reduce the negative impact of harmful waste from ferroalloy plants on the human body M.B.Kanaeva, A.S.Berkinbayeva Scientific and Practical Conference "GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY AND THE ENVIRONMENT", Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2 – 3 December 2021. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2021

11. Rational use of production waste by obtaining chemically stable composite materials L.N. GUMILEV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY REPORTER CHEMISTRY. GEOGRAPHY. ECOLOGY SERIES No. 1 (146)/2024 Berkinbayeva A.S. Alipbaev A.N.

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