Besimbaev Erik Turashovich
Doctor of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: y.bessimbayev@satpayev.111
Professional biography
1981-1983 - foreman, foreman of the Kordai KKP, Zhambyl region. 1983-1996 - Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Dean of the Faculty of Economics. Karatau branch of KazPTI 1996-2000 - Associate Professor of the Department of TSP KazGASA 2000-2003. - Advisor to the President of KazGASA, 2004-2006 - doctoral student, associate professor of FOS KazGASA 2006-2010 - Concurrently Director of the Scientific and Practical Center "Earthquake Resistant Construction" of the GKP "SeismoStroyZashchita" of the Akimat of Almaty 2010-2012 - Dean of FOS. In 2012, he was appointed Executive Secretary of the UMS RUMS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialties of architecture, construction and design. 2012-2016 - Head Department of "TSMiK" of the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Besenov, Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K. Turysov KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev. 2016-2017 –First Vice-Rector-Director of the KazGASA Campus. 2017-2020 - Rector of the IOC (KazGASA). 2020-2021 - Academic Professor of FOS IOC (KazGASA) 2021 - Professor of the SSM Department of the T.Basenov Institute of Architecture and Construction
1. 1976-1981. - KazPTI-AASI 2. 1989-1992. - postgraduate study at the Kuibyshev Moscow Institute of Architecture 3.2004-2006. - doctoral studies at KazGASAScientific projects
1. construction of the Complex of ski jumps in Almaty; 2. consolidation of the foundation of the residential complex "Garden Bill" by silicatization; 3. Ensuring the stability of the foundation of the Glass Factory in the village of Boraldai, Almaty region. 4. Construction, geotechnics, geomechanics, seismic resistance, seismic isolation, technology for ensuring the stability of buildings and structures, reducing the risk of natural disasters.Publications
1. Доклад на совещании деканов строительных вузов СНГ (МГСУ, Москва, 20 апреля 2011г.) на тему « Кредитная система обучения: опыт и результаты внедрения в КазГАСА»;
2. Доклад на 1-ой Республиканской конференций по «Реформированию системы технического регулирования строительной отрасли Республики Казахстан» на тему «Учебно-образовательный процесс по внедрению новых строительных норм - Еврокодов», Астана, 19 мая 2011г.
3. Семинар ПРООН по проекту ГЭФ «Энергоэффективное проектирование и строительство жилых зданий», Астана, 06 марта 2011г.
4. Международная Межвузовская научно-практическая конференция-конкурс научных докладов студентов и молодых ученых «Инновационные технологии и передовые решения», Бишкек, 2013-2018г.
5. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Прочность конструкций, сейсмодинамика зданий и сооружений». Ташкент, 2016,
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