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Bulegenov Kanat

Bulegenov Kanat

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

Email: bulegenov85@mail.333


Professional biography

K.I. Satpayev Institute of Geological Sciences - Junior researcher, years of work from August 2008 to January 2018.

KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev K.Turysov Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Engineering of the Interdepartmental Training Stone-cutting and Grinding Laboratory - engineer, years of work from April 2017 to August 2017.

KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K.Turysov, assistant, years of work from August 2017 to May 2020.

Republican state Institution "South Kazakhstan Interregional Department of Geology of the Committee of Geology of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan ", head of the Department for studying the state of the mineral resource base. Opening hours are from August 2018 to the present.


180340-"Geology of oil and gas", engineer, ZhB No.0019748, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Kazakhstan, Almaty, years of study 2003-2008.

6M070600 "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits", Master's degree, JOOC-M No.0097119, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Kazakhstan, Almaty, years of study 2015-2017.

Scientific projects

Mineral resource base. Head of the department for studying the state of the mineral resource base. RSU MD "Republican State Institution "South Kazakhstan Interregional Department of Geology of the Committee of Geology of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015-2017 for the program: "Correlation of Paleozoic magmatic and metallogenic complexes of the border territory of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan within sheets K-43-B, K-44-A".


Geodynamics of the Caspian basin. "Problems of geology and subsoil development" Collection of reports of the 2nd Republican scientific conference of young scientists and students. "Satpayev readings - 2008" KazNTU. - 2008. 3 Khalelov A. K.

Development of petrology and magmatic geology of Kazakhstan. Izvestiya NAS RK, ser.geol., No. 3 To the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences. Almaty, 2010. 4 Nurlybaev A.N.

The material composition of gold-bearing ore occurrences of the Zapadnokalba metallogenic zone - as the basis for the creation of advanced technologies for extracting gold from ores. Izvestiya NAS RK, ser.geol., No.3 - Almaty, 2014. pp.110- 116 7 Amanbayev R.A. Bagybek L.D.

New data on the geology and metallogeny of the border territory of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Materials of the International Conf., dedicated. 100th anniversary of academician M.M. Adyshev. DEVELOPMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES IN KYRGYZSTAN: STATUS, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Bishkek, 2015., pp. 245- 247. 3 Omirserikov M.Sh. Perevozov S.V., Skrynnik

Microscopic study of the ores of the Ashaly Yuzhny gold-sulfide deposit in Eastern Kazakhstan. Collection of the International scientific and practical conference "Geology, minerogeny and prospects for the development of mineral resources Almaty, 2015., pp.675-682 8 Mamanov E.Zh., Mukaeva A.E., resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev.

Productive gold-bearing associations in pyrite-polymetallic deposits of the Ore Altai and Central Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings "Competitiveness of technical science and education" Volume 1 of KazNITU, 2016 pp.497-502 6 Kokkuzova M.N., Mukaeva A.E., Dyusembayeva K.Sh.

Issues of gold content of the upper reaches of the Bolshaya Almatinka River (Northern TianShan) Izvestiya NAS RK. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences No. 4. (Indexed in the Scopus database) Almaty, 2017 p. 35-42 8 Skrinnik L.I., Koshkin A.V.

Quartz-adularic gold-silver (arkharlinsky) type in volcanic strata BULLETIN OF KazNITU No. 1 Almaty, 2018 pp. 7-12 6 Umarbekova Z.T., Gadeev R.R.

Promising gold-bearing Bakyrshik type in black shale strata and the regularities of its formation Bulletin of KBTU At the stage of publications Dyussembayev a K.SH.1 , Umarbekova Z.T1., A. Dolgopolova2, R. Seltmann2

A.B. Baybatsha, G.M. Omarova, K.S. Dyusembayeva (2018). Features of the material composition of the ores of the Kokkia deposit//Bulletin of EKSTU//Volume 1, No. 1, pp. 7-12

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