Chakeeva Karlygash Saylaubayevna
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Logistics direction
Email: k.chakeyeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Since 2016, Associate Professor of the Department "Marketing and Logistics" of the University "Turan" 2013-2016. Head of the Department "Logistics and Evaluation"
2010 - 2013 Head of the Credit Technology Department, Private Institution "Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation"
2009 - 2010 Vice-Rector of UMR, Central Kazakhstan Institute of Technology and Management, Balkhash
2004 - 2009 Associate Professor of the Department of "Economic Cybernetics" KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev
1997 - 2004 Associate Professor of the Department of "Food Engineering and Standardization" Almaty Technological University
KazPTI named after V.I.Lenin (now Kazntu named after K.I. Satpayev: Faculty of Automation and Control, specialty - Automated control systems (1986-1991)
Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.07 - "Automation of technological processes and productions"
Scientific projects
Mechanisms of functioning of logistics systemsPublications
M.A.Dzhamanbayev, K.S.Chakeeva, Zh.E. aratayeva, Z.A.Dzhumabekova Метод расчета критических скоростей ветра при определении области аэродинамической неустойчивости проводов расщепленной фазы многопролетной линии электропередачи. "Measuring Equipment", 2019, No. 6, impact factor of RSCI 0.445 (2015), appendix "Metrology" impact factor of RSCI 0.500 (2015), pp.25-30
K.S.Chakeeva, G.S.Mukhanoa, M.B.Tyshkanbayeva, A.Seidakhmetov. Instrument for determining the particle size distribution of grain by sedimentometer analysis. Measurement Techniques, Vol. 60, No:9, December, 2017, h.968-972
Chakeeva K.S., G.S.Mukhanova, M.B.Tyshkanbayeva, A.U.Kalizhanova, A.Seydakhmetov. Прибор для определения гранулометрического состава зерна с помощью седименто-метрического анализа. "Measuring Equipment", 2017, No. 9, impact factor of RSCI 0.445 (2015), appendix "Metrology" impact factor of RSCI 0.500 (2015), pp.69-72
Mukhanova G. S., Tyskanbayeva M. B., Chakeeva K. S. Untupov S. The tasks of forming a network of posts with objective hope. Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, issue 6, 2015 ISSN 1819-4036, SV-Vo about PI register No. 77-14267 from 06.12.2002. STR. 114-115
Tyskanbayeva M. B., Chakeeva K. S., Konyrbekov M. zh., Imanbekova M. A. the importance of controlling in Logistics. Bulletin of the University "Turan", 2019, 4(84), 78-83
Akhmetova A., Chakeeva K. S. determination of the structure scheme of the fast TRP grain. ATU bulletin issue 4 (117) 2017, STR. 69-73
Mukhanova G. S.,Tyskanbayeva M. B., Chakeeva K. S. simulation modeling of the system of composite materials on the floor in the GPSS environment. Bulletin of Kazntu, No. 3 (109) 20.06.2015, STR. 276-282
Chakeeva K. S. logistics management of the industry. Almaty:from Kaznitu. K. I. Satpayeva, 2015-162 p. (Under the Mon code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Jamanbaev M. A., Chakeeva K. S., Dzhumabekova Z. A. linear systems of automatic regulation. Almaty, ATU: izd-Vo "Almanac", 2019.- 213 P.
Levking.G., Chakeeva K. S., Tyshkanbayeva M. B., Konyrbekov M. zh.Control and logistics risk management. Almaty: izd-Vo University "Turan", 2020. - 156 P.
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