Dagarbek Rakhatbek
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: r.dagarbek@satbayev.111
Professional biography
In 2008, Dagarbek Rakhatbek graduated with honors as an electrical engineer from the Almaty University of Energy and Communications (AUES) with a degree in 210340 relay protection and automation of electric power systems." And in 2014, he successfully completed a master's degree at the D.A.Konaev Kazakh University of Railway Engineering in the specialty "6M071800 - Electric Power Engineering". Has 21 publications. Dagarbek Rakhtbek conducts classes in the disciplines "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering 1, 2", "Theory of electrical circuits", "Electrical engineering", "Electrical apparatus", "Electrical machine", "Electrical Engineering and fundamentals of electronics", "Station and substation". Also engaged in social work at the department: Responsible laboratory stand. Dagarbek Rakhatbek is not only a qualified teacher, but also a responsible, attentive specialist.
Responsibilities at the department: Responsible laboratory stand for OEE, TOE.
Computer skills: Microsoft Office; Windows Film Studio; Photoshop; MATLAB environment; Mathcad package, AutoCAD; Workbench; Multisim; SystemView; Microsoft commands; WebEx help; scaling;
plagiat.pl In addition:
- a letter of thanks for the preparation of students for the Olympiad Satbaevsky University.
- letter of thanks for preparing students for the AUES Olympiad
- Certificate <<Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics>> training center CONTINUED
- Certificate <<Actual issues of automation, management and digitalization>> AUES
- - Certificate of Energy inspection and audit of the National Open University INTUIT
- Almaty University of Energy and Communications 2003-2008. Specialty: 210340 relay protection and automation of electric power systems"
- D.A.Konaev Kazakh Railway University 2012-2014. Specialty: 6M071800 – Electric power engineering. Degree: Master of Technical Sciences.
- Chinese Zhejiang State University 2017-2021 Specialty: electronics and electronic technologies (doctorate was not defended)
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