Dilyara Urmanova

Dilyara Urmanova


Senior Lecturer

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology"

Email: d.urmanova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Urmanova Dilyara has 17 years continuous production experience in organizations such as LLP "OTO-Prom", LLP "Almaty hydrogeology", LLP "Intereng-Almaty", LLP "Geo Kad", LLP "Design Concept", and conducts classes as a lecturer, develops guidelines and examination tickets for the discipline "Analysis of basins and sedimentary Geology" for undergraduates Kazatomprom, held practical classes on disciplines "oil and Gas Geology and calculation of reserves", "principles of mining", "Lithofacies analysis". Conducts classes in English


In 2019, she defended her master's thesis on the specialty 6M070600 "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits".

She is constantly improving her knowledge of English (IELTS-6.5 in 2017, EF set-C1 advanced in March 2019).

she was trained in French at the courses from the city hall of Paris.

She took advanced training courses on the following topics: Course, syllabus design and innovative teaching methods from Colorado school of mines, "Orleu", Python Machine learning, Matlab.

2020-2022 - Senior researcher of the Grant project from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2022-completed 2 scientific internships: Saudi Arabia, Dhahran, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; France, Nancy, Lorraine University.

participant of the meeting of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev with young scientists of technical specialties in Almaty.

participant of the meeting of the Ministers of Science of Republic of Kazakhstan and France in the Embassy of Kazakhstan in France during the official visit of President of Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev to France 

2023 - Delegate from Kazakhstan to the conclave of young scientists from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Young Scientists Conclave, SCO, India).


Letter of Appreciation from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Honorary Geologist award from the Association of Geologists of Kazakhstan February

K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Geological Exploration Faculty, 2001-2006, Hydrogeology, engineering geology, geoecology, No.0675873

K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum Geology, 2006-2019, Master of Technical Sciences, 6M070600 Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum Geology, 2019-2022, Doctoral program Petroleum Geology 

Scientific projects

Our research group won the grant from the ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The project took first place among 150 others in republic


1. Урманова Д.Э. Проект инженерно-геологических изысканий с целью создания Алматы-Талгарского геодинамического полигона по изучению опасных геологических процессов. Дипломный проект./ под руководством Л.А. Куркиной. – Алматы.: КазНТУ, 2006. – 142 с.

2. Куркина Л.А., Величкина О.В., Нигай Е.В., Урманова Д.Э. Инженерно-геологический анализ стратиграфического разреза и характеристика геологических тел Заилийского Алатау – Алматы, Национальный центр научно-технической информации. – Депонированная научная статья. – 28.02.2008, № 9098-Ка 08 – 37 с

3. Мониторинг опасных геологических процессов на территории полигона Заилийского Алатау-Вестник,2019г., 

4. Characterization of essentials Geochemical parameters of source rocks at the eastern part of the Precaspian basin Yensepbayev T., Head of Petroleum geology chair KazNTU, prof., Izart A., prof. of University of Lorraine, Baimagambetov B., Director of “AktyubNIGRI”, Urmanova D., lecturer at Petroleum geology chair, Amanzhol K., engineer of Petroleum geology chair.

5. Petroleum Systems Modeling and Hydrocarbon Migration and Oil Potential Assessment, of the Southern Side of Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan (conference paper) - Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference 2021, CTC 2021, ISBN:978-161399836-6, DOI 10.2118/207036-MS

6. Geological and geochemical features of an oil field of Precaspian region (статья) - Нефть и газ, № 2, 128, 2022,  с. 32-41, https://doi.org/10.37878/2708-0080/2022-2.03

7. Оценка рисков по долгосрочному планированию добычи нефти в условиях низкой цены на нефть и пандемии коронавируса на примере месторождений углеводородов южного борта Прикаспийской впадины (статья) - Satpayev’s readings, 1, 2020, с. 148-151

8. D. Urmanova, B. Durmagambetov, John D. Humphrey, S. Zagranichniy GEOLOGICAL AND HYDRODINAMIC MODELING OF AN OIL FIELD OF THE PRICASPIAN REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN     266-288, SCOPUS, Q3, Известия НАН РК, серия геологии и технических наук

9. B. Durmagambetov, D. Abdrazakov, D. Urmanova ADVANCED METHODS OF FRACTURE GEOMETRY ANALYSIS AND PARAMETERS SENSITIVITY STUDY      45-57, SCOPUS, Q3, Известия НАН РК, серия геологии и технических наук

10.Б. Дурмагамбетов, Д. Урманова. Исследование проблем солеообразования на месторождении Прикаспийского региона, с. 40, ККСОН, Нефть и газ, 5 выпуск, 2022 г.

11. Д. Урманова, Д.Д. Хамфри. Стратиграфическое развитие девон-каменноугольного комплекса Южного борта Прикаспийской впадины, с. 77, ККСОН, Нефть и газ, 5 выпуск, 2022 г.

12. Б. Дурмагамбетов, Д. Урманова, А. Темирхасов. Геологические и геохимические особенности нефтяного месторождения Прикаспийского региона, с. 32, ККСОН, Нефть и газ, 3 выпуск, 2022 г.

13. Д. Урманова, Б. Дурмагамбетов. Моделирование зон генерации и путей миграции углеводородов, оценка ресурсов нефтяного месторождения Прикаспийского региона, Казахстан, с. 22, ККСОН, Нефть и газ, 2 выпуск, 2023 г.

14. 1 st SDSN Kazakhstan Conference, Hydrocarbon resources: basin modeling features of Precaspian region, Ms. Dilyara Urmanova, Senior researcher, Geologist, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; and N. Temirgaliyev