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Dosmailova Aigul Nurkeshovna

Dosmailova Aigul Nurkeshovna

Candidate of Philology

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Project Management

Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Email: a.dosmailova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Dosmailova Aigul Nurkeshovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Dosmailova A. N. studied at I. Zhansugurov Taldykorgan University in 1992-1996. In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "The semantic and structural nature of the metatext of the definition of Kazakh terminology." Since 2005, she has been teaching Kazakh at universities. In 2018, she was hired at the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics as a senior researcher as an executor of the state task "Development of a scientific and linguistic base for the modernization of Kazakh writing based on a Latinographic new national project".


Higher. Philology. I. Zhansugurov Taldykorgan University 1992-1996

Researcher at the Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics in 2001.

Scientific projects

Dosmailova Aigul shows scientific interest in the field of lexicography, terminology of the Kazakh language. She worked as an expert in research works on projects conducted at the National Scientific and Practical Center "Til-Kazyna" named after Shaysultan Shayakhmetov, the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov. These projects are characterized by their special relevance and significance for the development of Kazakh terminology.

- Expert of the project "Development of a scientific and linguistic base for the modernization of the Kazakh script based on the Latinographic new national project" on "The theoretical study of the scientific principles of modern terminography and the development of rules for transliteration and transcription of borrowed terms based on the new alphabet." 2018-2021

-An expert in the framework of monitoring approved terms, the National Scientific and Practical Center "Til-Kazyna" named after Shaysultan Shayakhmetov." November 15, 2020-2023


The main results of A. N. Dosmailova 's scientific research are regularly published in national and foreign publications. Including: in Scopus, in publications recommended by the CCSES of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at international and republican scientific-practical, scientific-theoretical conferences.

1. The logical and cognitive nature of the terminological definition. Principles of terminology formation and problems of national terminology. Republican scientific and Theoretical Conference. Astana, April 20, 2018

2. Internal structural and grammatical features of the definition metatext. International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Islam Zharylgapov. Karaganda. October 24, 2018.

3. The place of terminological definition in the scientific text. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern Kazakhstan: reforms in education and science" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. October 14, 2021

4. Features of the transfer of terminological definition in a scientific text. Science and life of Kazakhstan. International popular scientific journal. No.4 (61) 2018

5. Types and logical structure of terminological definitions, Bulletin of KazNPU Journal No. 1 (67) 2019, May.

6. Logical and semantic structure of terminological definitions, Science and Life of Kazakhstan, scientific journal, No. 5, 2019, May.

7. Internal structural and grammatical features of the terminological definition. Science and life of Kazakhstan. International popular scientific journal. No.3/3 2020

8. The logical and cognitive nature of the terminological definition. Bulletin of the Eurasian University of the Humanities, No.2/2022

9. Requirements for terms in Kazakh linguistics. Republican terminological conference on the creation of Kazakh terms in the field of surgery. A series of conferences of the WKSU named after Marat Ospanov. 12.10.2023

10. Scopus. The role of Zhusypbek Aimautov in the development of philosophical and theological concepts in Kazakh literary criticism. Pharos Journal of Theology ISSN 2414-3324 Online Volume 104 Issue 3 - (2023) Copyright: ©2023 Open Access/Author/s-Online @ http//: co-authored

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 ЛОГИКО-КОГНИТИВНЫЙ ХАРАКТЕР ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ДЕФИНИЦИИ «Еуразия гуманитарлық институтының хабаршысы» Филология ғылымдары 2022