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Dosmukhamedov Nurlan Kalievich

Dosmukhamedov Nurlan Kalievich

Candidate of technical sciences


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing

Email: nurdos@bk.333


Professional biography

1984-1990 - Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of Sector of “ONIGL” Research Laboratory.

1990-1991 - Head of the Commercial Department of the “Kazmetalexport” Foreign Economic Enterprise at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1991-1992 - Deputy General Director of “Kazmetalexport”

1992-1994 - Chairman of the Board of the “Kazakhstan International Metals Exchange” Joint Stock Company under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1992-2012 - General Director of the Research and Production Firm “Consulting Metal Service”

2012-2016, assistant professor of non-ferrous metals metallurgy at KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev

2016-2020 - Associate Professor at the Department of “Metallurgy and Mineral Processing”, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev

2020-present Professor at the Department of “Metallurgy and Mineral Processing”, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev

He took part in pilot industrial and industrial trials to introduce the technology of direct production of lead from sulfide lead raw materials by natural gas reduction in electric furnaces at the “Electrozinc” plant (Vladikavkaz, Russia).

The author of the technology for the direct processing of copper-zinc concentrate in converters together with matte. The technology was introduced at the Irtysh smelter (East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan).

Under the leadership of Dosmukhamedov N.K., a technology was developed and introduced for processing copper-lead mattes by blowing melts with natural gas through submersible tuyeres at the Shymkent Lead Plant.

Innovative training centers and technologies implemented in the educational process:

• Scientific Center named after I.A. Onaeva for training highly qualified specialists in the field of metallurgy.

• Comprehensive Targeted program “Education-Science-Production” for the training of specialists in the cluster: bachelor (5В070900) - undergraduate - (6M070900) - doctoral candidate (6D070900) in the specialty “Metallurgy”.

• Innovative technology “Resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for the integrated processing of industrial products and non-ferrous metallurgy wastes of the MMC of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.


1. Diploma of the Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition for the best educational publication in the industry: Monograph “Theoretical and technological features of the processing of industrial products and non-ferrous metallurgy materials” (Moscow, 2011);

2. National Quality Certificate of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the nomination “New Technology - 2011” for the technology: “Resource-saving, environmentally friendly technology for the integrated processing of industrial products and waste from non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the MMC RK” (Moscow, 2011);

3. Gold medal “For innovative work in the field of higher education” (Moscow, 2012);

4. Golden medal “European Quality” - Golden medal “European Quality” of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium ”(2013);

5. Gold medal of the Paris Book Salon "PARIS BOOK FAIR (2015)" for the monograph "Theoretical and technological features of the processing of industrial products and working materials of non-ferrous metallurgy". The abstract of the monograph was included in the catalog of the International Paris Book Salon (Paris, 2015).

6. Diploma of the Republican Chamber of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the best invention in the republican competition of inventors "Shapagat-2015" in the nomination "Invention of the year 2015" for the innovative patent "Method for producing ultrapure metals by zone melting".

7. "Gratitude"of the minister of Education and Science for his contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. № 21-1-7-01/000545. 08.12.2021.

8. Certificate of honor of the minister of Education and higher education for conscientious and honorable work and achievements in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022).

9. Winner of the Republican contest "Best scientific worker 2022".

Membership in International Organizations:

• Member of the International Academy of Natural Sciences (UK, 2013).

• Honorary Doctor of the International Academy of Natural Sciences (UK, 2012);

• Member of the European Scientific Society (Germany, 2011);

• Full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (EAEN, Germany, 2011).

Scientific interests:

Creation of a modern scientific base for the development of metallurgical and chemical technologies of a new generation, adapted for processing complex polymetallic and secondary raw materials of complex type and composition. Creation and implementation of innovative, environmentally friendly waste-free technologies for the integrated processing of technogenic waste from non-ferrous metallurgy with the selective extraction of valuable metals into marketable products.


1974-1979 - Student of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, metallurgical faculty

1980-1983 - Graduate student of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, MISiS, Moscow.

Scientific projects

1. "The scientific rationale for creating a domestic high-precision instrument for analytical control of products of the mining and metallurgical industry." 2011. STP "Targeted development of university science focused on innovative results", No. 740 MON 11. 2011

2. "Development of technology for producing tungsten nanopowders." NTP “Targeted Development of University Science Focusing on Innovative Result”, No. 740 MON 11. 2011-2013

3. "Development of a field X-ray fluorescence energy dispersive device." NTP 055 “Scientific and / or scientific and technical activity”, subprogram 101 “Grant financing of scientific research”. Priority “Deep processing of raw materials and products”, sub-priority “Technology of processing of technogenic and natural raw materials”. 2012-2013

4. “Development of technology for deep purification of exhaust gases from thermal power plants, power plants and metallurgical enterprises with the production of commercial secondary products.” NTP 055 “Scientific and / or scientific and technical activity”, subprogram 101 “Grant financing of scientific research”. According to the priority "Deep processing of raw materials and products." 2015-2017 International project. Partner: Weizmann Research Institute (Israel).

5. "Development of technology for producing ultrapure metals with controlled nanostructure and study of their properties." NTP 055 “Scientific and / or scientific and technical activity”, subprogram 101 “Grant financing of scientific research”. According to the priority "Deep processing of raw materials and products." 2015-2017 Project International. Partner: National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”, Moscow, Russia.

6. “Development of a new high-tech bubbling technology for the direct extraction of lead, copper, zinc and rare earth metals into marketable products from substandard intermediate products and working materials of lead production” (2018-2020).

7. “Development of high-tech non-waste technology for the disposal of current and accumulated slag waste from non-ferrous metallurgy to produce marketable products”, carried out in the framework of the program 2018 / BR05235618 “Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and processing industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2018-2020)

8. №AP08856384 «Development of a new high-tech technology for the utilization of the SO2 and CO2 from flue gases from thermal power plants and metallurgical plants with the production of marketable products». 2020-2022. The project is International (Weizmann Research Institute, Israel).

9. №AP09259637 «Development of highly efficient non-waste combined technology for utilization of ash from coal combustion with production of marketable products». 2021-2023.

10. AP19676951 "Development of resource-saving, combined technology for complex processing of multicomponent dust of non-ferrous metallurgy to produce commercial products". 2023-2025


The author of more than 200 scientific works, including 25 copyright certificates for inventions of the USSR, 8 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, two patents of the Russian Federation, 1 Chinese patent, 1 Israel patent, 1 US patent.

1. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E. Distribution of non-ferrous metals, arsenic and antimony during sulfiding depletion of lead-bearing slags by copper-zinc concentrate // Non-ferrous metals. – 2016. – №2. – P 38-43 (Scopus).

2. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Wachtel E., Zholdasbay E.E., Lubomirsky I. Natural gas regeneration of carbonate melts following SO2 capture from non-ferrous smelter emissions // RSC Advances. –2017. – № 7. – Р.21406 – 21411 (Thomson Reuters).

3. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V. Efficient Removal of Arsenic and Antimony During Blast Furnace Smelting of Lead-Containing Materials // JOM. Springer. – 2017. – Vol.69. № 2. – Р.381-387 (Thomson Reuters).

4. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E., Nurlan G.B. Ultra-pure Cu obtaining using zone melting: influence of liquid zone width on impurities’ behavior // J. Non ferrous. – 2017. – № 2. – Р.15-20 (Scopus).

5. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Каплан В.А. Технология очистки отходящих газов ТЭС от серы: регенерация карбонатно-сульфатного расплава монооксидом углерода // Уголь. – 2018. – №1. – С.74-81 (Scopus).

6. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Wachtel E., Lubomirsky I. Carbonate melt-based flue gas desulphurization: material balance and economic advantage // International Journal Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. Elsevier. – 2018. – Vol. 18. Nos. 1/2. – Р.25-38 (Scopus).

7. Dosmukhamedov N., Egizekov M, Zholdasbay E, Kaplan V. Metals Recovery from Converter Slags Using a Sulfiding Agent // JOM. – 2018. – Vol. 70, issue 10. –P. 2400-2406 (Thomson Reuters).

8. Досмухамедов Н.К., Федоров А.Н., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Термодинамика восстановительного обеднения системы Cu-Me-Fe-O-SiO2 (Me – Pb, Zn, As) природным газом // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. –2019. – № 9. – С. 62-68 (RSCI).

9. Досмухамедов Н.К., Федоров А.Н., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Распределение Cu, Pb, Zn и As между продуктами двухстадийного восстановительного обеднения высокомедистых шлаков // Цветные металлы. – 2019. – № 7.– С. 30-35 (Scopus).

10. Dosmukhamedov, N.K.Fedorov, A.N.Zholdasbay, E.E.Argyn, A.A. Investigation of cu, pb, zn, as, sb distribution during the lead semiproducts and copper-zinc concentrate comelting / Non-ferrous Metalsthis link is disabled, 2020, 48(1), стр. 8–14

11. Dosmukhamedov, N.K.Kaplan, V.A.Daruesh, G.S. Innovative technology of integrated processing of ash from coal combustion / Ugolthis link is disabled, 2020, (1), стр. 58–63

12. Dosmukhamedov, N.Argyn, A.Zholdasbay, E.Moldabayeva, G. Forms of oxygen presence in copper-lead matte / Journal of Materials Research and Technologythis link is disabled, 2020, 9(5), стр. 11826–11833

13. Dosmukhamedov, N.K.Zholdasbay, E.E.Argyn, A.A.Kurmanseitov, M.B. Behavior of Сu, Zn, Pb, As compounds during copper-zinc concentrate and matte comelting in converters / Non-ferrous Metalsthis link is disabled, 2020, 49(2), стр. 11–18

14. Kaplan V., Dosmukhamedov N., Zholdasbay E., Daruesh G., Argyn A. Alumina and Silica Produced by Chlorination of Power Plant Fly Ash Treatment // JOM. – 2020. – Vol. 72(10). – P. 3348–3357. (Web of Science, Scopus, Q-2, Процентиль-84-й.)

15. N. Dosmukhamedov, V. Kaplan Flue gas purification from SO2 and NOx using molten mixture of alkali metal carbonates // International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization. – 2021. – P. 1-12. (Web of Science, Scopus, Q-3, Процентиль-58-й.)

16. Досмухамедов Н.К., Каплан В.А., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Даруеш Г.С., Аргын А.А. Выделение железа в железосодержащий продукт из золы от сжигания Экибастузских углей // Уголь. – 2021. – №1. – С. 56-61. (Scopus, Q-3, Процентиль-30-й)

17. Dosmukhamedov N., Kaplan A., Zholdasbay E., Koishina G., TazhievYe., Argyn A., Kuldeyev Ye., Kaplan V. Processing of dross of hot-dip galvanizing by chlorinating roasting // Sustainability. 2021. 13:12530. Процентиль -85-й, Environmental Science, Q2. DOI:

18. Dosmukhamedov N.Kaplan, V.A. Semi-industrial technology tests of the sanitary cleaning of metallurgical enterprises waste gases from sulfur and nitrogen oxides // Non-ferrous Metals, 2022, №53(2), С. 3-7., Metals and Alloys – 46 % процентиль. DOI: 10.17580/nfm.2022.02.01.

19. Dosmukhamedov N.Fedorov, A.N.Zholdasbay, E.E.Icheva, Y.B. Physical and mechanical properties of ultrapure copper obtained by zone melting // Non-ferrous Metals, 2022, №53(2), С. 25-29. Metals and Alloys – 46 % процентиль, DOI: 10.17580/nfm.2022.02.04.

20. Dosmukhamedov N.Zholdasbay, E.E.Egizekov, M.G.Argyn, A.A. Behavior of the components of carbon-containing ash from the combustion of power coals under the conditions of chlorination roasting // Eurasian Mining, 2022, №38(2), С. 40–44. Engineering – 54% процентиль, DOI: 10.17580/em.2022.02.10

21. Dosmukhamedov N.Kaplan, V.Zholdasbay, E.Argyn A., Kuldeyev E., Koishina, G.Tazhiev, Y. Chlorination Treatment for Gold Extraction from Refractory Gold-Copper-Arsenic-Bearing Concentrates // Sustainability (Switzerland), 2022, 14(17), 11019. Scopus Environmental Science – 83% процентиль, DOI:

22. Dosmukhamedov N., Zholdasbay Е., Argyn А. Integrated Chlorination Technology For Producing Alumina And Silica From Ash-Slag Waste Of The TРР Of Kazakhstan // Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023. P.1435-1446. (2022) Metals and Alloys – 88% процентиль, DOI: j.jmrt.2022.12.140.

Participation in international forums, conferences:

1.  Dosmukhamedov N.K. Environmental safety optimization for non-ferrous metallurgy sphere. // Internationaler Kongress Fachmesse EURO-ECO, Hannover (Germany), 2011, p. 24-26.

2.  Dosmukhamedov N.K., Lezin A., Tokenov N. Ecoanalytics in mining metallurgy // Internationaler Kongress Fachmesse EURO-ECO, Hannover (Germany), 2012, p.44-45.

3.  Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V.A., Vaskevich A.D. Industrial scale setup for zone refining of copper. International conference «Copperbelt Mining Trade Expo and Conference», Kitwe, Zambia 28-29 April 2014.

4.  Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Lubomirsky I. Development of highly efficient technology of purification of SO2-containing flue gases with production of valuable secondary product. The 40th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater, Florida, USA. 31 May – 4 June 2015.

5. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Lubomirsky I. Electrochemical Method of Carbonate Melts Regeneration for Efficient Capture of SO2 from Coal Combustion // 231st ECS Meeting in New Orleans, LA USA. May 28 – June 1. 2017. F0 1070. P.103.

6. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Kaplan V., Lubomirsky I. Desulfurization of the Non-Ferrous Smelter Flue Gases Based on Scrubbing with a Carbonate Eutectic Melt and Natural Gas Regeneration // Extraction 2018. Part B-1: 7th International Symposium on Advances in Sulfide Smelting. 2018. Р.219-227. August 26-29, Ottawa. Canada.

7. N. Dosmukhamedov, E.  Zholdasbay, V. Kaplan Рartitioning of Cu, Pb, Zn and As following high temperature treatment of smelter slag // IX International science conference "The latest research in modern science: experience, traditions and innovations" 20-21 June, 2019, Morrisville, North Caroline, USA. – P. 34-42

8. Жолдасбай Е.Е., Курмансеитов М.Б., Даруеш Г.С., Аргын А.А., Досмухамедов Н.К., Егизеков М.Г. Концепция технологии комплексной переработки золы на основе хлорирующего обжига // II Международная научно-практическая конференция “INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS IN HUMAN LIFE”, 25-27 августа 2021 года Манчестер, Великобритания. – С. 130-136

9. Жолдасбай Е.Е., Даруеш Г.С., Курмансеитов М.Б., Аргын А.А., Досмухамедов Н.К. К комплексной технологии переработки золы: Термодинамика хлорирующего обжига // III Международная научно-практическая конференция “MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: ACHIEVEMENTS, INNOVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS”, 29-31 августа 2021 года Берлин, Германия. – С. 94-102

10. Жолдасбай Е.Е., Даруеш Г.С., Курмансеитов М.Б., Аргын А.А., Досмухамедов Н.К. Угольная отрасль Казахстана: золошлаковые отходы ТЭЦ и перспективы их использования // VII Международная научно-практическая конференция “RESULTS OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT”, 19-21 сентября 2021 года Мадрид, Испания. – С. 117-124

Patents and copyright certificates:

1. Досмухамедов Н.К. Способ переработки полиметаллических продуктов и материалов / Патент KZ № 19108, Бюл. № 2, 15.02.2011.

2. Досмухамедов Н.К., Комков А.А., Быстров В.П., Федоров А.Н. Способ переработки шлаков / Патент KZ № 20220, бюл. № 11, 15.11.2010.

3. Досмухамедов Н.К., Лезин А.Н., Меркулова В.П., Токенов Н.М. Способ опробования руд месторождений полезных ископаемых / Инновационный патент РК. № 27145, Бюл. № 7,15.07.2013.

4. Досмухамедов Н.К., Каплан В.А., Меркулова В.П. Способ получения сверхчистых металлов зонной плавкой / Инновационный патент РК № 29288, Бюл. № 12,15.12.2014.

5. Досмухамедов Н.К., Меркулова В.П., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Нурлан Г.Б Способ переработки сульфидных полиметаллических промпродуктов и окисленных материалов / Патент KZ № 31621, бюл. № 12, 30.09.2016.

6. Досмухамедов Н.К., Дитятовский Л.И., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Кабылбеков Ж.Ж. Способ переработки полупродуктов цветной металлургии, содержащих свинец, медь и цинк / Патент РФ № 2592009.  Бюл. № 20 от 20.07.2016

7. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Нурлан Г.Б. Способ комплексного извлечения цветных металлов, мышьяка и сурьмы из полупродуктов и оборотных материалов цветной металлургии / Патент KZ № 32456. Бюл. №20  от 18.04.2016

8. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Способ зонной плавки для получения сверхчистых металлов / Патент KZ № 32457 от 02.10.2017

9. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Нурлан Г.Б., Курмансейтов М.Б. Установка и способ получения сверхчистых металлов / Патент KZ. №33205 от 15.10.2018 г.

10. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Курмансейтов М.Б., Аргын А.А. Погружная фурма для продувки расплава // Патент KZ №35012 от 27.08.2021

11. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Lubomirsky I., Kaplan V. Method for flue gas desulfurization. Патент Израиль IL 246429. Publication Date: 29.09.2018.

12. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Lubomirsky I., Kaplan V. Method for flue gas desulfurization with molten carbonate. Патент Китай CH109475812. Publication Date: 15.03.2019.

13. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Lubomirsky I., Kaplan V. Method for flue gas desulfurization with molten carbonate. US Patent Number 10,625,204 B2. Publication Date: Аpr. 21, 2020.

14. Досмухамедов Н.К., Каплан В.А., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Способ комплексной переработки алюмосиликатного сырья. Патент KZ № 34643 от 08.01.2021.

Teaching aids:

1. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ.,  Жүсіпбеков С.С. Мыс металлургиясындағы автогенді процестер. / Оқу құралы. – Алматы. ҚазҰТУ. 2013. –133 б.

2. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ. Мыс металлургиясы. Қазіргі жағдайы, даму перспективасы, автогенді процестер / Оқу құралы. – Алматы. ҚазҰТЗУ. – 2020. –132 б.

3. Досмухамедов Н.К. Металлургия меди. Состояние, перспективы развития, автогенные процессы / Учебное пособие. – Алматы. КазНИТУ. – 2020. –С.127.

4. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Қара мыс металлургиясы / Оқу құралы. – Алматы. ҚазҰТЗУ. – 2020. –109 б.

5. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е. Металлургия черновой меди / Учебное пособие. – Алматы. КазНИТУ. – 2020. –С.111.

6. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Аргын А.А., Кульдеев Е.И. Гидрометаллургия меди: Выщелачивание – Жидкостная экстракция (SX) – Электролиз (EW) / Учебное пособие. – Алматы. КазНИТУ. – 2021. –С.102.

7. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Арғын А.Ә., Көлдеев Е.И. Мыс гидрометаллургиясы: Сілтілеу – Ерітіндімен экстракциялау (SX) – Электролиз (EW) / Оқу құралы. – Алматы. ҚазҰТЗУ. – 2021. –101 б.

8. Досмұхамедов Н.К. Мыс пирометаллургиясы / / Оқулық. - Алматы: Сәтбаев университеті, 2023, - 247 Б.

9. Досмухамедов Н.К. Пирометаллургия меди // Учебник. – Алматы: Сатпаев университет, 2023, – 247 с.


1. Досмухамедов Н.К. Физико-химические основы совершенствования технологии переработки медного и полиметаллического сырья. –М.: Издательский дом «Руда и металлы». 2002. –212 с.

2. Досмухамедов Н.К. Теоретические и технологические особенности переработки промпродуктов и оборотных материалов цветной металлургии. – Алматы. Изд-во DPS. 2008. – 360 с.

3. Досмухамедов Н.К., Даулетбаков Т.С., Егизеков М.Г., Меркулова В.П., Панфилов В.П. Медное производство Казахстана. Проблемы становления и стратегия развития. –Алматы. Изд-во «DPS». 2010. – 472 с.

4. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ., Даулетбақов Т.С. Қазақстан мыс өндірісінің даму стратегиясы. – Алматы. DPS баспасы. 2010. – 276 б.

5. Досмұхамедов Н.Қ., Дәулетбақов Т.С., Егізеков М.Ғ. Қазақстан мыс өндірісінің экологиялық  қауіпсіздігін ықшамдау. –Алматы. «DPS» баспасы. 2011. – 188 б.

6. Досмухамедов Н.К., Егизеков М.Г. Условия устойчивого развития медной промышленности. Теория. Эксперимент. Практика / – Алматы. «ССА Продакшн». – 2021. – 308 с.

7. Досмухамедов Н.К., Жолдасбай Е.Е., Барменшинова М.Б. Уголь: Инновационная хлорная технология переработки золошлаковых отходов. Алматы: Издательство «Polytech», 2023, 246 с. ISBN 978-601-323-342-0

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