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Dyussebekova Maral Adel'bekovna

Dyussebekova Maral Adel'bekovna


Junior Researcher

Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation

Email: Maral.kbtu@gmail.222


Professional biography

December 2021 — till now 3 years 2 months

JSC Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment,Researcher

Carrying out research in the field of pyrometallurgical technologies for processing raw materials containing non-ferrous and precious metals, as well as studying the effect of the composition and physico-chemical properties of slags and matte on copper losses during melting of various sulfide copper concentrates

March 2019 — February 2022 3 years

JSC Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment, Quality Manager

- Record keeping;

- Compliance with the requirements of the GOST ISO/IEC 17025 standard;

- Preparation of all necessary documents for the transition of all documented procedures and laboratory quality guidelines from GOST ISO/IEC 17025 - 2009 to ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2018.

March 2016 — September 2020 4 years 7 months

JSC Kazakh-British Technical University, Quality Manager

- Record keeping;

- Compliance with the requirements of the GOST ISO/IEC 17025 standard;

- Prepared all the necessary documents for the NCA inspection, and ensured the translation of all documented procedures and laboratory quality guidelines from ST RK ISO/IEC 17025- 2007 to GOST ISO/IEC 17025 - 2009.

June 2019 — September 2019 4 months

JSC STC Parasat, Representative of JSC "STC "Parasat" in Almaty

Search for potential customers; Monitoring of competitive bids; Preparation of documents for selection on the Samruk-Kazyna portal August 2016 — March 2019 2 years 8 months

JSC Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment, Head of the Chemical and Analytical Laboratory

- Organization of the work of the entire laboratory;

- Taking samples for analysis;

- Distribution of orders among laboratory staff;

- Timely delivery of test results to customers;

- Negotiating with customers, signing contracts;

- Responsible for office work.

November 2016 — June 2018 1 year 8 months

JSC Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment, Acting Head of the National Scientific Laboratory

- Monitoring the serviceability of all equipment, conducting timely verification;

- Conducting internal checks for compliance with the requirements of the GOST ISO/IEC 17025 standard;

- Ensured the timely translation of all documented procedures and laboratory quality guidelines from ST RK ISO/IEC 17025- 2007 to GOST ISO/IEC 17025 - 2009;

January 2012 — March 2016 4 years 3 months

JSC Kazakh-British Technical University, General Manager

- Preparation of business letters, calculations and proposals;

- Correspondence with foreign colleagues (in English);

- Responsible for organizing the work of the entire department;

March 2013 — May 2014 1 year 3 months

JSC Kazakh-British Technical University, Junior researcher

- Study of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject under study;

- Drawing up reports on the topic and submitting them to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for verification;

- Participation in the implementation of developments.



PhD, Satbayev University

Metallurgical Engineering, GPA 3,91


Master's degree, JSC Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty

Faculty of Energy and Oil and Gas Industry, Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Master's Degree, GPA 3,67


JSC Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty

Faculty of Information Technology, Information Systems, GPA 3,45


1. M.Dyussebekova, B. Kenzhaliyev, S. Kvyatkovskiy, E. Sit’ko, D.Nurkhadianto. The main reasons for increased copper losses with slags from Vanyukov Furnace. Metalurgija. Vol 60. 2021. P. 309-312.

2. Dyussebekova, M.; Kenzhaliyev, B.; Kvyatkovskiy, S.; Kozhakhmetov, S.; Semenova, A.; Sukurov, B. Study of the Effect of Fluxing Ability of Flux Ores on Minimizing of Copper Losses with Slags during Copper Concentrate Smelting. Metals 2022, 12, 1240.

3. Ye. A. Ospanov, S. A. Kvyatkovskiy, S. M. Kozhakhmetov, L. V. Sokolovskaya, A. S. Semenova, M. Dyussebekova & A. A. Shakhalov. Slag heterogeneity of autogenous copper concentrates smelting. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 2022, DOI: 10.1080/00084433.2022.2119495.

4. Kenzhaliyev B.K., Kvyatkovskiy S.A., Dyussebekova M.A., Semenova A.S., Nurhadiyanto D. Analysis of Existing Technologies for Depletion of Dump Slags ofAutogenous Melting. Complex Use of Mineral Resources 2022, 4, 323. DOI: 10.31643/2022/6445.36

5. M.Dyussebekova «Processing of Various Copper Sulfide Concentrates by Vanyukov Smelting». Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Vocational Education (ICETVE 2020), Malaysia, 7-th November 2020. P.70-71    

6. Dyussebekova M.A., Kvyatkovskiy S.A., Kenzhaliyev B.K. & Didik Nurhadiyanto. «Dependence of the increased content of copper and magnetite in the slags on the composition of the smelting products». Proceedings of the International Innovation Arsvot Malaysia (IAM2021), 10-th of April 2021.P. 387

7. M.A. Dyussebekova, S.A. Kvyatkovskiy, L.V. Sokolovskaya, A.S. Semenova. «Effective methods of depletion of liquid slags of autogenous smelting of copper sulfide concentrates». Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “Satpayev Readings - 2022. Trends in modern scientific research” April 12, 2022, pp. 1325-1329, ISBN 978-601-323-291-1.

8. M.A. Dyussebekova «The process of Depletion of Copper Smelting Slag in a Two-zone PV Furnace». Presentation Materials of VI International Practical Conference “Challenges of Science” 15-16 November, 2023, pp. 532-541, ISBN 978-601-323-356-7.

9. Dyusebekova M.A., Kenzhaliyev B.K., Kozhakhmetov S.M., Kvyatkovskiy S.A., Sitko E.A., Semenova A.S. Furnace for continuous smelting of sulfide materials in a liquid bath. Patent No. 8335 dated 05.05.2023.

10. Sokolovskaya, L., Kvyatkovskiy, S., Kozhakhmetov, S., Semenova, A., Sukurov, B., Dyussebekova, M., & Shakhalov, A. (2024). Slag after Smelting of Anode Mud: Role of Sulphiding Sintering. Minerals, 14(8), 781.

11. Sukurov, B., Kvyatkovskiy, S., Kozhakhmetov, S., Semenova, A., Dyussebekova, M., & Kvyatkovskaya, M. (2024). Structural Changes in Copper Slags during Slow Cooling. Metals, 14(10), 1187.

12. Sokolovskay, L., Kvyatkovskiy, S., Kozhakhmetov, S., Semenova, A., Sukurov, B., Dyussebekova, M., & Shakhalov, A. (2024). Formation of non-ferrous metals thiosalts during sintering of man-made raw materials of copper production. Results in Engineering, 23, 102628.

13. Kvyatkovskiy, S., Kozhakhmetov, S., Semenova, A., Dyussebekova, M., & Shakhalov, A. (2024). Hydrothermal treatment of sinters containing thiosalts of non-ferrous metals. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 335(4), 42–49.

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