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Dzhunussov Turgan

Dzhunussov Turgan

Candidate of Philology

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Project Management

Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Email: junussov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

    Senior Lecturer, Institute for Management, Candidate of Philological Sciences

    Qualification - teacher of Russian language and literature, history teacher with experience of 51 years.

    He began his pedagogical and professional activities in 1973 as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Ardolaytinsk eight-year school, then he worked in the Uyghur district committee of the Komsomol and the Uygur district committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, continued to work in Secondary school No. 1 as a teacher of history, Russian language and literature, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work.

  From 2007 to the present, I have been working at the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages, first as an assistant, then as a teacher, as an assistant professor. Currently I am working as a senior lecturer.


1. 1977-1982 - Kazakh Order of the Red Banner of Labor of Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature.

2. 1990 - 1996 - Almaty State University named after Abay, specialty - teacher of history.

3. 2011 - candidate of philological sciences, specialty - philology.


1. “Imperative semantics in the Charter of the Neil Sorsky.” Journal of KazNU after name of Al-Farabi. - Almaty, No. 2 (110). 2008, pgs. 134-140.

2. “The Gospel sermon of the Nile of Sorsky.” Journal of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. - Almaty, No. 6 (114). 2008, pgs. 125-129.

3. “The concept of appeal in the Charter of Neil Sorsky in projection on moral semantics.” Journal of KazNPU named after Abay. - Almaty, No. 3 (25). 2008, pgs. 71-75.

4. “The moral semantics of the concept of prayer in the Charter of Neil Sorsky.” Materials of the International scientific-practical conference named as Kuleshov readings”. -Belarus, - Mogilev, 2008, pgs. 45-48.

5. “Call as a semantic dominant in the Charter of Neil Sorsky.” Language and Culture Scientific journal. Ed. 11, v. 8 (120), Publishing House of Dmitry Burago. Kiev, 2009, pgs. 13 - 19.

6. “Educational dialogue in the lesson.” Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference: The role of a foreign language in the program of implementation of the Bologna process. Almaty 2011, pgs. 121-124.

7. “Information and communication technologies in the educational process.” Abstracts of the Vth World Congress of Engineering and Technology - WCET-2012 Science and Technology: A Step into the Future. - Almaty. 2012, pgs. 16-17.

8. “The pragmatic level of the linguistic personality of the Nile of Sorsky (illocution in the Gospel sermon of the Nile).” Journal of Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov. No. 3-4. 2012 , pgs. 26 - 32.

9. “Philosophical and mental characteristics of the essence of the theory of Hesychasm Nil of Sora in her verbal incarnation”. The 2d International scientific conference “European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches”. Stuttgart, Germany. 2013. pgs. 173-176.

10. “The ideal person in the ideal space in the Nile Sorsky’s moral vision, viewed through ‘love’ concept». Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. No. 5-6. 2014. Austria,Vienna. pgs. 77- 80.

11. “The embodiment of moral concepts in the works of Neil Sorsky as a linguistic personality”, Sodruzhestvo Russian-Chinese journal, No. 3, Novosibirsk-Russia, 2016. pgs. 24 -29.

12. “Linguophilosophical aspect of the study of futural and imperative semantics”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “The Concept of Sustainable Development of the Third Millennium Science”, Russia, St. Petersburg, July 15-16, 2016, pgs. 56-60.

13. “New directions in humanitarian research in the context of European integration”, Collection of articles of the X International scientific-practical conference “Problems and prospects of modern science”, 2016, St. Petersburg, No. 10, pgs. 125-130.

14. “The moral basis of speech acts in the works of Neil Sorsky.” Collection of articles on the materials of the LXI scientific-practical conference “Scientific discussion: innovation in the modern world”, 2017, -M., pgs. 87-97.

15. “Games in the lessons of the Russian language.” Republican scientific-methodical journal “Russian language in schools and universities of Kazakhstan”, 2018, No. 1 (73), pgs. 59-61.

16. “The dual function of the …, then… conjunction.” Republican scientific-methodical journal “Lessons of the Russian language and literature at school”, 2019, No. 2 (59), pgs. 36-38.

17. “The contact and distant location of the union word “which” in subordinate definitive sentences.” Republican scientific-methodical journal “Lessons of the Russian language and literature at school”, 2019, No. 4 (61), pgs. 44-47.

18. “Planning classes for the Russian language using interactive teaching methods.” Satpayev readings “Innovative technologies are the key to successfully solving fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, 2019, pgs. 71-74.

19. «Статья «Картина мира Нила Сорского, передаваемая через концепты «умное делание», «любовь». «The Scientific Heritage», № 133 (133),  Budapest, Hungary,12.03.2024 г.  – стр. 49-52 // DOI 10. 5281/zenodo 10866571. ISSN 9215 - 0365

20. Статья "The picture of the world by Neil Sorsky represented through the concept of mental doing, love" // XII international scientific conference The modern vector of the development of science, USA, Philadelphia, 21-22.03.2024, - p. 138-142; DOI 10,5281/zenodo 10894848. ISBN 978-92-44513-94-1

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