Egisbayev Nurzhan Ospankhanovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lieutenant (Reserve)
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"
Email: n.yegisbayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
November 1982-November 1983 Kazakh State University. Trainee teacher. Almaty.
November 1983-December 1983 Kazakh State University. Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Computational Mathematics. Almaty.
December 1983-December 1985 Almaty Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Assistant Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics. Almaty.
December 1985-January 1989 Kazakh State University. Postgraduate student of the Department of Differential Equations. Almaty.
January 1989-September 2000 Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics. KazGASA (AASI). Almaty.
September 2000-August 2002 Kazakh University of Railways, Head of the Educational Department, Associate Professor. Almaty
August 2002-September 2003 Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications. Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences. Almaty.
September 2003-November 2004 Academy of Civil Aviation, Director of the Aviation College, Associate Professor. Almaty.
November 2004-November 2023 KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev. Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Modeling. Almaty.
September 2024- present time K.I.Satpayev KazNTU. Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Modeling. Almaty.
Mathematician, lecturer, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, mathematical faculty
Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Mathematica faculty
Author of 27 scientific, scientific and methodological works, 1- Minsk, 1992. Scientific Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Differential. Equations" vol.28 No. 1 pp. 75-81, 3-1980, 1990.
1. On the existence of a solution to the generalized Tricomi problem, Alma Ata. KazGU 1988g. Naun. The conference room. Young scientists
2. On the uniqueness of the solution of the generalized Tricomi problem, Tashkent, 1988. All-Union. School of Young Scientists
3. On the evaluation of the norm of one singular integral operator, Alma Ata, 1988. Dep. KazNIINTI No.2309-Ka88.
4. On the correctness of the Dirichlet problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Alma Ata 19899-Republic. Scientific conference. In mathematics and mechanics.
5. On one method of proving the correctness of the generalized Tricom problem, Collection of scientific papers of KazGU "Differential equations, functional Analysis and their applications." Almaty 1989.
6. On the spectrum of a boundary value problem with a departure from the characteristic for the Lavrentva-Bitsadze equation, Izvestiya AN KazSSR Series of Physics.- Mathematics No. 1(152).1990 cpt.25-28
7. On the conjugate to the generalized Tricomi problem for the Lavrenyev-Bitsade equation, Dep. In KazNIINTI 05/25/90 Almaty №4016-Ka90
8. On the Dirichlet problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Tez. Dokl. 14th inter. university scientific conference. Kuibyshev, 1990.
9. On the conjugate to the generalized Tricomi problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Abstract. Diss. He is a scientist for the job. PhD degree
10. Dirichlet problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Alma Ata, 1990. Vsevoyuzn. Scientific The conference room.
11. Higher mathematics on a microcomputer, Approved method. The Council Builds. Fac-ta AASI. 11/5/91
12.Zhogary matematika kursyn laboratory zhumystardy mikroesepteu mashinalarinda oryndauga arnalgan methodikalyk kural,ASKI kurylys faculty method.kenesinde 22.01.91J. bekitilgen
13. On the conjugate to the generalized Tricomi problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Minsk, 1992. Scientific Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Differential. Equations" vol.28 No. 1 pp.75-81
14. Uniqueness of a semi-strong solution to the Dirichlet problem for the Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, Almaty, 1993, Dep. 29.04.93, No. 4237-Ka93.in KazNIINKM
15.Entrance exams using tests, Summaries. thematic plan of KAGASA 1994. additional
16. On the uniqueness of the Dirichlet problem solution for Lavrentiev-Bitsadze, 1st Congress of Mathematicians of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shymkent. September 1996
17. On the issue of test forms of control in higher mathematics, 1st Congress of Mathematicians of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shymkent. September 1996.
18. Elementary mathematics in tests, Summary. thematically. KAZGAS plan. 1997 additional.
19. Elementary mathematics in tests and solutions, Summary. Thematically. KAZGAS Plan 1998.
20.Collection of individual assignments for the course of higher mathematics, Almaty, VIIREiS, Department of Mathematics, 2003.
21.On the issue of introducing information technologies into the course of higher Mathematics, Almaty, VIIREiS, December 2003.
22. Higher mathematics. Program and control tasks (for part-time students of engineering, technical and engineering-economic specialties of higher educational institutions), Almaty, KazNTU, 2004.
23. On the assessment of the factor norm of a singular integral operator, Almaty, KazNTU, 2005.
24. The specifics of the preparation of test tasks in theoretically capacious sections of elementary mathematics, Bulletin Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, series "Natural and Geographical Sciences" No. 1(15), pp.131-132. January 15, 2008
25. Estimation of the norm of a singular integral operator up to a completely continuous operator, Almaty. KazNTU, scientific and practical conference.November 2008
26. Matematika, 11 synyprondy okulyk, Ziyatkerlik menshik objectin memlekettik tirkeu No. 534 26 January 2010.
27. Electronic textbook Matematika-11,Certificate of state registration of intellectual property object No.535 dated 04/26/2010
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