Ergali Auelkhan
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Acting Director
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Email: y.auyelkhan@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Head of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Petroleum Geology.
In 2008-2011 he worked as Deputy Director of the K.Turysov Geological Exploration Institute, in 2015-2018 as Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, from 2018 to 2023 as Associate professor of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology at KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev.
In 2003, he completed an internship at Kazmunaigazburenie as an assistant driller of the 2nd category. In 2004, he completed an internship at JSC "Volkovgeologiya" as an assistant to a drilling machinist, a drilling fluid technologist. In 2005-2008, he worked as Chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev. In 2010, he completed an international geological internship at the Colorado School of Mines (USA). In 2014, he completed an international scientific internship at the International Academy of Management and Technology (Germany, the Netherlands), and completed advanced training at Nazarbayev University (Astana).
He is engaged in research in the field of Hydrogeology and engineering geology and well drilling, laboratory and field methods of soil properties research, hydrogeological surveying with engineering and geological studies, prospecting and exploration of groundwater, has developed lecture courses for undergraduates, doctoral students and bachelors. 15 years of work experience. He was awarded Honorary diplomas by the rector of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, the Satbayev University gold medal, the diploma of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry, the diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2000 - 2004 - Bachelor's degree in Oil and Gas Well Drilling, KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev
2006-2008 - postgraduate course "Geoecology", KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev.
Scientific projects
Auelkhan E.S. is the head of scientific projects:
1. Development of design and estimate documentation for the facility: “Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves for 14 villages of Almaty region, including in the Kerbulak district - the village of Vodnoye, the village of Zhainak batyr, Zholaman, Araltobe, Zheldikara: Panfilovsky district - Turpan, Nalek village, Kyrykkudyk, Kishishygan: Rayymbek –s. Shyrganak, Boleksaz, Tuyuk, Tegistic, Kai-nar "
2. “Development of design and estimate documentation for the facility:“ Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves in 13 villages of Almaty region, including in Balkhash, Zhambyl, Karasai, Talgar regions ” “Development of design and estimate documentation for the facility:“ Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of Almaty region, including in Aksusk, Alakol, Sarkansky, Karatalsky districts ”
3."Provision of copyright services (supervision) for the facility:" Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves in 13 villages of Zhambyl oblast, including Dikhan-2 (Myrzatai s / o), Zhetybai, Tuimekent, Madimar in the Bayzak district ; Zhambyl - Birlesu-Enbek, Yernazar, Pioneer; T. Ryskulovsky district - Enbekshi, Kamenka, Kokdonen, Zhaksylyk, Kogershin; Merkensky - Kentai; 4. Provision of copyright services (supervision) for the facility: "Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves for 16 villages of the Zhambyl region, including in the Kordaysky district, Moyynkumsky district, Talassky district, Shuskom r" 5. Hydrogeochemical testing of underground and quarry waters at Aktogay deposits. 6. "Conducting supervision over the facility:" Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of Almaty region, including in Aksus, Alakol, Sarkansky, Karatalsky district.
7. "Conducting supervision of the facility:" Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves in 14 villages of Almaty region, including Kerbulak, Panfilov, Rayymbek district.
1 Engineering and Geological Justification of Protection Measures of the Urbanized Areas Khorgos River Basin of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Emergencies. Int J Chem Sci. 2017;15(4): pag.195 -204. ISSN:0972-768X 0.56 англ. Zapparov M, Auelkhan E, Turashova Z
2 Groundwater water-salt balance of shengeldy irrigated lands using water-saving technologies News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences, Almaty,Vol.3, 2017. ISSN: 2224-5278 Scopus 0,87 англ Kulagin V., Auelkhan Y. Karataev D., Umbetaliev D.
3 Modeling of hydrogeological conditions of the Golodnostepsky groundwater deposit using modeling in the environment of a software package. Mileage, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers" Collection of the conference "Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2018".Section Solving hydrogeological problems by methods of geophysics, environmental studies 0.3 russ O Matzhanov, A Doskhodaev.S, Kudaiberdi J.S
4 Study of dangerous geological processes in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau run, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers)" Collection of the conference "Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2018".Section Solving hydrogeological problems by methods of geophysics, environmental studies 0.3 russ Serikov B, Zapparov M.R, Alzhigitova M.M
5 Ulken Almaty ozenin selden zhane engineer korgau monitoring Collection of works "Satpayev readings" on the topic "Scientific heritage of Shakhmardan Yesenov", Almaty 12 April 2017 5str russ Zapparov M.R.
6 Engineering and geological characteristics of the Sorbulak storage dam 2017, 5 p. Collection of works "Satpayev readings" on the topic "Scientific heritage of Shakhmardan Yesenov", Almaty, April 12, 2017 5 russ Auelkhan E.S., Tasbolat A.
7 Hazardous engineering and geological processes on the territory of the Almaty agglomerations Bulletin of KazNITU ,No.5(140) Almaty 2020.7 page 7 russ Zhakyp A
8 Application of Earth remote sensing data for monitoring identified areas with potentially dangerous development of landslide processes Mining Journal of Kazakhstan , No.10,2020g 8 russ B.Serikov Auelkhan E.S.,Onlasynov Zh
9 Design of works to assess the engineering and geological conditions of the Karatau region Conference on Geotechnics at St. Petersburg State University "Issues of design and installation of aboveground and underground structures of buildings and structures" 2018g 5c 5 russ Abdullayeva T.L Auelkhan E.S.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
- Study of the chemical composition and features of the geochemical environment of natural and groundwater. -Analysis of the abundance of ore elements in geochemical types of waters. - Isolation of ore types of hydrogeochemical associations Identification of hydrogeochemical criteria for prospecting for ore occurrences