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Gulbanu Rysmendeeva

Gulbanu Rysmendeeva

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"

Email: g.rysmendeyeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

September 1986-October 1990-Senior engineer in research at the Department of Applied mathematics»

February 1993-September 1997-Kazakh State Academy of Management-Senior lecturer of the Department " Economic cybernics»

May 1997-September 1999-KPMG Janat LLP-Assistant of the tax Department

January 1999-February 2008-Demir Kazakhstan Bank JSC (now EU Bank JSC) - Director of the internal audit Department

February 2008-March 2009-JSC "national Analytical Center under the Government and the National Bank of Kazakhstan" - project Manager

June 2009-May 2010-Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC-Auditor

October 2010-February 2013-Kuip Kompas JSC-Chairman of the Internal Audit Service (co-Director)

2014 - KazNITU  after named K. I. Satpayeva, acting associate Professor

2014 - KazNITU after named  K. I. Satpayeva, associate Professor.


1981-1986-Kazakh State University. S. M. (KazGU), "Applied mathematics" Mathematician

1990-1993-Kazakh State national University. Al-Farabi (KazNU), postgraduate student of the Department of Applied mathematics» 

2016-Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling, mathematical methods in scientific research, PhD in and mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.), diploma no. 64

Scientific projects

Machine learning, cloud computing, computer networks


1) Разработка математических моделей информационной системы принятия решений в процессе управления активами.Том. 143 № 3 (2021), стр.65-75. Вестник КазНИТУ. DOI:

2) Моделирование динамики благосостояния частных инвесторов на протяжении жизненного цикла - ТРУДЫ ІІ Международной научно-практической конференции «Информационные и телекоммуникационные технологии: образование, наука, практика», Алматы, Казакстан, 3-4 декабря, 2015 года, I том, с.242-244.

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