Guseynova Gulnara

Guseynova Gulnara

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgical processes, Нeat engineering and Technologies of special materials

Email: g.gusseinova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Professional biography.

After graduation, worked in the Alma-Ata design bureau of automated control systems (engineer);

at the Alma-Ata Experimental Mechanical Plant "Hydromash" (engineer),

at the Kazakh National Research Technical University (senior lecturer), and since 2002 - associate professor.


Education: higher. Kazakh Polytechnic Institute - diploma with honors in "Automation and complex mechanization of metallurgical production".

Kazakh National Technical University, graduate school - academic degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.16.02 "Metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals"

and the assignment of the academic title of associate professor.

Scientific projects

Scientific interests and current projects: Complex processing of polymetallic and technogenic raw materials; acid decomposition of raw materials with subsequent sorption of non-ferrous and rare metals; modeling and optimization of metallurgical processes; corrosion and metal protection; development of highly efficient and energy-saving technologies.

         Participation in research projects (over the last 3 years):

1. Leading researcher of the topic "Development of technology for producing powders of metallic and oxidized iron of nanodispersed sizes" 2015-2017;

2. Leading researcher of the topic "Concentration and purification (refining) of non-ferrous metal solutions" 2015-2017;

3. Leading researcher of the topic "Justification and development of technology for processing gold-arsenic-coal concentrates" 2018-2020.

4. Leading researcher at the PCF topic "Extraction of pyrite concentrates from the tailings of wet magnetic separation and their complex processing." 2018-2020


Selected publications:

      1. Combined technology of oxidized nickel ore processing. Conference proceedings, September 11-15, 2016. Quebec City Convention Center, Quebec Canada. IMPC 2016 is hosting the 55th annual conference of metallurgists. IMPC 2016: XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress Proceeding. Canada, Thomson Reuter. Paper 165. 2016. - 1-11. IMPC ( Luganov V., Motovilov I., Chepushtanova T.)

      2. Mechanochemical reduction of chalcopyrite CuFeS2: changes in composition and magnetic properties. 16th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism. June 13-17, 2016, Kosice, Slovakia. P9-31. Acta Physica Polonica DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1165 PACS/topics:

75.50.Pp, 81.05.Hd , № 4 p.1165-1167. RG Journal Impact 0,43.( P. BALÁŽ, A. ZORKOVSKÁ, J. KOVÁČ, M. TEŠINSKÝ, T. OSSEROV, T. KETEGENOV)

      3. Processing of metallurgical wastes with obtaining iron oxides nanopowders. Selected papers from the 4TH edition of the international conference WASTES: solutions, treatments and opportunities, Porto, Portugal, P. 191-196, База web of science, 2017. (I.U. Motovilov, V.A. Luganov, T.A. Chepushtanova).

    4. Synthesis of sodium polysulphide for copper ore processing. NON-FERROUS METALS. 2.2017. Vol.43. P.3-8. ISSN 2072-0807. Scopus, ИФ -0,24. (Osserov T.B., Ketegenov T.A., Chepushtanova T.A., P.Balaz, Mamyrbaeva K.K.).

    5. The use of Raman spectroskopy for the identification of sodium polysulphide obtained by the mechanochemical method. Institute of solid state chemistry and mechanochemistry sb ras. Novosibirsk state university. V International Conference «Fundamental Bases of Mechanochemical Technologies» FBMT- 2018. P.133. (T. Osserov, T. Ketegenov, M. Myrzabekova, N. Khan).

     6. Development of technology for gold-arsenic-coal concentrates processing. XIII International Mineral processing and recycling conference, IMPRC 2019 Belgrade, Serbia, 08-10 of May 2019. (Luganov V.A., Chepushtanova T.A., Mamyrbayeva K.K., Baigenzhenov O. S.).

    7. Investigation of copper extraction from pregnant solutions using c-100 and s-930/4880 purolite ion exchange resin. XIII International Mineral processing and recycling conference, IMPRC 2019 Belgrade, Serbia, 08-10 of May 2019.( Luganov V.A., Chepushtanova T.A., Mamyrbayeva K.K.).

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