Gylymuly Salamat
Master of Technical Sciences
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Technological Machines and Equipment
Email: s.gylymuly@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Gylymuly Salamat - researcher, research teacher. Has 5 years of scientific and pedagogical experience. Worked as a teacher at the Almaty State College of Energy and Electronic Technologies. Worked as a teacher at the Eurasian Technological College for a year. Was a lecturer at JSC Almaty Technological University in 2022-2023. In 2023-2024, he worked as a teacher of special disciplines at ALMATY POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE.Education
2012-2016 Bachelor's degree. Almaty Technological University (ATU).
Bachelor's degree: Technological machines and equipment
2016-2018 Master's degree. National University of Science and Technology (NUST MISIS).
Master's degree: Electric power engineering and electrical engineering
2018-2022 Postgraduate study. National University of Science and Technology (NUST MISIS).
Postgraduate study: Mechanical engineering
Scientific projects
There are no current projectsPublications
1. Perekutnev V. E., Gylymuly S., Guseva I. P., Gireyev I. A. Analysis of the design parameters of the friction pulley of a hoisting unit with a rubber-rope rope // Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). - 2020. - No. S17. - P. 3-16.
2. Gylymuly S., Kantovich L. I., Tiagalieva Zh. A., Belyankina O. V. Digital model of the brake pedestal of a mine hoisting unit with a rubber-rope traction element // Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2022. - No. 6. - P. 62-76.
3. Development of a simulation model of braking of a mine hoisting unit in the Matlab system / S. Gylymuly, Zh. A. Tiagalieva, O.V. Belyankina, et al. // Coal. 2022. No. 10. Pp. 50-54.
4. Modeling of the skip suspension device of a hoisting unit with a rubber-rope traction organ / Zh. A. Nishonova, S. Gylymuly, T.S. Belyaeva, V.S. Ryzhikov // Coal. - 2024. - No. 4 (1179). - Pp. 88-91.
5. Guseva I.P., Gylymuly S. Development of a digital model of the suspension device of a lifting vessel // IV international scientific school of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy "Problems and Prospects of Integrated Development and Conservation of the Earth's Interior" (Moscow 2020). - 2020. - Pp. 252-254.
6. Gylymuly S. Modeling of the brake pedestal of the hoisting unit // Technological equipment for the mining and oil and gas industry: collection of works of the XX international scientific and technical conference "Readings in memory of V. R. Kubachek", held within the framework of the Ural Mining Decade, Yekaterinburg, April 7-8, 2022. - Yekaterinburg: Ural State Mining University, 2022. - P. 208-211.
7. Belyaev, A. M. On the issue of simulation modeling of the braking processes of a mine hoisting unit / A. M. Belyaev, V. V. Zotov, S. Gylymuly // 65 years of DonGTI. Science and practice. Actual issues and innovations: Collection of abstracts of reports of the jubilee international scientific and technical conference, Alchevsk, October 13-14, 2022. Volume Part 2. – Alchevsk: Donbass State Technical Institute, 2022. – P. 61-64.
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