Imansakipova Zemfira Beketovna
Senior Lecturer
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: Z.imansakipova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Zemfira Beketovna Imansakipova - PhD, is a highly qualified specialist in the field of engineering and technology of oil and gas wells.
She began her career in 2007 at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, at the department of “Machinery and Equipment of the Oil and Gas Industry”. Since 2008, she began teaching at this department, the position of assistant. Since 2009, a teacher and a senior lecturer since 2011, she has given lectures in the disciplines: “Oilfield equipment”, “Engineering and technology of oil production”, “Well overhaul”, “Fundamentals of oil and gas business”. In 2017, she entered doctoral studies in specialty 6D070800 “Oil and Gas Engineering” and graduated in 2021. In 2021, she transferred to the Department of Petroleum Engineering - the position of senior lecturer. In 2023, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Belgіsіz zhagdayynda ondirushi ungymalaryndagy su agymdaryn shekteu boyynsha tehnologiyak sheshimderdi zhetildiru.” A foreign research internship took place in Baku (Azerbaijan) under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor Moldabaeva G.Zh., Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Efendiyev G.M.
With her direct participation, a range of test tasks, educational and methodological complexes for the disciplines read were developed and produced. Participated in the research project: “Improving a modern chemical flooding simulator”, took part in holding an open lecture in tandem with an honored teacher with R.V. Daurova. on the topic “Modern pumping units for oil production in flooded wells.”
Project manager for Zhas Galym topic: AP14971684 “Improving the method of production from a flooded well and a device for its implementation.” Priority Geology and hydrocarbon production and structures. She combines theory with practice, goes to the field, gives lectures to production workers of oil companies. He is interested in mastering the field of gas transportation and undergoing an industrial internship at the Asiagazoprovod company.
He has more than 20 scientific publications, 5 of which were published in rating journals peer-reviewed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.
She is a highly qualified specialist in the field of engineering and technology of oil and gas wells, has been working at KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev since 2007. With her direct participation, the nomenclature of test tasks, educational and methodological complexes for the disciplines to be read were developed and manufactured.
Participated in the research project: "Improvement of the modern chemical flooding simulator", took part in an open lecture in tandem with the honored teacher with R.V. Daurova on the topic "Modern pumping units for oil production in flooded wells". Since 2017, he has been a doctoral student at the Department of Petroleum Engineering. The topic of the doctoral dissertation is "Analysis of the effectiveness of technologies for isolation of water flows and drainage in the bottom-hole zone of oil wells". Combines theory with practice, goes to the oil fields and also lectures to production workers.
1. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications - mechanical engineer, 2004
2. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev Master's degree in the specialty "Oil and Gas Business", 2006
3. Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev - doctoral studies in the specialty "Oil and Gas Business", 2021.
Scientific projects
2017-2020 - researcher at the project “Improving a modern chemical flooding simulator”
2022-2025 - scientific director of grant funding Zhas-galym.
G.Zh. Moldabayeva, Z.B.Imansakipova, R.T. Suleimenova N. S. Buktukov, B. B. Imansakipova. Pressure distribution in the oil reservoir in a two-dimensional plane. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (1): 088 – 093 Р. 32–38 (Q2, Precentile 57%, CiteScore 1.9) ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362. Q2, Precentile 57% G.Zh. Moldabayeva, Z.B.Imansakipova, G.M. Effendiyev, Sh.R. Tuzelbayeva, Abbasova, S.V. Influence of polymer solution concentration and media permeability on the residual resistance factor. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2023, №3 p 20-24 ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362 Q3, Precentile 41%, G.Zh. Moldabayeva, G.M. Effendiyev, Z.B.Imansakipova, Sh.R. Tuzelbayeva, A.L. Kozlovskiy. Study of the Rheological Characteristics of Sediment-Gelling Compositions for Limiting Water Inflows. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13,10473 Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10473. Q2, Precentile 75%, G.Zh. Moldabayeva, A.Kh.Syzdykov, G. Zh.Yeligbayeva, Z.B.Imansakipova, Sh.R. Tuzelbayeva. The effectiveness of the application of non-stationary flooding at the field x to limit water flows under conditions of uncertainty ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences 2023, страницы 46–49. Q3, Precentile 35% A.S. Yskak, D.Z.Abdeli, T.A. Yensepbaev, Z.B. Imansakipova Water shut off technology in the bottom hole of the oil well. Pollution Research ISSN 0257-8050. 36(4), 2017, p. 964-971. DOI: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322927575 Q3, Precentile 25%, Г.Ж. Молдабаева, Г.M. Эфендиев, З.Б. Имансакипова, Н.С. Буктуков, Ш.Р. Түзелбаева, А.Н. Ахметов. Влияние концентрации полимерных растворов на фильтрационные свойства коллекторов. Нефть и газ 2023 4 (136) З.Б. Имансакипова, Р.В. Даурова, К.К. Елемесов, Современные способы воздействия на призобойную зону пласта. Вестник КазНИТУ №5 (123) 2017 с 220- 228. З.Б. Имансакипова, Р.В. Даурова, К.К. Елемесов. Современные методы преподавания (Статья). Вестник КазНИТУ, том 123, номер 5, 2017, с. 228-233. B.E. Bekbauov, Z.B. Imansakipova Numerical analysis of the near wellbore flow mechanisms controlling well productivity (Article). European Journal of Technic (EJT), Vol 8, Number 1, 2018, p. 63-74 Numerical Analysis of the Near Wellbore Flow Mechanisms Controlling Well Productivity (Article). Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’18),Vol 8, First edition, Plovdiv, Bulgariaб 14-15 May 2018, p.865-873 ISSN 2603-364X 6. Имансакипова З.Б., Е.A. Ковалева, Б.Е. Бекбауов. Моделирование технологий изоляции водопритоков и водоотведения в призабойной зоне нефтяных скважин (Доклад). Труды Сатпаевских чтений, «Инновационные технологии –ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК», Том 1, Алматы 2019 с. 430-434, ISBN 978-601-323-145-7. 7. Y.A. Kovalyova, Z.B. Imansakipova, B.E. Bekbauov. Various Formulations Based on Primary Variables for a Model of Two-Phase Fluid Flow in Porous Media (Доклад). Труды Сатпаевских чтений, «Инновационные технологии –ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК», Том 1, 2019, с. 517-521, ISBN 978-601-323-145-7. З.Б. Имансакипова, Г.Ж. Молдабаева, Г.M. Эфендиев, Ж.К. Татаева. Технология водоизоляции скважины с применением пакера водонабухающих эластомеров. International Satbayev Conference. (2023). V 2. P 598-602. G.M. Effendiyev, G.Zh. Moldabayeva, Z.B. Imansakipova. Improvement of technological solutions for limiting water flows in producing wells in conditions of uncertainty. Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan oil strategy: Advances in oil and gas geology and geotechnologies" (Baku, Azerbaijan, May 23-26, 2023)
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