Imasheva Gulnar Mahmutovna
Doctor of technical sciences
Associate Professor
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Logistics direction
Email: g.imasheva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
04.08.1988 - 30.06.1994. - Study at the Almaty Institute of Transport Engineers;
12.09.1994 - 06.01.2003. - AlIIT, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor "Freight work management";
06.01.2003 - 01.09.2003. - KazATK, deputy head of department "Economics and management of TKK";
21.10.2003 - 01.12.2003. - KazATK, Dean of the Faculty of pre-university education;
2004 - 2005. - KazATK, deputy head of the department "Transport Logistics";
2005 - 2008. - KazATK, associate professor of the department "Transport Logistics";
25.08.2008 - 01.09.2013. - KazATK, head of the department "Freight work management" (hereinafter referred to as "Transportation Technology");
01.09.2013 - 01.09.2016. - Academy of Civil Aviation, Head of the Department "Organization of air transportation and aviation safety";
01.09.2016-29.08.2023гг. - Civil Aviation Academy, Professor of the Department "Organization of Air Transportation and Logistics";
01.09.2023г. - up to now, Satpayev University, Associate Professor of the educational program "Logistics".
- Member of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik AGA" chairman of the section "Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport";
- member of the editorial board of the journal "Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan", (member of CCSON);
- since 2014 is a full member of the International Academy of Transport with the title of IAT Academician (certificate No. 849);
- since 2015 is an honorary member of Modern Education & Research Institute, Brussels, Belgium Registration number of certificate: 0660.570.790;
- in 2014-2016 was a member of the Coordination Council for research, education and innovation activities at the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS", participated in working groups on the development of transport and logistics system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was a member of the project-implementation group on the development of logistics in the RK;
- 2019, 2020. - Participation in the development of educational programs in the direction of "Transport services" (bachelor's, master's degree);
- member of the Academic Council of the Academy of Civil Aviation (ACCA);
- member of the Scientific and Methodical Council of the Academy of Civil Aviation (ACCA);
Repeatedly participated as a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science at entrance examinations, attestations of universities of Kazakhstan, as well as the chairman of the GAC of transport specialties of universities of Kazakhstan, as well as directly participated in the passage of specialized accreditation in the NAAR educational programs 6B11301-Transport Services and 7M11302-Logistics.
Passed foreign internships
June 2016. - Foreign internship at Tsukuba University of Technology on the program "Continuing Education System in Japan: Traditions and Innovations". Tsukuba, Japan.
November 2016. - National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan Republic, organized by IATA Training & Development Institute on the program "Planning, Statistics and Marketing of Air Transportation" and "Transportation of Dangerous Goods by air-IATA Course, Category 6". Baku, Azerbaijan.
December 2016. - Foreign internship at the International University of Catalonia on the program "How to become a teacher of international level: competencies, strategies, tools of the XXI century". Barcelona, Spain.
Certificate of Merit of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for many years of scientific and pedagogical contribution to training (2011) Letter of Gratitude from the President of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" for services in the development of the transport industry (2010) Winner of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university" (2015) Algyz Hat of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022).
1988 - 1994. - Almaty Institute of Transport Engineers,
Specialty: Organization of transportation and management on transport
Qualification: engineer on organization of transportation and management on railway transport;
1994 - 1997. - Almaty Institute of Transport Engineers, postgraduate study on specialty 05.22.08. "Operation of railway transport";
21.07.2000 г. - Defense of dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the theme "Development of calculation methodology of kilometer reserve of elements of the upper structure of the track taking into account reliability". Academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, on specialty 05.22.06 - "Railway track";
20.06.2003г. - The title of associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Economics";
24.12.2010 г. - Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the theme "Scientific bases of development of transport and transit potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, on specialty 05.22.08 - "Management of transportation processes".
Scientific projects
2017 - Head of the research topic "Development of transport and logistics system of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
2022 - head of the search topic "Methodology of designing automated warehouses on air transport"
Imasheva G., Abdullaev S. "Perspectives of applying semivagons on ZK1model bogies with organizing of heavyweight movement in Republic of Kazakhstan" ISSN 1392-1207. MECHANIKA. 2018 Volume 24(1): 32-36
Imasheva G. Commercial Use of Aircraft Based on Safety Risk. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Volume IX, Winter, 8(38): 2615 - 2621 DOI: 10.14505/jarle.v9.8(38).10. Available from: http://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/index, 2018 Imasheva G. "Biometric systems - the choice of the future" Bulletin of the Civil Aviation Academy (ISSN 2413-8614), No. 4(15) 2019g.
Imasheva G. "Innovative technologies in the field of aviation security. Innovative technologies in the field of aviation security", Bulletin of the Civil Aviation Academy (ISSN 2413-8614), No. 3(12) 2019g.
Imasheva G.M. "Technological process of ground passenger service in Almaty airport" Journal "Industrial transport of Kazakhstan", (ISBN 1814-5787), No. 2(67) 2020.
Imasheva G.M. "Modern technologies of cargo handling at the airport" Journal "Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan", (ISBN 1814-5787), №2(67) 2020.
Imasheva G.M. "Organization of work of airlines by introduction of innovative technologies" Journal "Izvestia" Scientific and Technical Society "KAHAK", (ISBN -1682-0533), №4 (71), 2020.
Imasheva G.M. "Modern technologies of cargo handling at the airport" Journal "Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan", (ISBN 1814-5787), №2(67) 2020.
Imasheva G.M. "Organization of work of airlines by introduction of innovative technologies" Journal "Izvestia" Scientific and Technical Society "KAHAK", (ISBN -1682-0533), №4 (71), 2020.
Imasheva G.M. "Biometric corridors for contactless and secure travel" VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of scientific community before global problems of modernity",Nagoya, Japan, February 2022.
Imasheva G.M. "Methods for determining the level of aviation security" XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "European Research: Innovation in Science, Education and Technology" London.United Kingdom, 2022.
Imasheva G.M. "Digital Logistics in Air Transportation" Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Independent Kazakhstan and a Look into the Future: Prospects for the Development of Civil Aviation", Almaty, 2021.
Imasheva G.M., Khaldeyev S.S., Khaldeyeva E.S. Airports and airlines.Training manual. - Almaty, AGA, 2015, 259 pp. Imasheva G.M., Asilbekova I.J. Zhuktanu. Oku kuraly. Almaty, AAA, - 2015, 143 b.
Imasheva G.M., Khaldeyev S.S. Reglamentation of air transportation.Tutorial. - Almaty, АГА, 2015, 105c. Imasheva G.M. Transport logistics. Training manual. - Almaty, AGA, 2015, 118p.
Imasheva G.M. Organization of cargo and commercial work.Manual. - Almaty, AGA, 2015, 162 pp. Imasheva G.M., Konakbai Z.E. Commercial activity on air transport.Manual. - Almaty, AGA, 2015, 125p.
Imasheva G.M., Konakbai Z.E. Organization of cargo air transportation.Manual. - Almaty, AGA, 2015, 181 pp.
Imasheva G.M Transport processes and transport logistics, Monograph. Printing house "Aruna", Almaty, Muratpaeva str., 75, 2015, 575с.
Imasheva G.M., Karipbaeva A.K. Information security, Monograph. Typography "Aruna", Almaty, Muratpaeva str., 75, 2016, 197c.
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