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Iskakova Konirsha Myrzashevna

Iskakova Konirsha Myrzashevna

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Email: k.iskakova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Iskakova K.M. conducts her classes at a high scientific and methodological level and is actively involved in scientific and pedagogical activities. She is the responsible executor of republican and international scientific projects and grants under the CRDF (USA) "Development of effective biotechnology for the rapid creation of productive and stripe rust (Pussinia striformis) resistant wheat lines" AWARD NUMBER: KB1-2313-AL-02 and ICAR "Studying of genetic diversity in spring wheat Triticum aestivum L. associated with yields and resistance to rust diseases" carried out jointly with the University of Nebraska (USA). Isakova K.M. was also the responsible executor of the Republican program of projects on fundamental research "Study of the processes of morphogenesis and regeneration of plants in the culture of rice microspores" of the SC MES RK, "Synthesis and characterization of ionic compounds" and the International IAEA grant (2020-2024) to increase the productivity and adaptability of grain crops to extreme environmental factors and the targeted financing project of the SC MES RK. Isakova K.M. implements the obtained research results in practice, is a co-author of a new highly productive wheat variety, which was created using haploid biotechnology. She also received a patent for the discovery of a new plant growth stimulator (2019 and 2022).

Isakova K.M. has repeatedly participated in the work of international scientific conferences and symposia on ecology, biotechnology, physiology and biochemistry. She is a recognized scientist in the field of ecology and biotechnology, a member of international societies for ecology, biotechnology, physiology and embryology.

She has published more than 250 scientific papers in the open press, has patents and an author's certificate for a new wheat variety and an intellectual property certificate (No. 447), she is also the author of textbooks and a monograph for the specialty "Ecology" and "Biotechnology".

For special services in the field of education Isakova K.M. awarded the badge "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Badge of Y. Altynsarin". She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and she is also the holder of the title "Best Teacher of the University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Advanced training:

University of London, Understanding Research Methods, COURSERA, Dec. 8, 2023

International Atomic Energy Agenc, Regional Training Course on Field Experimental Design and Data Analysis for the Advancement of Populations, November 2022-February, 2023. Vienna, Austria

Certificate of Attendance, The International Conference on Plant Biology and Biotechnology, June 3-6, 2024


Candidate of biological sciences, CD No. 051349, VAK, 03.00.12 - plant physiology and biochemistry, Moscow, 1992;

Associate professor, DC No. 0002494, VAK, 1997;

1978 - 1983 Kazakh State University, Biology and Chemistry, IV No. 276184

1986 - 1991 (internship and postgraduate study without interruption from work) Moscow State University, Moscow;

Scientific projects

Executor of the international project "Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia" IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 2020-2024;


1 Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B. et. al., Studying the infection rate of seeds of various genotypes of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). by fungus and bacterial microflora // PlanrGen2019, Plant resistance to patogenes and other biotic stress, 2019, -P. 80-82.   DOI 10. 18699/ICG-PlantGen, 2019-25.                                   

2 Iskakova K.M.  Study of Sorghum Bicolor L. for syrup production in the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan, ICPBB 2024, - Р. 45.  

3 Iskakova K.M.  Induced mutagenesis and haplid biotechnology in the selection of Triticum aestivum L. International conference, 2024, P. 87.

4 Anapiyayev B.B.,  Iskakova K.M., Beisenbek E.B. MEOR Methods in Oil Production for Conditions of Kazakhstan // Proc. International Confer. ISMOS4,  Rio de Janeiro. - 2013, -P. 54-55.                                       

5 Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B., Kazkeev D.T. Haploid Biotechnology in Ecological Selection of Triticum aestivum L. for Resistance to Rust Diseases // Natural science, Biology, Global Conference, Sloveniya,  -2013, - P. 444-446.

6 Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B., Kazkeev D.T Haploid Biotechnology in Rapid Breeding of Triticum aestivum L. for adverse biotic environmental factors resistance // The X International Conference «Plant Cell Biology In Vitro and Biotechnology». - Kazan, - October 14-18, - 2013, - P. 96

7 Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B., Kazkeev D.T Use of haploid biotechnology on the basis of the isolated microspores culture in vitro in ecological selection for resistance of Triticum aestivum L. // II International Scientific Conference, - Stuttgart, - Germany,  - 2013, - Р. 5-10

8 Anapiyayev B.B. , Iskakova K.M., Beisenbek E.B. Ways of development of wheat microspores in vitro and processes of spontaneous formation of doubled haploid regenerant-plants // Proc.V  Inter. Confer. Embryology, Genetics and Biotechnology, Saint Petersburg, 2016, - P. 57.

9 Anapiyayev B.B., Iskakova K.M., Beisenbek E.B., Sarbayev A.T., Dweikat I.M., Baenziger P.S. Molecular markers and haploid biotechnology in rapid selection to rust diseases resistance of Triticum aestivum L. // Proc. Intern. Confer/ PlantGen, - 2017
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