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Janar Qudaiberdi

Janar Qudaiberdi

Master of natural science


Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology"

Email: zh.kudaiberdi@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Majors: Fluid and gas mechanics, Underground hydrodynamics, Transport in porous media, Viscous flow hydrodynamics, Multiphase flows, Oil recovery enhancements, Geophysical exploration of wells, Geological 3D simulations with gOcad and Petrel, Dynamic 3D simulations with Eclipse, Comsol Multiphysics, Geostatistics, Petrophysics  and core analysis, Petrography and mineralogy, Stratigraphy and sedimentology, Leaching methods, Petroleum systems, Petroleum geochemistry, Thermodynamics of petroleum fluids, Numerical simulation of oil recovery  and.

Computer skills: Microsoft Office, COMSOL Multiphysics, 3D dynamical modeling with Eclipse, 3D Geological modeling with gOcad and Petrel, OpenFOAM, Maple, AutoCAD, MapInfo, CorelDraw.


Kudaiberdi Zhanar graduated from Kazakh National University named after  al-Farabi (KazNU) in 2013 with a degree in Mechanics.  She received a master's degree in 2015 in the specialties: Mechanics (KazNu named after al-Farabi, Almaty) and Subterranean Reservoirs of Energy (University of Lorraine, Nancy, France). Doctoral student in the specialty 8D05202-Hydrogeology and engineering geology at department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology" Kazakh National Research Technical University after named K.I. Satbayev (Satbayev University).

Scientific projects

Kudaiberdi Zhanar  worked on the project: "Preparation of design estimates (PSD) for the object" Exploration work to provide groundwater reserves in villages of the South Kazakhstan region, including: the city of Kentau - Aschysay "- was engaged in typing, digitizing maps and  generalizations of materials.


Experience of Suckling Perfection of Secondary Clarifier of Aeration Station in Almaty, Kazakhstan

This article presents the results of experimental studies of suckling improvement of secondary clarifier of aeration station in Almaty. According to the research found, the work of secondary clarifiers evaluated for removal of suspended solids, concentration of returned sludge and sediment moisture. Technical specifications of aerations, secondary settling tanks and cesspool emptier in aeration station of Almaty were defined. Also It was shown that the use of the articulated sucker with movable scrapers can increase the efficiency of cleaning the bottom of the circular tanks. In this practical test proposed suckling radial settler in aeration station of Almaty during the year showed that sucker reduces costs for installation and maintenance cesspool emptier and has no damaging effects on the bottom of the sump.

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