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Kadyr Gulinur Alymzhankyzy

Kadyr Gulinur Alymzhankyzy

Master of Technical Sciences

Head of Laboratory

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Email: g.kadyr@satbayev.111

Professional biography

January 2014 - June 2016 OPS SM LLP "Asia CertLine", specialist

December 2017 - June 2018 Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, engineer

September 2018 - August 2020 OPS SM LLP "Asia CertLine", chief specialist

September 2020 - to the present, Satbayev University, Head of the Laboratory "Digital Technologies in Mechanical Engineering"


Higher 2012-2016 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. - specialty: instrumentation, - direction of training: instrumentation and automation 2016-2018 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. - specialty: instrumentation; - direction of training: information-measuring complexes


1. Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B. Analysis of methods for measuring the mechanical characteristics of materials // Problems of modern science and education -2017. - No. 12 (94). - S. 40-42 2. Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B., Kyzdarbekova A.S. Analysis of methods and means of primary processing of the signal received from the magnetic induction transducer of the dynamic indentation device // Theoretical, methodological and applied issues of scientific research: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Samara, September 30, 2017) [correspondence conference] -2017. - S. 163-165 3. Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B., Aimukhanbetov E.A., Aldiyarov N. Secondary regulated power supply used in the educational process // CAD and modeling in modern electronics: collection of scientific papers of the I International scientific-practical conference (Bryansk , 22-23 November 2017) [Electronic resource] -2017. - S. 76-78 4. Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B., Kuttybaeva G.A. Nanotechnology in agriculture // Innovative approaches and promising ideas of young scientists in agricultural science: collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Kainar, November 17, 2017) -2017. - S. 262-264 5. Kadyr G., Kasymbekova K., Dutbaeva D.M. Designing a regulated power supply // Theoretical, methodological and applied issues of scientific research: materials of an international scientific and practical conference (Samara, September 30, 2017) [correspondence conference] -2017. - S. 165-167 6. Turkebaeva D.B., Kadyr G., Kasymbekova K., Kuttybaeva G.A. Research on the complex mechanization of technological processes in crop production // Innovative approaches and promising ideas of young scientists in agricultural science: collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Kainar, November 17, 2017) -2017. - S. 549-551 7. Turkebaeva D.B., Kadyr G. Research and design of a motor control device for CNC equipment // Development of science in the modern world: Collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference, St. Petersburg, 14 July 2017 [correspondence conference] -2017 ... - S. 59-61 8. Kasymbekova K., Dutbaieva D.M., Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B., Kazybaeva S. Hydrogen power engineering // Science in the era of modernization: collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, IET - 2017, pp. 58-63 9. Kasymbekova K., Turkebaeva D.B., Kadyr G. Programs for mechanical engineering and industrial production // Innovative technologies in transport: education, science, practice: materials of the XLI international scientific-practical conference KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev (Almaty, 3-4 April 2017) -2017. - T. 1. - S. 105-110 10. Kasymbekova K., Dutbayeva D.M., Kadyr G., Turkebaeva D.B., Khusan P.Kh., Kyzdarbek U. Remote QT interval syndrome // Science of the XXI century: A New Approach: Materials of the XIX Youth International Scientific practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists (St. Petersburg, September 12-13, 2017) [correspondence conference] -2017. - S. 24-27 11. Egorov RA, Kuzmichev MV, Kadyr G. Development of algorithmic and software and hardware for primary signal processing with dynamic indentation // Proceedings of the VII Congress of Young Scientists -2018. .
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