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Kamalova Gulnara

Kamalova Gulnara

Candidate of Architecture

Associate Professor

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: g.kamalova@satbayev.111

PhD count:

Professional biography

Gulnara Kamalova holds a PhD in architecture (Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation). Before becoming a teacher, she accumulated a great professional and scientific experience in the Research and design Institute of monuments of material culture, the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.          As the head of programs for the preparation of scientific and encyclopedic publications-books of the Corpus of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan, she has released 5 volumes on Zhambyl, Akmola, Aktobe, Pavlodar, Turkestan regions of the Republic.         One of the most important and time-consuming stages of this work were expeditions to survey monuments of architecture, archeology, during which historical information is collected, measurements are made, photo-fixation, etc. Gulnara Kamalova first surveyed a number of architectural objects in the Pavlodar region, Bayanaul district and data on these monuments were introduced into scientific circulation. In addition to the practical professional activities of the architect Gulnar Kamalova does not stop research research, periodically publishing them in scientific collections, reporting the results of work at scientific conferences. As a member of the editorial Board and Executive Secretary, she was directly involved in the organization of the international scientific and practical conference and the publication of conference materials.    In addition to her scientific work, Gulnara Kamalova has more than 30 years of practical experience as an architect-restorer, participating in the preparation of projects for the restoration and conservation of cultural heritage objects. Under her leadership, such projects were prepared and implemented as-open-air museums "burial mound Besshatyr", "burial mound Borolday", "burial Mound Issyk"; projects of zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments of Almaty and Nur-Sultan; General plans for the development of museums-reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan, historical and architectural reference plan of Turkestan, etc. He is an expert Of the national Commission for UNESCO in Kazakhstan.       For the big contribution to studying and preservation of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan, excellence Kamalova G. M. was awarded with government awards – a sign of worker of culture of Kazakhstan, the medal "20 years of Kazakhstan's independence»


1983 - Architect. Almaty Institute of architecture and construction, faculty of architecture, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

1991 - Candidate of architecture. All-Russian research Institute of theory of architecture and urban planning, Moscow, Russian Federation. Postgraduate study.

Scientific projects


Set of historical and cultural monuments of the Turkestan region. Cities of Turkestan and Kentau; Rel. ed.: G. M. Kamalova, F. P. Grigoriev et al. - Almaty, 2018. – 416 p.

Set of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pavlodar region; Rel. ed.: G. M. Kamalova et al. - Almaty: Aruna, 2010. – p, maps, ill.

Set of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Akmola region; Rel. ed.: G. M. Kamalova et al. - Almaty: Aruna, 2009. - 568 p., maps, etc.

Historical and cultural heritage of Akmola region; Rel. ed.: G. M. Kamalova et al. - Almaty; NIPF RSE "kazrestavratsiya", 2008. - 496 p., maps, etc.

Set of historical and cultural monuments of Zhambyl region; Rev. ed.: N. N. Mukhamedieva, G. M. Kamalova and others. Almaty, 2002. 364 PP.

Set of historical and cultural monuments of South Kazakhstan region. Almaty, 1994. 356 PP.


1 Kamalova, G. M., Kantarbaev, B. R. Actual problems of revitalization of industrial territories / / Proceedings of Satpayev readings. Vol. 2., 2019-Pp. 955-960

2 Kamalova, G. M.; Altynbekova, A. Cities and settlements on the great silk road on the territory of southern Kazakhstan and Semirechye.// Proceedings of the Satpayev readings. Vol. 2., 2019-Pp. 1005-1012

3 Kamalova, G. M. Stages of formation of the historical and architectural landscape of the city of Turkestan / / Works of Satpayev readings. Vol. 2., 2019-Pp. 949-955 Kamalova, G. M., Grigoriev, F. P. Saki barrows of Boroldai.  "Glimpse" into the future: the spiritual Holy places of Kazakhstan. Vecherniy Almaty Newspaper, 2018.

4 Kamalova, G. M., Grigoriev, F. P. Issyk burial Mound as a Museum object  protections.// Study and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Collection of articles. Vol.1 / NIPF RSE "kazrestavratsiya". - Almaty: Rarity, 2012. P. 112 – 121.

5 Kamalova, G. M. Preparation of a Set of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan / / Study and preservation of cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Collection of articles. Vol.1 / NIPF RSE "kazrestavratsiya". - Almaty: Rarity, 2012.  P. 142 – 149.

6 Kamalova, G. M. the museumification of the burial mounds Besshatyr.// Study and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Collection of articles. Vol.1 / NIPF RSE "kazrestavratsiya". - Almaty: Rarity, 2012.  - P. 105-112

7 Kamalova, G. M., Grigoriev, F. P. Research work on the definition of protected areas of the Issyk burial ground. Archeology of Kazakhstan in the era of independence: results, prospects: materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary Of the Institute of archaeology. A. H. Margulan KH MES. - Almaty, 2011. Vol. 2. Pp. 89-97.

8 Kamalova, G. M. Features of memorial architecture of Northern Kazakhstan. // Bulletin Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, 2011. No. 5.

9 Kamalova, G. M. on the stability of the forms of the burial structure of the Kazakhs  XIX-early XX century. / / Tugan Olke. Almaty, 2011.  No. 1-2. Pp. 57-63

10 Kamalova, G. M. Review of the historical and cultural heritage of Central Kazakhstan (based on the materials of expeditions to the monuments of architecture of the Akmola region for the Arch of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan) / / Vestnik Kazgas. Almaty, 2010.  No. 4.

11 Kamalova, G. M. problems of methodology of creation of the Museum complex under the open sky at archaeological sites. // Materials of the 2nd international scientific and practical conference "Historical and cultural heritage of the Caspian-Aral region". Aktau, 2010.

12 Kamalova, G. M. Preparation of materials of the Arch of monuments of history and culture of the Pavlodar region / / Materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Pavlodar regional art Museum.  Pavlodar, 2009. - P. 35-38.

13 Kamalova, G. M. Experience of museification of the monument of archeology / / international scientific and practical conference "Problems of art education in the field of painting, architecture, design, restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage". Bishkek, 2009.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Integration of cultural heritage into the modern socio-cultural context

The problem of preserving monuments in terms of their use as objects of mass tourism

Problems of reconstruction of the first microdistricts at the present stage