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Kamzanov Nurbol Sadykanovich

Kamzanov Nurbol Sadykanovich


Associate Professor

Head of educational program

School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev

Transportation Engineering Direction

Email: n.kamzanov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Dr. Ph.D.

In 2002 he entered the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M. Tynyshpayev, Faculty "Automechanical," Department "PTSDMiO" with a degree in 2803 - "Lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment" and successfully completed his studies with honors in 2007, having received the qualification "Engineer."

In 2013 he entered the magistracy at the Kazakh National Research University. K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Industrial Engineering, Department of Lifting and Transport Machines and Hydraulics, specialty 6M01300- "Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology." In 2015, he successfully graduated with honors and received a master's degree in technical sciences.

He began his professional career in 2007 as a mechanic at Repair and Construction Department LLP, where he worked until 01.04.2008.

Starting from 01.07.2008 worked at JSC "NK" KTZ "Art. Dostyk as a train compiler, car speed controller until 30.11.2009

Since 09.11.2010 worked at KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev as a laboratory assistant, lecturer until 31.05.2015

Then he was transferred to a teaching position at the K.I. Satpayev KazNITU from 01.09.2015 to 31.05.2020.

Since 01.09.2020 In 30.06.2021, he worked as an assistant teacher at the Academy of Logistics and Transport.

In KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev held the following positions:

- from 01.09.2021 by 01.09.2022 senior lecturer;

- from 01.09.2022 by 22.06.2023 Deputy Director;

- from 22.06.2023 Head of educational programs in the direction of "Transport" of the School of Transport Engineering and Logistics to the present.

In the period from 2018 to 2021, he studied in doctoral studies at the Academy of Logistics and Transport, the Institute of Transport Engineering, the Department of ADTiBZD with a degree in 6D071300 - Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology. In 2020, he successfully completed an internship at the Interregional Public Organization of Professional Engineers, Metrologists and Technical Regulation Specialists "Professional Engineer," Russia, Moscow.

The total number of scientific papers is 46, of which: 7 textbooks, 9 scientific papers are indexed in the database of Scopus and Thomson Reuters (WEB OF SCIENCE), 9 works in publications included in the list of KKSN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 works in scientific publications of other countries, 14 works in conference materials, symposia, seminars in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 works in conference materials of countries of far and near abroad, 3 patents.


1) 2002-2007 Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M. Tynyshpayev

faculty of "Automechanics"

specialty 2803 - "Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment"

qualification "engineer"

diploma number АЖБ №0029522.

2) 2013-2015. Kazakh National Research University named afterK.I. Satpayev

institute of Industrial Engineering

specialty 6M01300- "Transport, transport equipment and technologies"

academic degree "Master of Technical Sciences"

diploma number ЖООК-М № 0070113.

3 ) 2018-2021. Academy of Logistics and Transport, Institute of Transport Engineering,

specialty 8D071300 - "Transport, transport equipment and technologies"

diploma number PHD № 0024188743 (the defense of the doctoral dissertation took place at Toraigyrov University)

Scientific projects

Contractual topic "Theoretical studies on the establishment of optimal parameters of the device for the disposal of worn-out pneumatic tires of transport equipment"


I. Articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus database Cite Score percentile index

1. Determination of kinematic and force parameters of the special bucket shovel for the development of large-block soils // International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, India, 6, June 2020. Vol. 9. No. pages 813-824.

 M.S. Kulgildinov, A.K. Kaukarov, M.V. Taran, A. Zhauyt, B.M. Kulgildinov.

2. Development of control suspension of attachment of a bulldozer // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Almaty, July-August 2020, 4(442), pages 166-17.

R.A. Kozbagarov, K.A. Zhusupov, E.B. Kaliev, M.N. Yessengaliyev, A.V.Kochetkov.

3. Increasing the efficiency of motor graders work on the basis of working elements perfection // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Almaty, January-February 2021, 1 (445), pages 98-105.

 R.A. Kozbagarov, M.V. Таran, K.A. Zhussupov, A.E. Kanazhanov, A.V. Kochetkov.

4. Improving the methods of milling gauge on highways // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Almaty, May – June 2021, 3(447), pages 87-93. 

R.A. Kozbagarov, Sh.D. Akhmetova, K.A. Zhussupov, Zh.Kh. Dainova

5. Design of cutting elements of reusable motor graders in mining // NEWS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, Satbayev University, SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES, 2022 3(453)

R.A. Kozbagarov,  K.K. Shalbayev, M.S. Zhiyenkozhayev, G.T. Naimanova.

6. INVESTIGATION OF WEAR OF CUTTING PART OF POLYGONAL KNIFE CAR GRADERS IN DIFFERENT GROUND CONDITIONS // Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 2022, 24(4), pp. D229–D238

R.A. Kozbagarov, M.V. Amanova, N.S. Kamzanov.

II. Articles published in publications on the profile recommended by the Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Author. svid., Patents, Intellectual property certificates/ in journals included in the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the CIS countries

7. Фрезерный барабан, патент. 2020/0297.1, №35091 бюл. №21 дата выдачи 28.05.2021г.,  Ж.Н. Кадыров, З.Р. Исабек.

8. Устройство для нарезания щелей в дорожных покрытиях, патент. 2020/0308.1, №35118 бюл. №23 дата выдачи 11.06.2021г., Ж.Н. Кадыров, С.В. Ли, и др.

9. Фрезерный барабан, патент. 2020/0332.1, №35196 бюл. №21 дата выдачи 09.07.2021г.,  М.С. Кульгильдинов и др.

10. Физические основы определения механических характеристик металлов, статья. Вестник КазАТК № 2, Алматы, 25.05.2020г., стр 36-43. ISSN: 1609-1817, DOI 10.52167/1609-1817, А.Е. Канажанов, А.Н. Оразбаева.

III. Articles published in other scientific publications (except conference materials)

11. Методическое и математическое описание взаимодействия захватного устройства землеройной машины и каменных объектов // Вестник Евразийской науки, Россия, 2019, №6, Том 11, ISSN: 2588-0101. 

12. Силовой анализ взаимодействия захватного устройства землеройной машины и каменных объектов // Вестник Евразийской науки, Россия, 2020, №1, Том 12, ISSN: 2588-0101.

13. Асфальтбетон жабындыларды бұзу құралдары // Вестник КазНИТУ №2, Алматы, 30.04.2021г., стр. 229-235, ISSN: 2709-4766 (Онлайн), ISSN 2709-4758 (Печ.).

14. Анализ технологической схемы и процесса взаимодействия фрезы и дорожного покрытия при фрезеровании // Вестник КазНИТУ №3, Алматы, 30.06.2021г., стр. 230-239, ISSN: 2709-4766 (Онлайн), ISSN 2709-4758 (Печ.),

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Road construction machines

Lifting and transport machines

Earthmoving machines