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Kaziev Galim Zulkharnayevich

Kaziev Galim Zulkharnayevich

Doctor of technical sciences


Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: kaziev_galim@mail.333

Professional biography

Kaziev G.Z. was born on March 5, 1950 in the village of Ordzhonikidze, Kostanay region. In 1967 , he graduated from the secondary school with a medal .Ordzhonikidze entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering. In 1972 he graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Electronic Computing Machines. He studied in postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Institute of Management Problems of the ANSSR (RAS) in the laboratory of design of automated control systems, which was headed by an outstanding scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize Akop Gasparovich Mamikonov. Kaziev G.Z. is a well-known scientist in the field of design of automated information and control systems (AIUS). The fundamentals of the theory and principles of designing modular information and control systems, methods of designing application software and database arrays, their distribution and placement in computing systems have been developed. Actively engaged in the development of new classes of discrete programming problems and their application in the field of information technology and computing. His broad outlook allows him to conduct research in a variety of fields: information security, investment policy in the economy, environmental energy. The research results have been widely used in the development of automated control systems of various classes and purposes, published in 2 monographs and more than 160 scientific papers and are widely presented at conferences and meetings of various levels. They have inventions and methodological developments, directs the scientific work of doctoral students and undergraduates. The results of his work were reported at the World Conferences on Innovative and Computer Technologies in Barcelona (Spain, 2012), Nicosia (Cyprus, 2012), Antalya (Turkey, 2013). His work was awarded a bronze diploma at an international conference in London (Great Britain, 2012). For more than 17 years, he held senior positions as head of the Department, Director of the Institute at the K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University


Higher. He graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1972 with a degree in Electronic Computing Machines.

Diploma of Shch No. 251960.

Candidate of Technical Sciences. The academic degree was awarded by the decision of the Council at the Institute of Management Problems on October 8, 1979goda

after completing postgraduate studies at this Institute. Diploma of Candidate of Sciences TN No. 035044.

Doctor of Technical Sciences. The academic degree was awarded by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation

From October 14, 1994, after completing his doctoral studies at the Institute of Management Problems (Moscow).Diploma of Doctor of Sciences

DC No. 000143.

The academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in Kazakhstan was awarded by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Commission at the Cabinet

Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 24, 1995. Diploma of Doctor of Technical Sciences FD No. 0000347.

Docent. Awarded the academic title by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on March 13, 1985.

Certificate of associate professor of DC No. 079173.

Professor.The academic title of professor was awarded by the Decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science

Of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 28, 2004. Diploma PR No.0003415.

Scientific projects

1. Block-symmetric models and methods for setting and solving applied problems.

2. Artificial intelligence methods for solving practical problems.

3. Development and research of models and methods of artificial intelligence systems.


1. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "Algorithms for big data clustering, Analysis and processing" International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia -2018

2. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "BIG DATA CLUSTERING AND INFORMATION RESOURCES" International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ukraine 2018.

3. Kaziev G.Z., MagkosiuapM.V. Taurbekova A.A. Methods of distribution of data processing systems to the nodes of computing SYSTEMS. Izvestiya NAS RK, No. 430 (2018), 124-131 p.- Almaty, 2018.

4. Kaziev G.Z., Taurbekova A.A. Methods of distribution of software complexes in multiprocessor systems. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 5, Almaty 2018

5. Kaziev G.Z., Taurbekova A.A. Formation of the topology of a computer network with a given data processing system. Bulletin of KazATK, pp. 22-28

6. Kaziev G.Z., Taurbekova A.A. Algozhaeva R.S. APPLICATION OF BLOCK-SYMMETRIC MODELS AND METHODS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS OF DESIGNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS International Conference "Innovative technologies – the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Satpayev reading, - Almaty, April 2018

7. Kaziev G.Z., Taurbekova A.A. THE DECOMPOSITION METHODS OF COMPLEX DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS. The bulletin of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018

8. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. Big data. Block-symmetric methods. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference November 2018. "Integral and differential paradigms of the development of science and practice in Russia", St. Petersburg Center for System Analysis. November 29-30, 2018, pp.57-60. Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

9. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "Big data. Block-symmetric methods". International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia 2019

10. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "Clustering of big data. Graph theory". International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia 2019

11. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "BIG DATA. BLOCK-SYMMETRICAL METODS». International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia 2019

12. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "CLUSTERING AND INFORMATION RESOURCES". International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia 2019

13. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "Big Data. Clustering. Calculations". Nur-Sultan L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian University 2020

14. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. "Big Data. Clustering. Calculations". International Scientific and Practical Conference, Russia -2020.

15. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. Big data. Data mining. Clustering. "Integration and differentiation of science and practice in the context of priority paradigms of civilization development" October 23-24, 2020, St. Petersburg

16. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. Big data. Clustering. Collection of articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference Correlation interaction of science and practice in the new world. December 25-26 , 2020

17. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V., Tatibekov K.S. Clustering of computing Big Data. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference "Science and practice of a globally changing world in conditions of multitasking, project approach, risks of uncertainty and limited resources" June 19-20, 2020, St. Petersburg, pp.47-48

18. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. Big data. Clustering. Calculations. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference Innovative clustering of science and practice in the context of digitalization February 14-15, 2020, St. Petersburg

19. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V. Big data data mining. Clustering. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the scientific and practical conference "Integration and differentiation of science and practice in the context of priority paradigms of civilization development", October 23-24, St. Petersburg 2020

20. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V., Taurbekova A.A. ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS FOR SOLVING BLOCK-SYMMETRIC PROBLEMS. "Vestnik KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev", "VESTNIK KazNRTU" – Almaty, 2020. -№4 (140)., - Pp.576-581

21. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V., Zelenina E.D. Big data. Digital environment. Clustering. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital environment: the trajectory of interaction from theory to practice" April 29-30, 2021 pp. 33-35

22. Kaziev G.Z., Kurdyukov V.V., Tatibekov K.S. Big data. Clustering. Programming. Collection of articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference "Behavioral theories and practice of Russian science" February 26-27, 2021, St. Petersburg, pp.23-24

23. Kaziev G.Z., Taurbekova A.A. Solving applied problems using block-symmetric models and methods. Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of scientific and practical approaches in the era of globalization", Boston (USA), June 22-23, 2021, pp. 148-150

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