Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet Kenzhalievich
Doctor of technical sciences
Researchers of Satbayev University holding
Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation
Email: bagdaulet_k@mail.ru
Professional biography
He began his career at the Chimkent Lead Plant, where he gained experience in production. In November 1975, B.K. Kenzhaliev was accepted to the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, where he rose from an engineer to the director of the Institute. In 1983, B.K. Kenzhaliev successfully defended his candidate's dissertation, and in 1998, his doctoral dissertation.
From 2009 to 2017, B.K. Kenzhaliev led innovation activities at JSC «Kazakhstan-British Technical University», holding the positions of head of the research laboratory «Advanced Materials and Technologies», managing director for research work, vice-rector and vice-president for innovation activities.
2018 to 2020 – Vice-Rector for Science of the Kazakh National Research Technical University (Satbayev University) concurrently
Currently, B.K. Kenjaliev heads the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation JSC.
1970-1975 – Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev).
Scientific projects
Head of grant projects:
- AP08856246 "Development of methods of modification of natural sorbents for uranium extraction using technogenic raw materials" (2020-2022);
- AP09259455 "Development of technology for processing of pyrite cinders with extraction of valuable components and preliminary chemical activation of feedstock" (2021-2023);
- AP19675985 "Development of highly effective technology of processing of difficult to uncover zinc-containing raw materials with preliminary exposure to microwave radiation and ultrasound" (2023-2025).
Head of scientific and technical programmes:
-BR05236406: "Development and implementation of innovative technologies ensuring increased recovery of non-ferrous, noble, rare, rare-earth metals and solving production problems of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (for 2018-2020);
-BR18574006: "Development of innovative waste-free technologies for processing of mineral and technogenic raw materials of non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan and obtaining new materials" (for 2022-2024);
- BR21882140: "Creation of new technological solutions for complex processing of complex metallurgical raw materials in accordance with the concept of ‘Industry 4.0’ and Digital Twin" (for 2023-2025);
- BR24992757: "Development and improvement of rational technologies for the processing of substandard ores and technogenic waste" (for 2024-2026).
M. N. Azlan, S. S. Hajer, M. K. Halimah, S. A. Umar, M. H. M. Zaid, R. Hisam, S. M. Iskandar, B. K. Kenzhaliyev, G. K. Kassymova, N. N. Yusof. Comprehensive comparison on optical properties of samarium oxide (micro/nano) particles doped tellurite glass for optoelectronics applications // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2021). Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,489; Q2, процентиль (2020) – 68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-021-05961-z
Y. Azlinaa, M.N. Azlana, S.S. Hajerb, M.K. Halimahc, A.B. Suriania, S.A., Umar, R. Hisame, M.H. M. Zaidc, S.M. Iskandarf, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, A.V. Nitsenko, N.N. Yusofh BoukhrisImedij. Graphene oxide deposition on neodymium doped zinc borotellurite glass surface: Optical and polarizability study for future fiber optics // Optical Materials. Volume 117, July 2021, 111138. Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,598; Q2, процентиль (2020) – 74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2021.111138
Zhapbasbayev, U.K., Ramazanova, G.I., Bossinov, D.Z., Kenzhaliyev, B.K. Flow and heat exchange calculation of waxy oil in the industrial pipeline // Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 26, 101007. Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,913; Q1, процентиль (2020) – 89.http://10.1016/j.csite.2021.101007
M. N. Azlan, Y. Azlinaa, M. H. M. Zaid, S.M. Iskandarf, B.K. Kenzhaliyev. Red emission, upconversion and intensity parameters of erbium oxide doped tellurite glass for laser glass // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-021-06917-z
Shaari, H.R., M. N. Azlan, S.S. Hajerb, S.A., Umar, B.K. Kenzhaliyev. Investigation of Structural and optical properties of graphene oxide-cofted neodymium nanoparticles doped zinc-tellurite glass for glass fiber // Journal of Inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials. 2021. Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,453; Q2, процентиль (2020) – 68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-021-02061-7
Azlina Y., Azlan M.N. Hajer S.S. Halimah M.K. Suriani A.B., Umar S.A., Hisam R., Zaid M.H.M., Iskandar S.M., Kenzhaliyev B.K., Nitsenko A.V., Yusof N.N. Graphene oxide deposition on neodymium doped zinc borotellurite glass surface: Optical and polarizability study for future fiber optics // Optical Materials, 2021, 117, 111138 Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,598; Q2, процентиль (2020) – 74. http://10.1016/j.optmat.2021.111138
Azlina Y., Azlan M.N., Azlan M.N., Shaari H.R., Nazrin S.N., Al-Hada N.M., Umar S.A., Zaid M.H.M., Hisam R., Iskandar S.M., Kenzhaliyev B.K., Kassymova G.K., Boukhris I. Polarizability of erbium-doped zinc-tellurite glasses coated with graphene oxide for telecommunication devices // Chalcogenide Letters. Том 18, Выпуск 9, - P. 525 – 534. 2021/ Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,234; процентиль (2020) – 37.https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85115710392&origin=resultslist
Koyzhanova, A.K., Kenzhaliev, B.K., Magomedov, D.R., Abdyldaev, N.N. Development of a combined processing technology for low-sulfide gold-bearing ores //Obogashchenie Rud, 2021, 2021(2), Р. 3–8. Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,335; Q3, процентиль (2020) - 48. http://10.17580/or.2021.02.01
Baltabekova Zh.A., Kenzhaliyev B.K., Lokhova N.G., Kassymzhanov K.K. Sorption Extraction of Rare Earth Metals from Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid // Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 83, Issue 1(2021) 140-152 Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,247; Q3, процентиль (2020) - 39. http://10.37934/ARFMTS.83.1.140152
B.K. Kenzhaliyev, T.Yu Surkovа M.N. Azlan S.B. Yulusov B.M. Sukurov D.M. Yessimova. Black shale ore of Big Karatau is a raw material source of rare and rare earth elements // // Hydrometallurgy. Volume 205, November 2021, 105733. (Scopus: SJR (2020) – 0,939; Q1, percentile 91) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2021.105733
Kenzhaliyev, O.B., Ilmaliyev, Z.B., Tsekhovoy, A.F., ...Alibekova, G.Z., Tayauova, G.Z. Conditions to facilitate commercialization of R & D in case of Kazakhstan // Technology in Society, 2021, 67, 101792 Scopus: SJR (2020) – 0,323; Q1, percentile 90
Abdulvaliev, R.A., Gladyshev, S.V., Kenzhaliev, B.K., Imangalieva, L.M., Kasymzhanova, A.K. Processing Red Mud Produced at the Eti Alüminyum A.Ş. Seydişehir Alumina Refinery to Recover Gallium and Vanadium and Obtain Iron Oxide Pigments //Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 55(4), стр. 797–801. Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,320; Процентиль 30
Panichkin, A.V., Kenzhaliev, B.K., Kenzhegulov, A.K., Imbarova, A.T., Karboz, Z.A. Estimation of the Influence of the Composition and Thickness of Catalytic Layers on Hydrogen Permeability of Tantalum Membranes // Membranes and Membrane Technologies, 2021, 3(4), стр. 212–219 Scopus: SJR (2020) - 0,320; Процентиль 30
Kenzhaliyev B., Surkova T., Berkinbayeva A., Amanzholova L., Mishra B., Abdikerim B., Yessimova D. Modification of Natural Minerals with Technogenic Raw Materials // Metals. 2022, 12, 1907. Scopus: SJR (2021) – 0,569; percentile 76. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12111907
Symbat Dyussenova, Bagdaulet Kenzhaliyev, Rinat Abdulvaliyev, Sergey Gladyshev & Galiya Ruzakhunova. Processing of low-quality gibbsite-kaolinite bauxiteS / MDPI Metals 2022, 12, 1030. Scopus: SJR (2021) – 0,569; percentile 76.https://doi.org/10.3390/met12061030.
Dyussebekova M., Kenzhaliyev B., Kvyatkovskiy S., Kozhakhmetov S., Semenova A., Sukurov B. Study of the effect of fluxing ability of flux ores on minimizing of copper losses with slags during of copper concentrates smelting //Metals. – 2022. – V. 12, Is. 8. – 1240. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12081240 Scopus: SJR (2021) – 0,569; percentile 76
Mamayeva A.A., Kenzhaliyev B.K., Panichkin A.V. Effect of Magnetron Sputtering Deposition Conditions on the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Wear-Resistant Titanium Carbonitride Coatings // Coatings 2022, 12(2), 193; https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings12020193 Scopus: SJR (2020) -0,484 Процентиль – 58. Web of science – Q2
Ospanov, K., Kuldeyev, E., Kenzhaliyev, B., Korotunov, A. Wastewater Treatment Methods and Sewage Treatment Facilities in Almaty, Kazakhstan // Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(1), стр. 240–251. Scopus: SJR (2021) – 0,311, процентиль – 52. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/143939
Berkinbayeva, A., Atanova, O., Kenzhaliyev, B., Efremova, Y. (2022). Study of Electroflotation Beneficiation of Low-Sulphide and Refractory Gold-Bearing Raw Materials // Journal of Ecological Engineering, 23(11), 95-100. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/153036 Percentile по категории «Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics» 52.
Koizhanova A., Kenzhaliyev B., Magomedov D., Kamalov E., Yerdenova, M., Bakrayeva A., Abdyldayev N. Study of Factors Affecting the Copper Ore Leaching Process. ChemEngineering 2023, 7, 54. Scopus процентиль 77 %, Q 1.https://doi.org/10.3390//chemengineering7030054
Kenzhaliyev, B.; Surkova, T.; Yessimova, D.; Baltabekova, Z.; Abikak, Y.; Abdikerim, B.; Dosymbayeva, Z. Extraction of noble metals from pyrite cinders // ChemEngineering, 2023, 7(1), 14. Scopus: SJR (2020) – 0.471; Q1, percentile 77. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering7010014
Kenzhaliyev, B.; Surkova, T.; Yessimova, D.; Abikak, Y.; Mukhanova, A.; Fischer, D. On the question of the complex processing of pyrite cinders // Inorganics, 2023. 11(4), pp.171. Scopus: SJR (2020) – 0.453; Q2, percentile 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11040171
Кenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Kamunur K, Batkal A, Nadirov R. Efficient Copper Recovery from Chalcopyrite Using an «Isopropanol–Sulfuric Acid–Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate» System // Minerals. 2023; 13(10):1346. (Scopus: percentale 70) https://doi.org/10.3390/min13101346
Kenzhaliyev, B.; Surkova, T. Koizhanova, A.; Yessimova, D.; Amanzholova, L.; Dosymbayeva, Z. Study of the Cyanide Leaching of Gold from Low-Grade Raw Materials in the Presence of Amino Acids // Inorganics 2023, 11, 461. https:// doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11120461
Kenzhaliyev, B.K.; Tussupbayev, N.K.; Abdykirova, G.Z.; Koizhanova, A.K.; Fischer, D.Y.; Baltabekova, Z.A.; Samenova, N.O. Evaluation of the Efficiency of Using an Oxidizer in the Leaching Process of Gold-Containing Concentrate. Processes 2024, 12, 973. (Scopus – Percentile 60%). https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12050973
B.K. Kenzhaliev, A. A. Biryukova, T. D. Dzhienalyev, A.V. Panichkin, A.Т. Imbarova, A.М. Uskenbaeva. Аssessment of Microsilica as a Rau Material for Obtaining Mullite-silica Refractories // Processes, 2024. Том 12, Выпуск 1. (Scopus – Percentile 60%). https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12010200
Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet, Akhmetova Kuralai, Gladyshev Sergei, Abikak Yerkezhan. Sorption extraction of gallium from alumina-alkaline solutions. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-023-03219-2 (Scopus – Percentile 60).
Kenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Mussapyrova L., Nadirov R. Ultrasound-Assisted Selective Leaching of Arsenic from Copper Smelting Flue Dust // Minerals 2024, 14(6), 532; https://doi.org/10.3390/min14060532 (Scopus – Percentile 74%)
Volodin V, Kenzhaliyev B, Trebukhov S, Nitsenko A, Linnik X, Trebukhov A. On the Problem of the Distillation Separation of Secondary Alloys of Magnesium with Zinc and Magnesium with Cadmium. // Metals. 2024; 14(6):671. (WoS – Q2, Scopus – Percentile 76) https://doi.org/10.3390/met14060671
Bagdaulet Kenzhaliyev, Tatiana Surkova, Aigul Koizhanova, Dinara Yessimova, Leila Amanzholova and Zamzagul Dosymbayeva. Study of the Cyanide Leaching of Gold from Low-Grade Raw Materials in the Presence of Amino Acids // Inorganics. – 2023. - V.11.- 461. https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11120461 (WoF Q2, Scopus – Percentile 33%)
Dzhienalyev, T.; Biryukova, A.; Kenzhaliyev, B.; Uskenbaeva, A.; Ruzakhunova, G. Mullite-Silicate Proppants Based On High-Iron Bauxite And Waste From Metallurgical Industry In Kazakhstan» / Ceramics 2024, 7(4), 1488-1499; https://doi.org/10.3390/ceramics7040096 (Scopus – Percentile 55)
Kenzhaliyev B., Trebukhov S., Volodin V., Nitsenko A., Kilibayev Y., Kolesnikova O., Linnik X. Preliminary Removal of Mercury from Depleted Coal Sorbents by Thermal Vacuum Method with Associated Extraction of Precious Metal Composite // Journal of Composites Science. – 2024. – Vol. 8,Iss. 9. – Id-paper: 367. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs8090367 (Scopus – Percentile 76)
Kenzhaliyev Bakdaulet, Almagul Ultarakova, Azamat Toishybek and Sadykov Nurzhan. Processing of ilmenite concentrate with high chromium content // J. Processes (MDPI) 2024, 12, 1462, pp. 1-27. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12071462 (WoS Q2, Scopus – Percentile 60)
Kenzhaliyev, B., Surkova, T., Berkinbayeva, A., Baltabekova, Z., Smailov, K. Harnessing Microwave Technology for Enhanced Recovery of Zinc from Industrial Clinker // Metals, 2024, 14(6), 699. (WoS – Q2, Scopus – Percentile 76)
Kenzhaliyev, B., Koizhanova, A., Surkova, T., Yerdenova, M., Abdyldayev, N. Extraction of gold from gravity-flotation concentrates via surfactant and oxidation reagents //Discover Applied Sciences, 2024, 6(11), 598 (проценталь 86%) https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-024-06281-7. (Scopus – Percentile 86)
Kenzhaliyev, B., Panichkin, A., Uskenbayeva, A., Kshibekova, B., Alibekov, Z. Interaction of liquid titanium with zirconates and titanates of some alkaline earth metals // Materials Research Express, 2024, 11(10), 106509. (Scopus – Percentile 74)
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
1 | Research and development ofgold ore processing technology | Минералдық шикізатты кешенді пайдалану | Жер туралы ғылымдары; Инжиниринг және технологиялар | 2024 |
2 | Destruction of mineral components of red mud during hydrothermal extraction of scandium | Engineering journal of Satbayev University | Металлургия | 2024 |
3 | Mathematical modeling of sulfuric acid leaching of pyrite cinders after preliminary chemical activation | Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syra | Металлургия | 2023 |
4 | Research and development ofgold ore processing technology | Минералдық шикізатты кешенді пайдалану | Жер туралы ғылымдары; Инжиниринг және технологиялар | 2024 |
5 | Analysis of existing technologies for depletion of dump slags of autogenous melting | Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syra | Металлургия | 2022 |
6 | Каолинитовые глины как источник сырья для алюминиевой отрасли Республики Казахстан | Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syra | Металлургия | 2021 |
7 | Development of an integrated technology intended to process pyrite slag using Chemical pre-activation | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2022 |