Khalkhabai Bostandyk

Khalkhabai Bostandyk

Candidate of technical sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of Engineering Systems and Networks

Email: b.khalkabay@satbayev.111


Professional biography

In 1994, he graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Construction (KAZGASA) with the qualification of a civil engineer, specializing in water supply, sanitation and water resources protection.  

1994-1995 trainee teacher of the Department "Drainage and water protection" KAZGASA

1995-1998 postgraduate student of the Department "Drainage and water protection" KAZGASA.

 1998-2006 senior lecturer of the Department "Bridges and Tunnels", "Construction of transport structures" of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva (KazATK im. M.Tynyshpaeva).

2006-2008 Associate professor of the Department"Construction of transport facilities" KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva

 2008-2009 Head of the department "Construction of transport facilities" KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva

2009-2015 Associate Professor of the Department of Construction of transport structures " KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva

2015-2019 Associate professor of the Department "Engineering Systems and Networks", IAIS named after T.Basenov, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev. 2019-2020 engineer of author's supervision of I-categories, design institute of JV "NEFT" LLP.

2020 - 2021 Assistant Professor of the Department "Transport Construction" of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva (ALIT).

Since September 2021, he has passed the competition as an associate professor of the Department of Engineering Systems and Networks, T.Basenov IAiS, K.I.Satpayev KazNITU.


1. In 1994 he graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Construction (KAZGASА) with the qualification of civil engineer, specialty -water supply, sanitation and water resources protection.  

2.1995-1998 Postgraduate course, Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Construction, Faculty of Engineering Systems and Structures, Department of "Water Disposal and Water Protection".

3. 2006 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.23.04 – "Water supply, sewerage, construction systems of water resources protection", KNAOiN MES RK.

4. 2009 Associate professor, specialty 05.23.00 - "Construction", MES RK.

Scientific projects

Main scientific research areas: wastewater treatment technologies, natural water treatment technologies, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge, water supply and sanitation

Completed projects for 2014-2020 (rel.performer and performer):

1. Research works on the priority "Rational use of natural resources, including water resources, geology, processing, new materials and technologies, safe products and structures" on the topic: "Development of innovative technology for wastewater treatment and precipitation treatment, ensuring their environmental safety", (MES RK 2018-2020) 

2. theme: "Creation of innovative technologies for wastewater treatment and disposal, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - (MES RK 2014 - 2015)

3. Topic: "Development of an integrated technology for the treatment and disposal of sewage sludge, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - (MES RK 2014-2015)


Author of 52 scientific papers, including reports of the internationalconferences, patents, monographs 

1. Possibilities of using domestic wastewater for agriculture, Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 4 (122), Almaty, July 2017

2. Study of spatial forms of interaction upstream on channels. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Issue 4(2), November 2016, Volume 69, Oxford University Press,  

3. Sludge treatment facilities in Almaty, International scientific and practical Conference "Actual problems of water resources management and water conservation". Almaty, KazNTU im.Satpayeva, May 27, 2016

4. The current state of wastewater treatment and disposal in Kazakhstan. International Scientific and Practical Conference. UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty. World Water Resources Day 2017. Seminar - "Waste water - An unused resource" Almaty, Kazakhstan. 

5. Calculation of the static elastic-plastic state of the upper and lower structure of the path. International Scientific and Technical Conference "Improving the efficiency of automated transportation process control systems in transport systems in new information technologies", Almaty, February, 2016

Article title Journal title Direction Year