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Khojikov Anton

Khojikov Anton

Master of Science in Arts

Deputy Director

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: a.khojikov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Khojikov Anton in 2004 graduated from the bachelor's degree (with honors), in 2012 – master's degree (with honors) of the Kazakh national research technical University. K. I. Satpaeva on a speciality "Architecture". From 2009 to 2012, he worked in the workshop of Saken Narynov as an architect. Participated in the development of competitive projects of such significant objects as the Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana, the national Pantheon of the Republic of Kazakhstan, EXPO 2017, etc. He worked in the project Institute "Kazgiprograd"1" LLP, "Tasmim" LLP. Has experience working with real estate companies - development of draft design proposals for construction sites, etc. the Owner of a number of diplomas and awards of various architectural competitions. Since 2012, he has been working as a teacher of the Department of Architecture at Satbayev University. Currently, he is the head of the Department "Architecture" of the Institute of architecture and construction named after Bassenov. During the period of work Khodzhikov A.V. published more than 20 scientific articles, developed a number of methodological materials, including presentations for lectures, SMCD, RP, MU, etc.


2004-2009 - Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, bachelor's degree in 050420–"Architecture".

2010-2012 - Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, master of arts degree in 6M042000–"Architecture".

2019-present - Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Satbayev University, Almaty, doctoral studies in the specialty 8D07302 - " Architecture and urban planning»

Scientific projects

Scientific interests

Architecture and urban planning. Psychology and sociology in architecture. The latest digital technologies in architectural design and teaching. Organization and holding of professional architectural and design conferences, competitions, exhibitions.

Participation in scientific projects:

2015-2017-responsible executor of state budget research No. 757.Mon.GF.15.IPS.1 "Increasing the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to rational architectural planning and spatial organization of territories and infrastructure facilities of mass recreation, external and internal tourism" (scientific supervisor Abilov A. Zh.).

2015-2017-responsible executor of state budget research No. 757.Mon.GF.15.IPS.2 "Socio-economic, environmental, architectural and planning basis for the development of urban agglomerations in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (supervisor Abilov A. Zh.).

2014-2016 – Executive in charge of the state budget research grant funding of MES RK on the theme №757.PCF.PHE.14.1 "Development of energy-efficient technologies based on alternative energy sources for 2014-2016" (supervisor Kuspangaliev B. U.).

2012-2014 – Executive in charge of the state budget research grant funding of MES RK on the topic No. 751.Mon.GF.12.9. "Sustainable development of architecture and urban development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of growth of the innovative potential of the economy" (supervisor Abilov A. Zh.).

2014-present-management and execution of a number of architectural design works on the reorganization of the spatial environment of the territory, buildings and interiors of Satbayev University.

Senior researcher of the scientific project of IRN "AP08955550" on the topic: "Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity "(October 2020-September 2021).


1.    The potential of BIM technology in the formation of a harmonious urban environment (co-authors: K. I. Samoilov, V. V. Yaskevich). Science and education today: scientific journal, electronic: 2541-7789. - Ivanovo: publishing house of OLIMP LLC, 2019. – 10 (45). - P. 5-7.

2.    Polytechnic education is the basis of the competitiveness of the specialist of the XXI century. Future energy: innovative scenarios and methods of their implementation co-author: B. U. Kuspangaliev). Proceedings of the world Congress of engineers and scientists (June 19-20, 2017, Astana, Kazakhstan). Under the General editorship of Acad. N. And. Abykayev, B. T. Zhumagulov. - Vol. 4. - Almaty, 2017. - 392 p.

3.    Some results of the application of sociological survey data in determining the optimal boundaries of the Astana agglomeration (co-author: Abilov A. Zh.). Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "New construction trends of the XX century", Almaty: Kaznitu. K. I. Satpayeva, 2017. – 1032 p.

4.    Assessment of Short-term Vacation Conditions in Urban Agglomerations’ of Kazakhstan. Papers of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Tropical Environmental Design 2015 (Sustained’15), Malaysia, Putrajaya, 2015, page 12, yaz. English, co-authors: Abilov A. Zh., dzhunusova M. A., Yaskevich V. V.

5.    Prerequisites for the study of urban agglomerations in the Republic of Kazakhstan (co-authors: Abilov A. Zh., Yaskevich V. V.). Proceedings of The international scientific and practical conference "Space. Time. Architecture». - KazAU them. K. I. Seifullina, Astana, 2015

6.    Some results of research on sustainable development of cities in Kazakhstan in the conditions of growth of innovative potential of the economy (co-authors: Abilov A. Zh., Yaskevich V. V.). Materials of the International forum "Engineering education and science in the XXI century: problems and prospects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev-Almaty: KazNTU, 2014, Volume III, 822 p., p. 6.

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